Device of boob foundation Construction

Bujet foundation is one of the most practical types of construction. The brown stone is a large piece of rocks of the incorrect shape. It receives it in the explosion of large breed deposits, is often formed in the consequences of laying tunnels to more expensive fossils. Wide distribution in the construction of a brown stone for the foundation, the price of which, by the way, is very low, found due to high strength.
How to make a boob foundation
The technological process consists of several stages:
- preparatory work,
- land work,
- drainage work
- installation work,
- decorative work.
Despite the seeming simplicity of the process, each of the items requires detailed consideration and accurate execution. Only this is possible to ensure the proper quality of the foundation and secure the house from the risk of sediment.
Preparatory stage
According to the norms of domestic legislation, before starting construction work, it is necessary to make geodesy of the land. It will not only save from essential spending in the future, but also will allow you to find out the exact nature of the soils.
Based on the data of geodesy, it is possible to draw conclusions about the form, depth and width of the foundation, as well as the properties and radius of the drainage system. According to generally accepted qualification, soils are divided into:
- rocky
- large,
- clay
- organic
- sandy
- chernozem.
Naturally, each of the rocks is divided into subclasses, but they have general signs, allowing less detail to stop at this point.
Rock soils are a solid rock with a layer thickness from 10 m to several kilometers. They are formed within a few million years and become so much dense that shrinkage is impossible. In residential areas are rare, but they do not require the foundation at all.
The large-born soils are formed on the site of the fault of the earth's crust, when monolithic rocks are crushed into separate smaller parts, mixed with clay or organic rocks. Like rock, there are rarely, they need a minimum foundation (up to 0.2-0.4 m).
Clay soils are most common. Usually are at a depth of 10-20 cm. Although the clay almost does not seek, it is easily washed with water, so it is necessary to make a deep foundation (at least 1 m) with a good drainage system.
Organic soils are found in the proximity of the forests and swamps. Depending on the geological age of the region, their depth can reach from several meters to several hundred meters. Most exposed to shrinkage, need a high-quality foundation. It is better to hire specialists for work.
Sand soils and chernozem are the top layer of the soil. In regions with such soils, the depth of the foundation must be calculated only after the complete passage of the sand or chernozem. If a layer is more than 2-3 meters, and at a depth is not visible to the rock slab, it is extremely undesirable to build a more single-storey building, otherwise a pile foundation is needed.
Land management stage
It can be divided into three parts:
- sizes,
- installing beacons,
- digging
- drainage of drainage trench.
The foundation from the butte stone is not whimsical, but in order to accurately calculate the required amount of materials, you need to properly remove the dimensions. The numbers that turned out after geodesy will determine the depth, width and type of foundation. But after that, it should be noted all the sizes on the ground.
Sometimes the work is interfered with growing trees or shrubs, communications, the remains of the old foundation (if such was). Pre-marking will allow you to reveal all these difficulties before the start of the main work. And it will save time and money.
Lighthouses are installed in order to clearly outline the perimeter of the foundation. At the beginning, they put wooden or metal pegs on the corners, then combine them with a rope or fishing line. The detailed process of installing the foundation from the butt stone is shown on the video at the end of the article.
Kotlovan Ryty needs only under a monolithic foundation, depending on the results of the geodesy and the findings of experts, it is quite possible that there will be enough tape foundation.
The drainage trench is swaming together with the main channel under the foundation. The improvement of the drainage passes after the edge of the foundation, but the pit is more expedient to dug in advance.
Depending on the types of soil, the depth and width of the foundation from the boob stone are recommended in the following sizes:
- for rocks - no need,
- for large-scale - ribbon 20-40 cm. Depth, 10-15 cm width, without drainage system;
- for clay - 1-1.5 m depth, 25-35 cm width, drainage at a depth of 0.5-07, m, width 50 cm;
- for organic - 3-5 m depth, 0.8-1 m width, drainage at a depth of 2 m, width 1.5-2 m;
- for sandy - the depth until the start of solid rocks plus 1 m, the width is 0.5 m, the drainage is not needed;
- for chernozem - 1.5-3 m depth, 0.5-0.6 m width, drainage at a depth of 0.8-1.5 m, width 1 m;
These standards significantly increase the cost of construction, but allow you to completely avoid sending. In practice, it is allowed to reduce the indicators twice, under the conditions that the floors of the house are not more than three levels.
Drainage stage
Bud foundation will be qualitative only if you correct drainage. Given the texture of Bout, it easily skips through itself water. As a result, it falls under the foundation of the foundation and the house begins to see. To avoid this, you should take advantage of the following scheme:
- the bottom of the drainage canal is flooded with rubble, gravel or clay at 2-3 cm (necessarily small);
- the next layer fall asleep coarse-grained crushed stone by another 5 cm;
- then pour at least 10 cm of sand.
The moisture from the ground is the first to meet with sand, he begins to absorb her and mochable, not allowing at the same time to fall into the foundation. Excess fluid without problems passes through a large crushed stone. Residual phenomena fall on a layer of small crumbs, which partially absorbs, and partially smears the remaining moisture.
There are more advanced mechanical systems that include additional devices. But their cost is not justified, therefore, it is impractical for private construction for private construction.
Installation stage
The boob foundation device looks simple enough:
- slices of rock fit with smooth rows of 10 cm thick,
- between the rows pour crushed stone or gravel and poured cement,
- the procedure is repeated until the foundation comes over the ground level by 20 cm.
How to properly carry out a logbook of the video at the end of the article will show more clearly.
In order for the foundation to be durable, there should be at least one hour between laying layers. The solution for the foundation with the butt is better to do as rare sour cream. He must run well and fill the emptiness between the stones.
Before moving towards the improvement of the foundation and the add-on of the walls, it is necessary to give it to him in the course of 5-7 days, depending on the humidity and temperature of the air.
Works on the cladding of the foundation from the butt stone are mandatory. The part that is in the ground is densely crushed on both sides, but the outer part must be additionally fixed.
There is not enough ordinary plaster, since under the weight of home the stones can move and move. The foundation itself will not crumble, but the walls will go on the walls. To avoid this, the outdoor part on both sides is stoned with a stone. This is enough to create rigidity ribs and ensure the monolithic design.
On top of the stone, waterproofing (bituminous or chemical impregnations) are placed. Next, it all depends on the fantasy. As a deco for a boob foundation, you will offer a lot of solution options on the Internet.