We choose garden furniture on your own Interior items,Plot.

In almost all owners of cottages, country and private houses, there is a problem of choosing suitable furniture for a comfortable stay in the air. After all, garden furniture should not be just comfortable, it should fit well into the overall picture of the natural corner. Materials from which are made of garden furniture, must suffer all environmental influences. Its basic properties should include moisture resistance and heat resistance, as well as resistance to precipitation and scoring sunshine. The weight of the furniture is also considerable. But due to the fact that the assortment provided is too wide and diverse, choose something really suitable becomes quite difficult.
Diversity of Materials: Features and Benefits
Wooden furniture
- Natural material is the most popular resource used for the manufacture of garden furniture. The reason is that the products used are solid solid and well withstand adverse effects. In addition, wooden furniture is absolutely harmless to the environment and man, as well as very durable.
- One of the most popular species of wood for street furniture is a tropical tick. The wood of this plant does not rot, not covered by cracks and does not swell over time due to the effects of atmospheric phenomena and constant temperature changes. It is also known for its durability, which is due to the content of rubber bark and various oils. They contribute to the preservation of all the properties of the material over a long period of time.
- Furniture from Tika wood is quite universal. This breed is not afraid of the influence of the open sun in summer, nor autumn shower, nor even snow in winter. Such furniture is fairly resistant to endure all the unfavorable conditions. Updates of the coating of wooden furniture due to burnout in the sun will be required only after 3-4 years of regular use. Due to the rain and sudden drops of temperatures, wood is covered by cracks. But these cracks can be removed using a putty, varnish or paint. After such treatment, the furniture looks completely like new.
- The only minus of furniture from Tika is its cost. Buy garden furniture from teak wood not every gift by pocket. Therefore, manufacturers use other types of array.
- However, not every tree is suitable for the production of outdoor furniture. Wood must combine 3 main parameters: durability, hardness and resistance to moisture. These conditions fully correspond to the natural array of nuts, oak, cherries and larchs. The tree of these breeds is not burning out on the open sun and the effects of temperature fluctuations, it is well tolerating moisture.
- If the owner of the garden plot can not afford to purchase expensive garden furniture from a tree, then it is absolutely realistic to use the budget option. Furniture made of pine, acacia, spruce and other similar breeds worth quite inexpensively. It looks no worse than specimens from a more expensive material, but in quality, of course, it is inferior to it. Such furniture is better to place on the verandas with canopies. It can not be left under the hot sun and expose the rain, frost or snow. If you do not want it to quickly deteriorate and become unusable, then definitely protect it from the scorching sun and put it in the room during a shower and in winter.
- Another important point is the protective coating. Wooden garden furniture is covered with special varnishes, paints and apply antiseptics. This is done so that it does not lose its attractiveness, and the processes of rotting were not developed inside. After some time, of course, the coating begins to wear, so from time to time you need to re-process and periodically update the lacquered or paint coating. The frequency of these activities depends mainly on how regular furniture is used for their intended purpose, and the time during which it is outdoors.
- It is often encountered specimens of garden products in a combination of wood with other modern materials. In such furniture, metal is most popular, as well as plastic and woven parts made of natural or artificial rattan. Such combinations look pretty beautiful, well combined with many designs of country houses and country houses.
- Furniture made of wood requires the correct care. Washing is produced using a soap solution, but rather weak and very careful not to damage the coating. You can also use special tools that are designed to care for street furniture from wood. Twice a year it is necessary to use oil against wood drying, but for the tick massif, such manipulations are not required. This material itself is very beautiful in itself: over time, its shade becomes darker and a slight coating of silver patina appears.
Plastic garden furniture
- Furniture from plastic is not less popular in everyday life. The prices for it are quite affordable and the lowest, unlike furniture from other materials. Special care is not required. Plastic garden furniture is beautiful not only in the photo, but in reality.
- The range of plastic furniture is huge, so you can choose exactly the set that will fully meet all the wishes of the client, for example, the color scheme, form and design as a whole. Garden furniture made of plastic on sales is presented in a variety of options for design, so the parts and chairs, and sun loungers, and light plastic tables have already been found in the sections of many dacnons.
- But furniture from this material also have shortcomings. Unlike wooden fellow, it is made of artificial material. But this fact is a disadvantage far from all, because plastic furniture can also fit perfectly in any natural corner thanks to a wide variety of design. Other disasters are burning in the sun and the rapid wear of the outer part of the material. Because of this, attractiveness is lost too quickly.
- In stores you can find outdoled furniture from plastic, which perfectly imitates other materials, such as metal, wood and glass, there are even wicker artificial options.
- Move such furniture is the easiest way, it can even be carried with you to various trips.
- The care is also fairly simple, since the plastic is sufficiently stable to water and chemicals.
Wicker furniture
- Recently, wicker furniture has gained great popularity from modern summer residents who appreciate comfort and aesthetics. Wooden twigs intertwined with each other create beautiful openwork patterns that resemble the village and create a suitable cozy atmosphere for a quiet and relaxing holiday in nature.
