How to make a ladder on the attic Ladder

The attic is called an attic room, suitable for housing, having inclined walls and ceilings. If the attic floor was prescribed after a while, after the construction of the house was over, then the question of choosing and building a staircase connecting it with the lower floor will inevitably rise.
Options for plants on the attic
For the manufacture of the ladder on the attic, two types of material are most often used:
- metal;
- wood.
Metal designs are the most durable and reliable, moreover, they look simply luxurious, especially if they were decorated with artistic forging. The metal staircase on the attic attached to the placement status, expensive appearance and is a highlight of the interior.
But for country houses and cottages, especially if they are made of wood in traditional Russian style, most often use stairs wooden. A tree is a material that brings heat and light to the house, and also radiates a completely special energy. In addition, it is a staircase from the tree is accessible to independent manufacture.
As for the design of the staircase on the attic, it can be any, from modest and restrained, to a luxurious and pompous. The main thing is that it is combined with the surrounding environment of the house.
The location of the staircase relative to the house is as follows:
- the outdoor staircase - it leads to the attic, bypassing the entrance to the house;
- the staircase is internal - so that the abyss should be included in the house.
If a person who is not a member of the home family of the home, for example, an apartment or serving lives in an attic room, and he needs a separate entrance and personal space, then the outdoor staircase is the best choice.
If the attic is a room of one of the family members, then the entrance to it is most often equipped with a living room or other public premises.
The disadvantage of the outer staircase is a vulnerability before intruders, especially if the attic has an internal entrance. So it will be easiest to penetrate the house unnoticed.
The disadvantage of the inner staircase is that it is necessary to highlight a piece of area, and free space for movement and furniture alignment will become less. If the inner staircase is installed in a small room, then there can not be a speech about some decoracing and designer research. The design must be compact, without unnecessary parts, so as not to occupy an additional area. Sometimes a folding ladder is becoming a way out, which is cleaned after each use.
Another way to save space is a spiral staircase on the attic. In this case, it is possible to install a beautiful carved design, because It also remains fairly compact with additional details.
Two-day stairs on the attic, whose photo you see below, take more space than screw, but less than direct single-one. The latter, for comfortable walking along it, should be located under a rather sharp angle. In this case, it will take a lot of space. If the angle of location relative to the floor will be less sharp, the place will need less, but to walk on such a staircase will not only be hard, but also dangerous.
How to build a ladder on the attic
As mentioned earlier, a tree should be used for self-making a staircase. Moreover, it should be high-quality, otherwise the design will not be able to withstand multiple loads.
Equally important pre-assembly preparation of wood. For three days, it should be kept where the finished structure will later be standing. Under the influence of temperature and humidity of this room, the material will take its final size.
The device of the plants on the attic begins with the development of the project. It is easiest to make it easier to make and install one-or two-time design. The staircase with one span is not compact, but the space below it is very easy to use to arrange a storeroom or a small wardrobe.
If there are two spans, they are separated by a small platform or running steps.
The design of the staircase is based on:
- course;
- reference assets;
- bolts - bolts that screw into the wall.
The easiest, and therefore preferably for self-making option, is the staircase on the cosos. Her turn can be any, but most often it is made by 90 and 180 degrees.
The width of the staircase ranges from 800 to 1000 mm, and the width of the steps is from 200 to 320 mm. The width of running steps in a narrow place should be 100 mm. The risers in height can be from 150 to 190 mm.
To make the calculation of the most convenient ratio of the width of the sticky and the height of the riser, you should use the following formulas:
- formula Amenities: E - J \u003d 12 cm;
- step formula: 2j + E \u003d 62 (60 - 64);
- safety formula: E + J \u003d 46 cm.
Here j is the height of the riser, and E is the width of the sticking. Optimal for all formulas ratio E and J - 17/29. The height of the railing should be at least 900 mm.
There should be extremely careful to choose an angle of inclination of the stairs, because a comfortable and safe movement will depend on it. The most optimal is the angle of 20 degrees. But if it is doubled to double, up to 40-45, the staircase will turn out very steep, and, for example, an elderly person can hardly be able to go through it.
The next stage you need to create a drawing of the staircase on the attic. It should reflect such parameters as a model, design features, dimensions, location, details, etc. Without a drawing, it will be impossible to present a view of the future design, how much space it will take, whether it will not interfere with the placement of furniture.
Work on the construction of a ladder on the attic
After the calculation of the ladder on the attic is made and is listed in the drawing, construction work begins. You need to perform in such a sequence:
1. If the floor has been attached recently and the entrance to it is not yet equipped, then start work with cutting the square hole in the overlap. Its dimensions must correspond to the size of the ladder on the attic. To perform this task, it is best to use a circular saw.
2. Next should be the manufacture of Kosomrov. To do this, use a pine timing of 60 mm thick. In future cosos, the recreation of 20 mm, which will later be slandered steps. Using the level, make sure that they are perfectly even and walked parallel to each other. At the end of the work, it is necessary to carefully polish the sandpaper ready-made details.
3. Now the ready-made boosters must be consolidated. It is done strictly at the applied markup. Break the bars at the top and bottom using metal brackets. First fix Kosur, walking along the wall, and after - the second, strictly in parallel.
4. The steps are best made from pine boards with a thickness of 3.5 cm. Cut them and chop them carefully. Make sure that the steps are perfectly fitted to the Kosomers and entered the grooves cut into them. Apply for the step, grooves and other places of fixtures two-component glue, and install them into place.
5. Build the barrage of the staircase consisting of a balaasine and rail. They must be perfectly smooth. It is possible to achieve this with a grinding machine.
6. At the last stage, cover the finished design with a varnish or paint in any suitable color.
7. If the constructed staircase has risers, then the sequence of installation changes slightly: after fastening the cosomes, the approach, after - steps, the latter is a barrier.
Construction of the ladder on the attic, video: