Stuccoing the foundation with your own hands Building materials

The process of plastering the foundation is quite long and time-consuming. Takes a lot of time and strength. Therefore, the best choice will be the appeal for help from professional builders. However, this is not necessarily. With proper degree of perseverance and hard work, the stucco of the foundation will be even better than professional builders.
Preparation of the foundation for work
Before the start of work, the foundation is necessary:
1. Carefully clean the entire surface of the foundation. Remove dirt, dust, fat stains. On the surface of stone or concrete, which stood without stucco more than one year, be sure to apply a notch. For applying notches, any durable metal object is used. For example, an ordinary screwdriver. Clean them carefully and wash them.
2. Eliminate explicit foundation defects. Weak places that are fought off with a notch or peel into the process of cleaning with rigid brushes, it is necessary to cut down to a solid base. If, when the foundation is built, bricks or blocks were used, it is necessary to remove an old solution from all seams. To do this, use a spatula.
3. Progress the entire purified surface of the foundation. The composition of deep penetration is suitable. You can purchase primer in any economic store at a reasonable price.
4. All obvious defects and irregularities of the foundation surface before plastering should be aligned with cement mortar.
5. This solution fill all the seams cleaned earlier.
6. On the entire surface of the foundation, impose a grid "Rabita".
7. For its attachment, a dowel is used. This is especially true if the foundation consists of blocks. The fact is that the plaster is not firmly held on a flat surface.
8. Install beacons. For this:
- using the hydroelectric background, fueled the smooth strip extending along the wall. The band lines the foundation. At the same time, it must defend from the most protruding point of the foundation at a distance of at least 30 mm;
- at the place of intersection of the wall with the strip, install the peg. Its length should be equal to the height of the base;
- pass the gap between the foundation and peg of cement mortar. The resulting vertical borgon align, using the construction level;
- set along each wall multiple beacons;
- in the corner pegs, take three nails, placing them at the top, below and in the middle;
- tension between the nails of the cord. The obtained lines will play the role of the guide in the process of plaster.
At this, the preparation of the foundation for plastering can be considered completed. After the final dryness of the beacons, we proceed directly to the plaster.
Solution for plastering foundation
Typically, cement mortar is used for the foundation plaster. Cement mortar manufacturing technology as follows:
1. Take the sand. Sand use career, not river. Carefully ask him with a sieve. In the presence of pure sand, without impurities of stones, clay and other foreign inclusions, the sifting step can be skipped.
Tip: Even the presence of small pebbles in the solution is able to significantly impede plaster works. Do not regret the time and effort to clean the sand.
2. Mix sand from cements. The ratio of the ingredients of the solution depends on the cement brand. Using cement M 400, to one cement bucket Add 4 sand buckets. If cement M 500 is selected, the amount of sand needs to be increased to 5 buckets.
3. The exact amount of water is difficult to name. It depends on the humidity of the sand. Add water to the mixture with small portions and stir the solution. The finished solution resembles a consistency thick sour cream.
4. If you use a concrete mixer to mix the solution:
- pour the water bucket into it;
- add a few shovel of sand mixture with cement;
- in the process of work, concrete mixers alternately add water and cement-sand mixture, achieving the necessary consistency of the solution.
Tip: Recently, in addition to water, special plasticizing and waterproofing additives are introduced in addition to the cement mortar. This will significantly improve the quality of the stuccoing of the foundation, the price will also increase the slightly. Excellent example - PVA glue. Even a slight amount of glue will give a solution with plasticity, it will be more convenient to work with it.
Primer layer of foundation stucco
Foundation plaster is performed in two layers. The first layer is primer, and the second is decorative.
The thickness of the primer layer is about 8-10 mm. The procedure for performing work is as follows:
1. The surface prepared under the coating surface moisten with water. There are no seats with cement mortar.
2. Using the trunk or a lattice, apply a primer layer. As a primer layer, the same cement solution. The layer thickness should be approximately 10 mm.
3. Most often, the primer layer is applied in two stages:
- "Spray" for the foundation of a cement mortar of the consistency of thick sour cream. Layer thickness of about 9 mm;
- give a slightly dry;
- apply a layer of a more liquid cement mortar.
4. With the help of a scraper on the plastered surface, apply the waveform lines. The distance between the lines is about 30-35 cm. The depth of the line is 5 mm. This procedure will give the surface of the foundation roughness, which subsequently guarantees the stronger grip of the primer and decorative layers of plaster.
5. Allow the possibility of a primer layer to dry. The drying process lasts about a week. All this time, it is necessary to protect the plaster from the wind and sunlight and make water at least three times a day. To protect perfectly, burlap, hoopers or parchment sheets are suitable. Invalid drying of plaster using heaters and other heating devices. The fact is that the acceleration of the process of drying plaster leads to a deterioration of its quality. As a result of rapid evaporation of moisture, the solution does not reach the required level of strength.
