How to choose the right plants for the alpine slide Plot.

Alpine slide - decoration for any country site. The harmonious combination of living and inanimate nature, plants, stones and water gives birth to unique natural beauty. Creating an alpine slide with their own hands, the plants of which will delight you all year round, it is important to possess not only aesthetic worldview, but also to know certain subtleties in the construction of the composition.
Before you begin to reflect the site, it will be best to familiarize yourself with the basics of landscape design and floristics. For a long time? Then we bring to your attention a number of practical advice on creating an ideal alpine slide.
Alpine Slide Creation Tips
There are several basic rules for creating a harmonious alpine slide. Holding to the following recommendations, you can create a natural landscape, not distinguished from natural:
- Alpine slide should be naturally "inscribed" in the landscape.
- Create convenient approaches to the Alpine slide so that you can admire it at close range. It can be a path around a slide or a walkway passing through it. You can also install a bench or wide garden swing for relaxation.
- Carefully approach the choice for the alpine slide. Stones of various breeds and various sizes can be bought or taken from the natural environment. Pay attention to the natural properties of some stones. For example, granite contributes to the oxidation of the soil, and limestone rocks slow down the growth of plants. The best sandstone is best.
- Take advantage of the proven styling scheme - from the biggest to the smallest. Large copies to put the alpinaria around the perimeter, turning them with a wide base down for greater stability. When the stone "fence" is ready, pour the inner space drainage to prevent stagnation of water inside the Alpine slide. For drainage, ordinary clayzit, brick, construction garbage or river sand fit well.
- On top of the drainage it is necessary to pour the land (universal soil for plants or soil for special breeds). Failure to land and feed it with water.
- Lay out the stones of the next row to the very top of your alpine slide. At this stage, you can fully trust your fantasy and create a unique relief, giving a climbing form to a climax. The main rule is to adhere to the naturalness so that the hill resembles natural education.
- Indicate the sites for planting future plants - "Pockets". The principle of creating pockets is very simple - lay out the stones of the appropriate size around the perimeter of the planned site and pour it off its land.
- When the hill is formed, pour all the empty areas between the stones so that the composition looks natural and holistic. Subsequently, you will have to regulate these sites more than once until the plants arrive and all the stones do not fall root.
Following these recommendations, you can build an ideal alpine slide in your yard.
Alpine slide plants
Laying stones, land and rubble - only the preparatory stage for the most important part of the construction of the Alpinaria. Now it's time to decide which plants for the Alpine slide to plant on their summer cottage? You need to choose very carefully, because the result of your effort will depend on it.
Professional landscape designers know that there are several major groups of plants used to create a mountaineering. A skillful combination of plants from several groups will turn your site in the ever wonderful corner for recreation. When there is time for one species, it is time for withering, others just wake up to illuminate the whole world with their beauty. According to the same standards distinguish plants for the Alpine slide?
There are three main types:
- Thinking or carpet - A wide variety of this type of plants allows the will of fantasy and radically transform space. They tend to ease the surface of the Earth, quickly spreading across the entire free place. The shoots of horizontal type create peculiar "carpets", which close the "naked" soil and create a feeling of integrity and comfort. To this type of plants can be attributed to the Margitchka, Veronica, Seduma, St. John's wort, the Alpine Strawberries, and others. Please note that many of these plants are not only beautiful, but also possess healing properties, so that they can be used in the home Pharmacy.
- Outlet plants - The most popular plants that you want to get every owner of the Alpine Gorka. But if you do not have free time or necessary care knowledge, it is better to refrain from buying such colors as they are extremely capricious. But most people cannot resist their extraordinary beauty and are ready for everything to provide them with proper content. This group belongs to Molodo, orostakhis, Legisia, Cantle, etc.
- Tuber and bulbous - What a mountaineering can do without blooming and smelling plants? Early spring, blossomed buds will decorate your site and fill the air with floral fragrance. This type includes crocuses, habalars and whitewasher.
Also, no need to forget about the division of all plants for annual and perennial. The latter create the basis for mountaineering. This one years can be used to change the appearance of the slide and the introduction of diversity.
Trees and shrubs
A mandatory element of any mountaineering are dwarf coniferous rocks. They do not lose greens all year round, bloom in spring, and in the fall are covered with bright bunchies of fruits. With their help, the structure and character of the mountainaria is formed.
The most popular - coniferous species for the Alpine slide:
- dwarf fir - easily tolerate drought, it is distinguished by the wealth of shades from light blue to a saturated green;
- juniper - a plant listed in the Red Book. Enrich your site with a rare view, which for the entire year will delight the eyes of a dark green jeey, and in autumn - bright red-orange berries beads;
- tui - coniferous shrub, which, depending on the location, changes the color of foliage. If you put it on the sunny plot, the needles will acquire a reddish-chestnut shade;
- cypressian - original plant with a golden top and thick green base;
Deciduous breeds are more speculating than coniferous, therefore, when choosing rocks, it should be abandoned from those species that relieve the whole foliage in the autumn period. It greatly complicates the departure care. Favoring foliage not only spoils the appearance of the slide, but can also negatively affect the growth of other plants.
It is best to stay at the ever-green varieties:
- a horizontal caticker - a shrub with thick branches with green summer and acquiring a rich red shade in autumn. Spring is covered with small pinkish flowers, the red or black berries come to shift;
- iberis is a semi-stabilization variety with white, pinkish or purple colors collected in brush. Fruits in the form of original small pods;
- dRIADA - small shrubs with large white flowers appearing at the end of summer. Many choose this particular look due to its original fruits in the form of small fluffy balls.
To achieve a decorative effect, shrubs and dwarf coniferous species should be planted alone, dispersed them all over the mountaineering. More lowered plants disembarking between them.
Deciding with large plants that will set the main "mood" of your alpine slide, you should make a choice of smaller copies. The main part of any mountainaria is created by these beautiful little plants that occupy all the free space between the stones, trees and shrubs.
Plant names for alpine slide:
- Edelweiss is a multi-year flower that will easily survive even the coldest winter. This is the real and most important symbol of harsh and beautiful Alps, which must certainly decorate the mountainaries. It grows no higher than 15 cm, forming the characteristic "mats" diameter up to 20 cm. Edelweiss "loves" warmer and solar sections with an explosive drainage soil, well-driving air. Flowers in the first summer months.
- Clear is an unpretentious flower that harmoniously fit into the image of the Alpine slide. Running, it forms a peculiar "mats" of a small diameter. It grows equally well on any soil. When choosing a person should pay attention to the species of the plant so as not to disturb the aesthetic integrity. There are three varieties of clerk: caustic, evers and spirams. They differ in the nature of growth and flowering.
- Molded - present almost on each classic alpine slide. This is a very beautiful plant with powerful leathery leaves and purple flowers. It grows best in sunny sites and well ventilated loose soil.
- Camery - an unusual plant forming "mats", littered with small pretty pinkish flowers. Camery "Loves" loose drained soil, but unlike the above described varieties is better growing on more darkened areas. With proper care, it greatly grow and covers even naked stony areas, a stripping all the space with a natural green carpet.
- Stretch - a small plant blooming early spring. Plant into drained cotton on the solar space.
- Gubastic is a small plant that achieves a maximum of 25 cm in height and up to 20 cm in diameter. Prefers shaded areas and constantly wet soil, so it is best to plant it in a lowland. Blossom occurs in the middle or end of autumn.
- Carnation is short-seater - a low-speed and magnificent flower view of the carnation with narrow leaves of gray-green or blue-green. Woven into dense thick formations. A rather unpretentious plant preferring outdoor sun plots.
- The rogue is a rock - a perennial small plant with a dense gray-green foliage, which may not lose its color even in winter. Flowers with small bright yellow inflorescences - panicles. Planting into a well-drained soil on a sunny plot.
In order for your mountaineering to come to life at the very beginning of spring and pleased the eyes before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to buy plants for the Alpine slide with different periods of flowering. Tubery and bully species are suitable for this, as it is impossible to: Snowdrop, Crocus, Prolesta, Tulip, Sorrow, etc.
In order for your alpine slide to look more brighter in the countryside, attention should be paid to shared landscape design. So, an excellent addition to the mountaineering will be a decorative pond and a juicy well-kept lawn.