- The main materials used for the manufacture of such a plan of furniture were boobs, which are known and under the other name - Rattan. Gardening furniture from this natural material of the master is made by their own hands, so it is very valued on household sites with a beautiful landscape design.
- Recently began to appear garden furniture from artificial rattan. It is made from special plastic synthetic threads. The furniture from such material looks almost the same as from the real tree, but it is more profitable to buy garden furniture from artificial rattan, because artificial materials are cheaper, less whimsal care and more durable compared to natural.
- Minus wicker furniture is the possibility of deformation under the influence of external factors.
- The burning of furniture from natural rattan occurs rather quickly, but this nuance does not spoil the presentation of the kit, because in a few years the shade of rattan is becoming more darker and noble.
- The moisture resistance of the garden furniture from rattan is quite high, but it is better to protect it from precipitation.
- It is necessary to care for rattung very carefully, the chemistry cannot be used. For washing, an aqueous solution of citric acid and peroxide is used. After treatment with a solution, it is necessary to dry the furniture dry.
Garden Metal Furniture
- The most expensive type of garden accessories for recreation from all existing are metal furniture. Chairs, tables and benches look very beautiful and noble, give natural corner a more interesting look. In addition to this, forged openwork furniture is storm withstanding all adverse weather conditions, it does not lose its appearance long enough, because the metal is almost not burned in the sun, and is particularly different with longevity.
- Metal furniture is covered with a special coating against corrosion, which is one of the reasons for preserving attractiveness for a fairly long time.
- Mainly furniture is made not only exclusively from the metal. Chairs, chairs and benches include also wicker elements, as well as details of the tree. Without a doubt, it is more convenient to sit on a wooden seat, and not on a metal. Metal benches with wicker from scyful rods or artificial rattan under part, also enjoy considerable popularity.
- It looks very nice and unusually furnished furniture made of perforated metal. For the price it is more accessible than wrought, but in quality and durability does not give up at all.
- It is important to know that garden furniture from metal needs to be installed only on special sites of stone or concrete, because the legs of the tables and chairs are deeply buried into the ground.
- In the summer, the metal becomes very hot under the influence of sunlight, and in winter - ice due to low temperatures. Therefore, for furniture from this material, the presence of pillows or litters is important. You can wash them in the typewriter, so they will not create any inconvenience.
- The lack of metal furniture lies in its tendency to coating rust due to dew or rain. But now it is easy to fiximibly, because in stores you can buy special paints for garden furniture from metal, which are well coped with this problem.
- It is quite simple to care for furniture from metal, since the material has a well tolerate to clean the low percentage of alkaline elements.
Stone Street Furniture
- Stone furniture looks very beautiful and luxurious. In addition, it is quite durable and is completely imposed by the influence of climatic conditions, because of which is very durable. But litters and pillows are not superfluous here, because the stone is well heated in the sun, and it becomes cold in frost.
- Furniture made of natural stone - the most expensive. Its harder to move from place to place. But at the same time it absolutely does not require special care. Nothing more, except for washing with the help of the hose.
Comfortable furniture - Pledge of a pleasant stay
In order for during the rest in nature, it was possible to relax as much as possible, the garden furniture should be not only high-quality and beautiful, but as comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is best to choose furniture, which is framed using different soft puffs or covers.
In order for the rest to become the most pleasant and full, the furniture should be laid out and allow man not just to sit, but to be placed as comfortable as possible. The best option is if the street furniture will provide the opportunity to comfortably lie down or even rearrange, enjoy the precious moments of relaxing outdoors.
Weight is important
- If the use of furniture throughout the year does not enter the plans' plans, then when it is elected, it is necessary to pay attention to its weight. After all, if it is too heavy, then drag it into the room every year it will be very difficult.
- Leave on the street expensive things are too dangerous - during the lack of the owner, she can just steal. In addition, folding furniture does not take up much space and it is convenient to store it in a house or garage.
- The easier the chairs, tables, chairs and benches, the easier to transfer them from home to the street and, on the contrary, when it has arisen.
Design compatibility
- The appearance of the furniture should be well combined with the design of the house and the household site, on which it will be located. If the country house is built of wood or materials imitating natural wood, then the garden inventory is best to buy from the same material.
- Since wooden products are quite expensive, it can be limited to budget options. It may be not only furniture from cheap wood, but also from plastic materials that imitate it. Furniture made of plastic from many manufacturers externally almost impossible to distinguish from the real tree.
- If the main detail of the house design is a stone, then the furniture from the porcelain is perfectly complement the picture of luxury and abundance. This option is quite expensive and not always practical, so there are other alternatives. One of them is furniture made of artificial stone. But still you need to remember that the unfulstral materials will not be able to serve a long time long, although the price of them is much lower.
- Plastic or wicker furniture will become an excellent option for adding a brick house, decorated with plastic panels.
In the design of the plot, without a doubt, the individuality of households should be involved. With it, you can create a magnificent and unusual combination of a garden part to relax with a corner of nature in the yard. Fantasia and budget is all that is needed to choose the right choice of furniture for a comfortable stay with family or friends in nature.