Characteristics of putty fuegenfuller Building materials

In the preparation of designs from plasterboard - arches, suspended ceilings, partitions to the further finishing finish is important to choose the proper material for the shtcloth of the seams. Use Knauf - Figh and Uniflot for this purpose for this purpose.
Plastering mixtures are not suitable for working with plasterboard. Spacure particles have a small fraction, thanks to this, the finished mixture completely fills all the irregularities. After drying, a durable layer is formed, which prevents seam cracking.
A few years ago, Knauff slightly changed the name of the mixture, and now it sounds like this: putty gypsum universal Knauf fugen Knauf Fugeen. Therefore, in stores putty under the name Fugenfuller you will not find. If you get so packaging - this is either a fake, or a strongly overdue mixture with the interrupted release date.
The composition of the mixture remained the same, which means that the technical characteristics of the fogenfuller have not changed. The main advantages of putty are that it does not crack and does not give a shrinkage. Particularly clean components do not harm human health.
1. Permissible thickness of the applied layer from 1 to 3 mm. On the seams of drywall, putpuckle is applied twice.
2. Putchal consumption fogenfuller Next:
- sealing the junctions of drywall - 0, 25 kg, also the need to fill in a mixture of recesses from self-sustaining;
- solid plasterboard guns - 0.8 kg per 1 m², with a layer thickness not more than 1 mm;
- the shpocking of the awesome surfaces of 0.8 - 1, 2 kg per 1 m², consumption depends on the degree of surface roughness;
- installation of puzzle plates - 1.5 kg per m².
3. The size of the fraction is not more than 0.15 mm.
4. Compressive strength - 3.0 MPa.
5, bending strength - 1.5 MPa.
6. The output of a solution of 1 kg of the mixture is 1.3 liters.
7. The viability of the solution is 30 minutes.
8. The permissible temperature of the work and the base is not lower than + 10 °.
9. Packaging 10 kg, 25 kg.
10. Shelf life 6 months in intact packaging.
The price of fogenfuller (fogen) depends on the packaging and on the number of purchased material. The cost of packing 25 kg in different regions from 350 to 400 rubles.
Putty gypsum moisture resistant foen hydro
In addition to the usual KNAUF fugen, a putty was produced gypsum moisture resistant hydro hydro, designed to work with dry-fiber sheets.
- In addition to conventional polymer additives, the mixture includes hydrophobic additives that provide an increased moisture resistance of the material.
- Available in bags of 25 kg, has the same main characteristics as Knauf Figh.
- The permissible maximum thickness of the applied layer 5 mm.
The cost of moisture-resistant putty is almost two times higher than the usual.
Scope of putty KNAUF fugen (fogenfuller)
The basis of the spike mix - gypsum. Gypsum building mixtures absorb moisture well and are susceptible to washing when water gets. Gypsum properties do not allow to apply a putty foam for external work, it is used only indoors.
- plasterboard shtlings, including joints and corners;
- installation of perforated reinforcing corners;
- installation of puzzle plates;
- gluing plasterboard sheets on an even base;
- sealing seams between concrete plates of ceiling floors;
- full putty concrete surface or plaster layer;
- seeling cracks of puzzle plates, concrete bases, GLK.
Basic rules for working with gypsum putty
- Do not work at room temperature below 10 °.
- Straighten the surface.
- Divide the mixture in clean water room temperature. Put the mixture into the water, mix. Let it stand and mix again. The manufacturer advises to make an embarrassment with a rigid non-rigid spatula. The use of the mixer will not worsen the properties of the solution and allow to obtain a homogeneous mass.
- Wash the tools and containers after each kneading. The remaining particles contribute to the rapid grasp of fresh mixtures.
- For sealing of drywall jacks, use the reinforcing grid - sickle. Apply the second layer after completely drying the previous layer.
- Observe the technology of work. About how to place plasterboard You can find out on our website.
In the proposed video, see the errors that are allowed when preparing the mixture.
- a mixture of washed into water unevenly, it leads to the formation of lumps;
- it is more convenient to use a mixer to mix;
- the mixture turned out to be too liquid, it will flock along the spatula, in a more thick mixture it is easier to split lumps.
1. How to store open packaging?
Packaging should be wrapped in a plastic film and store no more than 6 months in a dry room. Do not use the mixture after the expiration date.
2. What should I do if the conditions for storing putty are violated and expired expaning?
If the gypsum was exposed to moisture, it means that a chemical reaction occurred, and he lost its properties. Do not mix the unsuitable putty with fresh - old will only serve as a filler, and the new mixture is spoiled. You have the opportunity to throw off the unsuitable packaging immediately or add to good, and then throw two packs. It is unacceptable to use a non-rective mixture for mounting puzzle plates.
3. How to be if the finished mixture begins to capture, and you do not have time to work out it?
Prepare in advance the plaster plaster. It can be dilapidated window or door slopes. Run them. Fill the spacure holes and potholes until it finally grabbed. It takes less time to such work, the consumption of the mixture is greater than when the smooth surface is placed. What did not have time to work will have to be thrown away. It is impossible to add water to extend the visible viability of the solution.