Installation of MDF ceiling panels Construction

MDF panels call wood fiber plates having an average density. Often they are used as finishing materials and in the manufacture of furniture. These panels externally represent a plate of different widths and lengths, in which there are grooves on the one hand, and on the other - spikes. As part of this article, consider the use of ceiling MDF panels and the sequence of their installation.
Today, such panels are produced by many European and domestic companies. Despite this, it is impossible to say that they are very different from each other. The MDF is similar to the Fiberboard, with the difference that it is manufactured in the form of profiled panels having a decorative coating. Thanks to which this material is stronger and has other performance. In addition to the ceiling finishes, the MDF panels are used for cladding partitions and other surfaces.
Types of MDF panels
MDF panels are usually manufactured with special grooves in which the spikes of the same panels installed nearby are inserted. On sale sometimes there are panels that have spikes and grooves are both in the long and short side. This allows installation without seams. Depending on the name of the manufacturer, the thickness and length of the plates may differ, as well as the form of their decorative coating.
MDF panels are several species, one of which is laminated panels. This type of material is covered with a colored waterproof polymer film, which is decorated with a tree, under stone or pattern.
Another type of ceiling panels are keypads, the front side of which is covered with natural veneer. Therefore, such material can only be performed "under the tree".
There is such a type of MDF panels as painted panels, which are usually covered with a layer of sturdy glossy or matte enamel.
MDF characteristics
- Today MDF panels are produced according to the European standard ANSI A208.2 or on its own standards. The Russian standard does not exist on such plates.
- There are several varieties of this material. Thus, the plates of the first and second grade are usually made with a thickness of 6-24 millimeters. Wood fibers in the panel are glued with wood lignin and special carbamide-formaldehyde resins. Many manufacturers argue that only Lignin uses for the binder without any harmful impurities, but it is in principle not possible, so do not trust such applications.
- There are several standard MDF panel sizes - it is 1650 by 1650 millimeters, 2250 by 1650 millimeters, 2800 to 1650 millimeters, 2750 by 1650 millimeters and 2440 to 1650 millimeters. There are extra-dimensional panels - 3050 by 1650 millimeters, 3660 to 1650 millimeters, 1850 to 1650 millimeters and 2100 to 1650 millimeters. These panels of the first grade are usually not practically no defects. In particular, they do not have chips, stains and scratches. At the same time, they are perfectly smooth.
- Second grade plates may have small scratches, but in length they are usually not more than 20 millimeters, and in the depth of no more than 0.3 millimeters. Sometimes there are minor chips on the edges, as well as grinding defects.
- The MDF panels of the third grade are commonly used for building needs, because they have a lot of surface defects and multiple chips.
- The panel density can vary from 600 to 1200 kg / m3. The emission class for any panels is the E1 class, whose value does not exceed 10 milligrams.
- It is worth noting that any of the panels has high moisture resistance, and the thickness is greater, the higher this characteristic. Usually the maximum swelling for plates with a thickness of 6-8 millimeters is not more than 17% of the initial volume.
- In the production of MDF plates, fire-resistant, waterproof properties can be added.
Advantages of MDF.
- One of the main properties of such panels is water resistance, which is achieved due to wood fibers and high-quality external decorative coating. Despite this, such panels should not be installed in rooms with high levels of air humidity. The exception is only special plates of waterproof modification.
- The positive qualities also include a density that is comparable to wood density. Therefore, MDF-plates are used to create a design of decorative and functional purposes.
- The positive quality of the material is its low price. For example, the MDF ceiling panels is an average of 300 rubles per square meter, and it is cheaper than a natural tree. This price refers to the panels with a thickness of 16 millimeters.
- In addition, these panels have a long service life and are very well preserved when the temperature drops. Panels with special impregnation are able to confront insects, mold and fungi.
- It is also worth noting the possibility of using this material in a decorative finish. And this is not the only use of the MDF ceiling panels. Photo of work performed using these plates, a bright example. For example, today you can combine several ways to finish, which creates a scope for fantasy at the decoration of the room.
- Plus is the simplicity of mounting and ease of processing. To install the panel, do not need a special tool and preparation. If the finish elements are damaged, they are possible without any special problems to replace the new.
Disadvantages of MDF.
- As for negative characteristics, first of all, it is necessary to note the high weight of the plates, compared with wood similar width.
- With their processing and milling, a lot of dust is formed. Therefore, it should be necessary to wear a respirator during operation. In addition, their disadvantage is the need for drilling hole. The fact is that the MDF panel is almost impossible to drive the nail or screw the screw. Before that, you must first drill the hole.
- Such panels have poor carrying strength. Therefore, you should not use them for vertical racks.
- The disadvantage is also considered the content of formaldehyde resins. Some manufacturers, despite this, continue to assert that their panels are an environmentally friendly material.
How to fix the ceiling panels MDF
Mounting carcass
- For the installation, first of all, we should start to collect a frame of metal profiles. To mark the perimeter of the room, use the building level. At the same time, make sure that the level up to the ceiling there was a distance of at least 5 centimeters. When the marking made by Spetspribor should check how is the wiring.
- Now, using dowels (can be self-tapping screws) every 400 millimeters must be secured around the perimeter of the room starting profile. You should now install the ceiling profile in the start profile is parallel to one of the walls. Step between the profiles - 400-600 millimeters.
- Then you need to fix the profile to direct ceiling hangers. Typically, it is attached on two sides using conventional screws. The correctness of the work should be monitored by means of a spirit level. Part of the rake, which sticks best to bend up or be cut off completely. This is done with scissors on metal. Quite often there is a problem with screwing screws in hard to reach places. This is most easily done with a screwdriver on the corner nozzle.
- Horizontal level for each additional ceiling profile should be taken with the previous one. In addition, you must install the remaining profiles. If they are too long, you can make them shorter with scissors for metal. If the length of the profile on the contrary, is short, the special connectors can be used to solve problems, to compensate for the lack of length.
- For ceiling panels are mounted MDF wooden blocks. In this case the panel should be fastened via screws and the screwdriver. When installing the outer bars it is necessary to make a gap from the wall about five centimeters. The distance from one bar to the other to be counted with the geometry of your MDF panels. Typically, the distance between the bars is approximately 40 centimeters. Now prepare the ceiling to the panel installation is complete.
Installation of MDF panels
- Installation of MDF ceiling panels is quite simple. This will require a special holder made of metal. Panel should be fixed on the tongue and groove technology. Therefore, the ceiling finish to start with the very first panel fixing screws or nails. Thereafter, the fasteners can be hidden, using the ceiling moldings for ceiling MDF panels. When mounting the MDF panels must be followed step mounting. It should be no more than 200 millimeters.
- The next panel should be inserted into the groove of the previous panel, and then you need to fix it with a special fastening element - kleimer. This fastener externally is some metal rectangular plates with tongue and special cuts, which are just used to attach the ceiling panel. In the manufacture of this fastener item, it was taken into account that the panels can be used in rooms in which heightened humidity. To do this, it is made of carbon steel and further covered with galvanized.
- If the panel is too long, then it should be shortened. To do this, take an electrolybiz with a clipper for cutting and cut off an extra length. During the installation of the panels, it is recommended to make holes in advance to install point lights. This can be done both before installing the panel and after.
- Next, point light sources are installed in the holes. If halogen lights are used, it should be remembered that it is impossible to touch them with your hands, because they are quite sensitive. In the same way, the installation of other MDF ceiling panels is carried out. The video presented below is clearly shown.
- The latter should be installed decorative plinth, which will help hide starting fasteners and give the design a neat look. Now the ceiling decoration of MDF panels can be considered completed.