How to ensure draining water from the pool? Baths, saunas and pools,Useful advice

Many owners of country possessions, planning the building of the pool in their yard, choose its location based on the convenience of connecting various equipment and accessories, as well as distance from the house. How important it is to organize the right drop of water from the pool , No one at this stage is even thinking. Nevertheless, this is the first to pay attention to. Water from the pool, even at the most expensive and high-quality cleaning options, will have to merge. And so that this is not a real problem, it is better to prepare in advance.
Water drain methods from an artificial reservoir
Despite the neglect with which some people relate to this issue, he is one of the most important and thinking about it at the very beginning, when the construction of the pool is just planned. If this is not done, then in the process of operation there may be serious problems, especially if we are talking about a water reservoir containing a large amount of water.
You can choose the appropriate method of draining water, it is possible only to decide with the size and view of the pool, its location in the courtyard, while strictly following sanitary requirements.
For one reservoir, it is better to provide two ways to drain water so that if the first is uncomfortable or fails, it was possible to use the second. There are several basic variants of draining arrangement:
- connecting a special tube of a basin to sewage is the most simple solution. This option is possible both for street water bodies and for indoor water bodies.
- When arranging this option, it is necessary to choose the right size of the pipe, and also do not forget about the need for its location under a slope, which can provide sufficient drain rate. Thanks to it, water can leave independently, with its absence it is necessary to use special pumping equipment.
- Drain of water into the sewage system has a disadvantage that is that not all areas are equipped with data from civilization.
- many consider an acceptable variant of the drain of water directly to garden beds. To implement it in life, you need to stretch the hose from the pool to the beds and open the drain valve. If the reservoir is located at a higher place than the sink of the drain will occur faster and easier. If not, it is possible to occur the need to use a special pump. In this case, the plum hose can turn into a watering.
- This method is convenient and economical, but using it you need to first think about how plants planted in the garden will transfer watering by water with saturated chemicals remaining in it after the disappointment of the reservoir.
- from the pool of the small volume you can drain the water into a septic tank or a cesspool. To apply this method to the water reservoir of a large pit, only this goal should serve. It is necessary to dig it until the sand-gravel layer appears, then the natural absorption of water will occur much faster.
- depending on the location of your site, some people have the ability to drain water in the reservoir. It can be any stream or river flowing nearby.
- But this method can sometimes cause problems with environmental service, because water in the pool saturated with all sorts of chemistry used for softening or disinfection. These substances, with a systematic reset in the reservoir, can cause irreparable damage to animals and the underwater plants.
- In this regard, the embodiment of this option is only possible in the presence of authorization of instances that control this issue, and the absence of harmful substances that poison the flora and fauna.
- Because It is impossible to do without a pool processing to the pool in order to achieve the safety of the water being drained, you need to use filters and skip it through a sump, equipped specifically for this.
- so that the pool is empty as quickly as possible you can organize automatic drainage of water.
- Also, this method makes it possible to use water again in the event that it is not oversaturated with chemicals. Special devices take part of the water from the bottom and surface of the reservoir, pass it through the filters, heated and released back.
- But it is not so impossible to do to infinity and in order to carry out proper care of the artificial reservoir sometimes water must be merged at all. Drain is performed using pumping equipment for pools.
What frequency should be replaced with the water in the pool?
This question cannot be answered unequivocally, it directly depends on what volume has a specific pool: small more often need drain and cleaning than large ones. But sometimes it is necessary to drain the water and clean the cleaning.
On average, the magnitude of the drain reservoir, and cleaning must occur at about once a week. But when using chemicals, disinfecting water, it can be replaced much less often - once every three weeks.
Should I merge water from the pool at the end of the swimming season?
For the winter, water is recommended to merge and leave the pool empty, although recently many experts express the view that it is not worth doing this. They argue that such an approach can harm the design of the pool. The fact is that the land around it is saturated with water, which freezes in winter and, increasing in volume, has a serious pressure on the concrete walls of the artificial reservoir, leading to their deformation. Because of this, even a high-quality concrete may well crack and begin to collapse. Then all the works on the construction and equipment of the pool will be in vain, and the means spent on it are thrown.
The climatic conditions of Russia are such that in the greater part of the soil freezing in the winter occurs almost every year. Therefore, before making a draining of water for the winter, it is necessary to think well to do it in this particular region.
Specialists advise to leave the pool filled by 50% so that in winter water, turning into ice, could withstand the pressure of ice from the outside.