Welding suits - selection features, useful tips Useful advice

Welding works can not pass without protective products that protect open areas of the skin. Serious burns - the result of works without special equipment.
As you know, welding works do not add health, if only because they have several affecting factors:
- the impact on the eyes of ultraviolet and infrared light arising from the welding arc;
- gas formed during the combustion of flux;
- sparks;
- metal drops.
That is why for the safety of people carrying welding, they use special costumes, masks.
Individual protection means for welding
Welding suits
Specifications for protective equipment, GOST R 12.4.247-2008 "Special clothing for protection against sparks and splashes of molten metal". To prevent damage to the skin, a welding suit or rob is used. Like any suit, it consists of a jacket and trousers.
1. Insulated welding suit.
For its manufacture, a particularly dense tarpaulin is used, and the so-called spilch materials. Since metal welding work is carried out in the room and outdoors, in different weather conditions, then suits that protect a person from the effects of welding must be somewhat: winter, summer, etc. Costume welding warmed is obtained by combining various insulation and multiple layers of material. .
2. Spilk welding suit.
Vatin used as insulation earlier, modern costumes are made using multi-layer synthesis. It is a light, "breathable" material that has water-repellent properties. The joint use of such a heater along with a tarp and spilk tissue and ensures human protection during gas welding.
3. Winter welding suit.
Allows welding work in the conditions of the Far North and territories to them equivals.
The jacket has its own, special cut, which ensures reliable protection of a person. As a rule, Rob's front closes with a spike, in some models it is placed on the back, on the coquette. Fasteners on fastener jackets. On the pants are spinning sinks. Welding suits can be additionally equipped with rubberized cuffs, hood and special windproof valves. The thickness of the sink is from 0.9 to 1.1 mm, the tarps applied to the sewing of welding Rob, has a density of 480-550 gr / sq. m.
4. Brozent welding suit.
A welding tarp costume is selected for each worker individually, when ordering size and style, it is necessary to take into account that under it, it can be told or a conventional working suit, or warm underwear (sweater, vest). In addition, you need to know in what conditions the welder will work.
As in our country, there are no one dozen companies in which they are engaged in the development and sewing welding special clothing. Therefore, in the market of personal protective equipment, buy a welding costume will not be much difficulty. But at the same time it is necessary to understand the welding suit, the price that is very low can be made of materials that should not be used for such clothes.
The fabric used in the sewing of the welding suit, should preferably have a special fire-resistant impregnation, which significantly increases its resistance to sparks or drops of painted metal. Thus, in recent years, in the manufacture of costumes, specially developed aramid fabrics began to use, for example, "Thermol®" with a special fire and heat-resistant polymer coating. Such fabric essentially lengthens the life of overalls.
When choosing a welding supplier, it is advisable to require the seller documents confirming the quality of products, it is desirable to be a quality certificate or test act.
5. Hand protection.
To protect hands, spilch or tarpaulin crags with a nonwoven lining are used, and in winter, in cold weather use additional warmed gloves.
Protection of vision and respiratory bodies
To protect the eyes and skin of the face, there are several ways to protect: shields, ordinary cardboard masks and chameleon masks. When carrying out gas welding work, the use of special glasses is allowed.
1. Shields.
In recent years, practically does not apply, the fact is that when using them, the welder is forced to keep it with one hand, which deprives him to control the position of the part on the welding table.
2. Welding mask classic.
It is made from high density cardboard and has a viewing window in which a light filter is stitched and a protective glass that takes on spray spray and metal drops. Such a mask closes the whole face and reliably protects a person. But she has the inconvenience that there is a often welder, the arc's ignition begins, at the moment when the mask in the raised state is caused by the fact that the welder should see the place of work. After the ignition, the mask or nod of the head or the movement of the hand, falls into the protective position. But these fractions are enough for damage to vision.
3. Masks - "chameleons".
In the mid-90s of the last century, masks began to enter our country. The main difference is that instead of an ordinary light filter there is a special glass that is instantly darkened at the moment of ignition arc. The masks of this type have various settings, such as response or shading time. This mask allows you to work avoiding the need to raise it at the time of starting work.
4. Respiratory masks.
To protect the respiratory organs, special respiratory masks can be used, which are constructed in such a way that they can fit under the welder's mask or in modern means of protection apply built-in filters. When conducting welding works in closed spaces, for example, tanks or tanks, the respiratory protection means should be applied to the type of insulating gas masks.
The use of individual protective equipment is a conscious need, because we are talking about the health of people. And legislation, it was at the employer that the obligation is entrusted to ensure the relevant work on labor protection.