Dismantling the foundation with your own hands Useful advice,Construction

And how much is the dismantling of the foundation? In such cases, it will be profitable to refer to people specializing in the construction industry. This approach will save time and reduce costs. If the foundation area is small, then there may be quite simple consultation. If it is not so easy - you will have to invite professionals with special equipment. In any case, the cost of dismantling the foundation will not be impregnable.
The main stages of dismantling
From repair work of a dismantling nature, dismantling the foundation, is the most difficult and important thing. This process requires the coordinated and clear work of professionals. Also, dismantling can be performed with your own hands, but it will be much more difficult and will take much more time. The procedure for execution of such work is based as follows:
- Before you begin disassembling the foundation, you need to make a schedule of dismantling. There should be a detailed description of the various dismantling methods and its full disassembly.
- Erult the graph of the export of the dismantled foundation, or in more simply, the construction trash.
- Examine safety regulations during these works.
- Curlerate the composition and amount of technical means that will be required to eliminate the old foundation.
Naturally, various types of dismantling work require the fulfillment of tasks of different degrees of complexity. For example, the dismantling of a very old foundation is the most time-consuming process, which claims the appropriate relationship, and the use of a massive working tool, and specialized electrical equipment.
Ways to dismantle the foundation, and the tool used for this:
Basically, the foundation is two types:
- pile
- ribbon.
Often, heavy, overall construction equipment designed for diamond drilling is used to simplify the foundation. This method allows you to quickly perform work, it will not be a great physical activity.
If there is no heavy equipment, all the necessary work is performed manually using special equipment. Of course, this process will cost much cheaper, but also time it will require much more. This method is ideal for dismantling the pile foundation.
It is worth saying that different hydraulic equipment helps to dismantle the foundation very well. It requires a large amount of electricity, however, it will not harm the surrounding buildings at all. Large hydraulic hammer with ease will crush any constructions from reinforced concrete. A more modern method is hydraulic scissors with diamond coating. Both instruments are leased in specialized stores. It is convenient if the work is permanent. When it comes to dismantling several capital buildings and household buildings, it is more profitable to buy equipment.
One of the advantages of the ribbon foundation is the simplicity of its dismantling. Considering that the thickness of the structure rarely exceeds 50 cm for its disassembly is suitable:
- perforator
- diamond cutter
- scrap,
- sledgehammer,
- jackhammer.
The dismantling of the belt foundation will require the use of special equipment only if the design was built using thick reinforcement (diameter of more than 30 mm) or challers.
The most problem will be dismantled by a monolithic foundation. Even with the use of heavy machinery it will take several days. In addition, the work mechanisms strongly spoils. Therefore, it is advisable to use explosives. However, the explosive dismantling method is applied if the dismantled building is located aside from any other buildings.
For this, in the foundation itself, a certain number of holes are drilled in which an explosive is laid. Most often - dynamite. This method needs a thorough calculation, to avoid any accidents. However, there is no better option to dismantle the foundation. The rabble foundation will be cheaper. The price of it is less, since the consumption of explosives is significantly lower.
Technology dismantling foundation
The choice of the method and technology of dismantling the foundation, first of all, depends on the type of construction object. In the event that the base was laid under a multi-storey building, or a shopping center with an area of \u200b\u200bseveral hundred square meters, here to demolish such a foundation, you will have to turn to hydraulic equipment that can perform such a large amount fast enough. In such a situation, go to move:
- excavators
- hydronomies on arrows,
- hydromaber.
If, the foundation was laid for a small residential building (small and shallow), then the dismantling is performed using diamond tools.
The dismantling of the old country cottage house, the foundation of which is deeply laid in the ground, disassembled with the help of an unconference substance. He is poured into in advance drilled holes at home, and this emulsion gradually destroys and absorbs a long-frozen concrete from the inside. The rates for dismantling the foundation should be clarified in construction companies, sometimes helping specialists will be cheaper than independently performing work.
It is important that to fulfill the work plan for the dismantling of different structures and buildings, you need to get in the right form all permits. In this case, it will be necessary to provide a plan of work, which will be considered and confirmed by experienced specialists. Otherwise, the problems in documentary will be inevitable.
Export of construction trash
The last necessary stage of the plan of any dismantling work is the removal of construction waste. And when dismantling the foundation, there is a lot of such garbage. If the pieces of the foundation are too large, and their removal is difficult, then in such cases there is a mobile crusher. After crushing simply, and easily small crumb is exported even without attracting special transport. Maximum for the week, the remains of the foundation will go to the public waste container, without additional expenses.
If work, nevertheless, specialists perform when dismantling the foundation immediately include services for garbage disposal. As a rule, it is cheaper than independently search for transport and loaders brigade.