Tip: Work on the plaster basement is desirable to produce in the warm season. The layer of plaster will necessarily occur if they apply it on a frozen surface. Another reason for the crepe of plastering can be applied to a dry surface or on a too strongly dried cement solution.
Decorative Stucco Foundation
The thickness of the second, decorative layer of the foundation is about 5 mm. Application of the decorative layer is carried out 7-10 days after a layer of primer.
The solution used for the decorative layer must be thick and plastic on the consistency, rather than for the primer. It is desirable to introduce waterproofing ingredients. Before starting work on the application of the decorative layer, the foundation must necessarily moisten with water.
Several methods of applying a decorative layer are isolated. The appearance of a finished foundation depends on the choice of one or another technique. Consider them in more detail:
1. The texture for "travertine". Cement mortar is attacked not with a solid layer, but in some places. The edges are smoothed using steel sixrock. Result - protrusions arbitrary and size on a smooth background. It looks very similar to the decorative stone travertine. In order to achieve the desired color of plaster, a special pigment is added to the cement solution.
2. Terrazite plaster. This technique is as follows:
- moisten the foundation of water;
- apply a smooth layer of plaster on the entire surface of the foundation. For spinning, use the sixrock;
- give the layer of plaster slightly dry. Usually it is necessary for about 24 hours. If the upper layer in the grout process began to crumble - it's time to proceed to the next stage;
- take a specially prepared board. The size of the board is 15x15 cm, the thickness is 2-2.5 cm. In the board, hammer the nails in the chess order so that they protrude 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the nails 1-1.5 cm.
- enter the board on the plastered surface from top to bottom. Continue grout until complete surface alignment;
- grout is a very long and time-consuming process. It is possible to alleviate it using a culinary machine:
- attach the lining or felt lining machines to the discs;
- move the machine horizontally from side to side. The width of the capture is near the meter;
- processing one section, move along the wall and proceed to processing the following. At the same time, the plots should be slightly overlapping each other to avoid untreated zones;
- when holding a grout, do not forget to make or spray plaster with water.
3. Plastering foundation under a fur coat. This is a simple and inexpensive method of decorative decoration. The method of applying the finishing layer is splashing. An important role in this case plays the density of the solution. It is an exorbitant liquid solution to be drained from the foundation, but too thick - stack on the wall in the form of a lump. Start the work only by achieving the necessary consistency of the solution. If you wish to get the stucco color, add the desired pigment to the solution.
- use Celma to spray the foundation. Score each time an equal amount of solution and drop sharply;
- another variant of the sprinkler is an ordinary broom. Lower it into the solution and shake on the foundation. Do not forget to periodically change the angle and direction of spraying;
- a good result gives splashing through the grid:
- take a wooden frame with a size of 1x1 m;
- tension on it the mesh with the size of the cells up to 10 mm;
- suppose the design by restrictive slats, the length of which is about 20 cm. Their goal is to hold the frame from the foundation at one distance. The result is a homogeneous spray texture;
- wash the broom in solution. Shake the solution from a broom through the grid.
4. Finish under stones. The essence of the method is a breakdown of the surface that resembles the appearance of a stone masonry:
- apply the decorative layer of plaster on the foundation. Align it;
- apply the drawing to the surface of fresh plasters, according to which the breakdown will be carried out;
- attach to the place of the future recess, imitating the seam between the stones of the steel line;
- production of deepening by applying cautious strikes with a hammer;
- another option is to cut the seams in a faster solution with a saw. To achieve a smooth feed, cut the saw to the rule;
- we need a wide seam - take two cuts and choose cement between them.
5. Covenoid plaster. Plaster mimics the texture of marble or granite. Different durability. Throughout the entire service period, retains its decorative properties. The algorithm for performing work on the application of this type of plaster is as follows:
- moisten the primer layer of plaster;
- apply a cement solution with a layer of 2 mm on it. The consistency of the solution is thick sour cream;
- prepare a decorative solution with a placeholder in the form of granite or marble crumb;
- apply a decorative solution with a layer of about 8 mm. For applying, use the Celma.
- scatter surface;
- clean it from traces of cement and crumbs, using a sprayer;
- seal plaster using stamping. Punching size - 15x15 cm. It is made of steel or bronze. In this case, the surface is made in the form of discovering teeth;
- give the decorative layer to dry;
- daily for 4 days handle the surface with a 10% hydrochloric acid solution, rinse with water.
It will help to better understand how the foundation plaster is performed with its own hands the video presented below.