Cement-chipboard (CSP) - material characteristics Building materials

We all want to live in a comfortable, safe and beautiful house. If it is engaged in construction yourself, it is possible to ensure one hundred percent quality control, but for this you need to possess specific knowledge and skills. Therefore, most people prefer to buy ready accommodation and, if possible, improve his finish.
But in any case, that the house is reliable and embodying the words "my house is my fortress" in reality, it is necessary to apply high-quality and harmless materials. The cement-chipboard just serves as a bright example of such a means for finishing the indoor space.
Special characteristics of the cement-chipboard allow you to find a wide application in the finishing of the premises.
The main parameters for which the qualities of the CSP should be assessed:
- composition;
- moisture absorption;
- density level;
- Size (T * W * B).
The cement-chipboard consists of wooden chips, portland cement, water and special additives that ensure high protective quality material. All components are connected and mixed up to a homogeneous substance, after which the presses and fermentation are subjected.
In accordance with the requirements of GOSP, the composition of CSP includes (percentage of mass):
- Wood chips - 24%;
- water - 8.5%;
- Portland cement - 65%;
- impurities (glass, aluminum sulfate) - 2.5%.
Portland cement guarantees high density, durability of the material.
Plates are made exclusively at specially equipped plants in compliance with all the requirements of the GOST, which should evidence in the quality certificates and the product passport. Wood, which is part of the plates, belongs to environmentally friendly materials. That is why the use of CSP is harmless to human health.
The cement-chipstop (CSP) is the most common material in housing construction. This is explained not only to its functional qualities and harmlessness, but also a comparative cheap. For the past few decades, the CSP is actively used by the builders and does not lose its popularity. Its quality is an order of magnitude higher than in many modern materials, and the content of natural raw materials plays a decisive role when choosing. CSP does not harm human health nor the environment. The technological processes of manufacturing plates are based on mineralization and bonding of all components, so you can completely exclude the appearance of a radioactive background, selection of steam, dirt or dust.
Now the construction products market are filled with all sorts of slab products. Each of them is good in its own way, but still no better material has been found than CSP, which combines all fundamental qualities for the construction of warm, comfortable and strong housing. To ensure excellent cement-chip cards, you can compare it with CSP and fibrolite. Construction and operational properties suggest that the CSP is several times more stronger, does not contain toxic impurities and serves much longer.
Among the obvious advantages of the CSP, several important points can be distinguished:
- Production is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Products have received passports and quality certificates.
- The material is resistant to harsh temperature drops and to strong cold, meets all the requirements for modern building materials, does not ignite, protected from the effects of parasites (insects, rodents, fungi, mold).
- Does not contain harmful additives (asbestos, impurities, phenol, formaldehyde resins). Ecologically clean.
- It is permissible to use for all types of finishes of diverse rooms - painting, facing of tiles, plaster, plastic finish, decorative use, etc.
- Easily proceed. The presence of a significant amount of chips makes the CSP similar to wood without affecting high strength.
- It has excellent noise insulation properties. Provides sound insulation up to 30 dB.
The three-layer structure of the cement-chipboard gives it extraordinary strength. The outer layers are formed from tightly compressed chopped wood chips, and the inner layer consists of longer fibers. Such a characteristic laying provides material good elasticity, high strength and smoothness. Several layers are embroiled from the penetration of moisture, and the features of manufacture do not allow the stove to smell or break with bends. Due to its useful pronounced qualities, the use of a cement-chipboard is gaining momentum every year. With such material it is extremely convenient to work - it is not afraid of severe operating conditions and high loads.
It is impossible to leave another important factor without attention. The high quality and environmental friendliness of raw materials, on the basis of which plates are manufactured, differ in low cost. From here and low cost of building materials. You can buy a cement-chipboard, saving money, and equip any room in accordance with the highest standards. Decent quality for reasonable money makes CSP in demand material for housing construction.
The production of cement-chipboard implies the following standard product dimensions:
3200/1250 mm - the thickness of the cement-chipboard varies from 10 mm to 40 mm. GOST allows a slight deviation from standards in width, thickness and length from finished products. The larger the width of the plate, the more significant deviation.
Maximum permissible indicators for CSP:
- 10mm - 0.6 mm;
- 12-16mm - 0.8 mm;
- 18-28mm - 1 mm;
- 30-40mm - 1.4 mm.
The permissible maximum for the width and the length of the plate can not exceed 3 mm.
The density of the final product is equal to 1300 kg / m2 at a humidity level of 6-12%. For 24 hours, the slab should not increase in volumes (swell) more than 2%.
Moisture absorption should not be more than 16%.
In the case of stretching, the stove strength should not be descended below 0.4 MPa.
When flexing, the strength directly depends on the thickness of the plate:
- 10-16mm - 12 MPa;
- 18-24mm \u003d 10 MPa;
- 26-40mm - 9 MPa.
The degree of rudeness and roughness of the wood-cement base depends on the nature of the processing of grinding machinery. The provisions of the state standards 7016-82 require that the roughness of cement-chipboard was not more than 320 μm on unlocked samples and 80 microns on the treated finished plates.
The use of CSP in housing construction provides reliable internal thermal protection. This building material is perfect for the cover of concrete walls in low-rise buildings, special-purpose facilities and places with elevated moisture levels. The surface of cement-chipboard does not require significant processing or finishing. For example, it is sufficient to just be crucial and coat it with a layer of water-repellent composition. Buildings, in the finish of which there are CSPs, withstand quite serious operational conditions. The physical properties of the material and its incomparable technical specifications provide durability, integrity and protection of the indoor room.
Wide cement-chip plates are actively used to build internal partitions in the rooms. Thin slim plates are suitable for the walls of the walls. The nature of such a coating is capable of instantly transforming any room by making it cozy and functional. Of course, it is necessary to have defined skills and knowledge for the use of CSP. An illiterate approach to the installation of plates is able to significantly reduce the characteristics and useful qualities of this building material.
Options for using cement-chipboard in construction are incredibly many, but the main thing is the internal decoration of the premises. The relatively low cost of building materials does not affect its consumer qualities. With the help of cement-chipboard, you can easily and quickly align the walls or base of the floor, they are good for both the draft buildings. CSPs are able to make any home warm, comfortable and significantly increase its life.
Advantages of using CSP for non-removable formwork equipment:
- significant reduction in construction work;
- ensuring additional reliability and strength of the structure;
- Reducing the total cost of construction costs.
In addition, durable budget window sills are made of cement-chipboard. It should not be assumed that due to the low value of the material, the windowsill will look like an ax and not aesthetic - the plates are quite pleasant to the view, and with a decorative decoration they can pass for an expensive "elite" windowsill.
Beautiful and original, special elements of the decorations from the plates: fireplaces, ventilation casing or flue pipes. Plates are easy to handle and competently serve as an ideal material for creating architectural masterpieces.
CSP today became much more popular than wood. The reason for this was the distinctive characteristics of the material, which in all parameters exceeds even the highest quality tree, ranging from light resistance, ending with low prices.
The manufacturing technology of cement-chipstones is keeping up with the times. Every year, the requirements for building materials increase with consumer requests. Nevertheless, the DSP every year satisfies all requests, keep on the top of the leaders among the most sought-after goods for construction.