How to warm the ceiling bath Baths, saunas and pools

The construction of the bath is a responsible process, because if you want procedures to bring real benefits to the body, and the construction of the construction did not give extra hassle, it is necessary to come to business as much as possible. If the box is already standing, and the time of insulation has come, a number of related questions arise: how, and most importantly - how to warm the bath? If with the walls, everything is less clear, then the incorrectly insulated ceiling can deliver a lot of problems. How to insulate the ceiling bath, photo, video and useful practical recommendations.
Selection of material
The better to insulate the ceiling of the bath, so that the gatherings with friends did not turn into a constant running and throwing the firewood into the oven? Today, building materials market offers a lot of options, but not all of them are suitable for the insulation of the bath. We will consider the most common modern, as well as tested materials.
Mineral wool
Mineral wool - construction material created from artificial fibers. As part there are limestone, dolomite, basalt and other rocks. It is for this reason that mineral wool is most resistant to thermal exposure. To date, it occupies a leading position among thermal insulation materials.
Advantages of mineral wool:
- durability;
- hygroscopicity (able to easily absorb moisture);
- high degree of refractory.
Equata externally similar to mineral wool, but it is not mineral in its composition, and wood fibers. It is obtained by processing antiseptics and waste paper, so it represents an excellent example of waste-free production. Most often, Ekwata applies for insulation of residential buildings, because in the bath, where it is too wet and hot, it can create certain inconveniences.
In addition, special equipment and skills will need for the insulation of the ceiling of the ceiling, so this work is better to entrust specialists.
Eco Characteristics:
- environmental purity;
- excellent thermal insulation qualities;
- low cost.
Penosole, or liquid foam, suitable for those cases when urgently need to be insulated in the ceiling in the bath, but financial capabilities are limited.
Characteristics of foamizol:
- perfectly suppresses noises;
- high fire resistance;
- fills all clicks and emptiness;
- low cost;
- not deformed after drying.
Everyone is familiar with the foam, and everyone knows the main quality of its qualities - excellent thermal insulation and moisture resistance. The use of foam in the insulation of the ceiling or walls frees from the need to make additional vapor or waterproofing.
Please note that if you insulate a wooden structure with foamflast, then in this case it is desirable to lay additional vaporizolation or fill all the joints between the foam plates with a sealant (mounting foam).
If the mineral wool gives a shrink from time to time, the foam is insured against such deformation. Therefore, you can not worry that after a couple of years, the bridges of the cold will appear (drafts). Polyfoam retains its initial characteristics in full for the entire period of operation.
To insulate the ceiling of the bath of a 6-centimeter layer of foam, while the mineral wool layer, for example, will be much more. Thus, you can significantly save on the free space, especially if the bath ceiling is not very high.
Despite the mass of positive characteristics, the foam has a number of shortcomings.
Disadvantages of foam:
- short service life (maximum 10-20 years, depending on the quality of the material and operating conditions);
- application in the absence of ventilation - the steam-resistant material with poor ventilation or its absence contributes to the formation of condensate, as a result of the manbug, mold appears, and the threat of man's health arises;
- release of toxic substances when melting;
- when choosing, pay attention to the quality of foam quality certificates so that you can not get a handicraft product, which will serve just a couple of years.
Let's take a little from synthetic manual building materials and talk about more natural and safe product. Ceramzite is a foamed clay. Under the influence of high temperature, clay particles are expanded, foam and quickly frozen, forming light porous granules.
Ceramizite characteristics:
- environmentally friendly material;
- it is not damaged by rodents, bacteria or insects;
- durable;
- absolute fireproof;
- ease of use;
- excellent thermal insulation qualities due to the porous structure.
Clay is a natural material that has been proof of centuries applied by people for housing insulation. Speaking about environmental safety clay will be overlooking. On the contrary, this material creates a favorable background indoor, bringing harmony between man and nature. A more successful option for insulation does not come up with, but the clay will have to tinker.
In pure form, clay for insulation is not used, and make a solution with sawdust or straw. Getting sawdust today is not a problem - it is enough to go to the sawmill and buy a couple of bags for the singer of a penny, and even pick up for free. Clay is more expensive, but if there is a lake nearby or any other freshwater, that is, it makes sense to search no shores of clay deposits.
Tips from a specialist How to insulate the ceiling of the bath (video) will help you decide on the choice of materials.
Ways of insulation
Warming with clay
How to insulate the bath ceiling quickly, reliably and cheap? In this case, many decide to take advantage of the clay. This time proven material that has never been failed.
- Top and bottom. Switch the ceiling by boards. From the side of the attic you can be ridiculous.
- From above, fall asleep layer of claymzite with a thickness of up to 20-30 cm. The thickness of the beams must coincide with the layer thickness of the clay.
- Slightly confuse clay and cut the ceiling on top of a finishing board, pre-treated with oil.
Useful advice: Do not dilute with sand, sawdresses or any other bulk materials. It may seem for you that smaller granules of these materials will fill emptiness and improve thermal insulation, but it is not. During the operation of steam, one way or another will penetrate the ceiling. If the ceramzite without impurities, then the couple will pass and disperse. If impurities are present in it, they will delay the pairs, condensate is formed, the humidity will increase, which will lead to quite logical consequences - dampness, mold (especially if you dilute the clamzite straw), etc.
So where the chimney is coming out the trambut clamzite slightly denser.
Warry insulation
Clay and straw served people as an indispensable insulation not one hundred years. If you correctly use these simple gifts of nature, you can build a warm and durable bath for the century!
- Prepare the surface of the ceiling to insulation. To do this, between the beams, see the rails in 25-30 centimeters from each other.
- Prepare a mixture of clay and straw (sawdust). Three parts of the straw account for two parts of the dry clay, a small amount of water is added and is thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. The mixture should not be wet, and certainly should not flow. It is enough for it to be wet, otherwise water will flow through the ceiling.
- Each ceiling on the side of the attic layer of foil material or film.
- On top of the flooring, lay out a clay mixture with a thickness of 5-8 cm.
- Thoroughly see the layer of insulation and leave for a while so that it is frozen. For full grasp, you need to wait about 2 weeks.
- When the first ramble layer grabbed, you can fill the remaining space to the top level of transverse beams. During drying, the thick layer of clay will surely crack. This is fine. Then you finish these cracks with the same clay solution.
- When the last layer is ready, close it with plywood sheets, chipboard or fiberboard, flexing them to the beams with self-draws.
- Sheets are recommended to enclose aluminum foil, having to feed it with a steppeler.
Foam insulation
The insulation of the ceiling of the bath foam is ideal for the structure of brick or blocks. The wooden bath can also be insulated with foam, but, as already mentioned above, it is desirable to continue the additional layer of vaporizolation.
- Cutting the ceiling of 2-3 cm bobbins thick.
- If you glue the foam on the side of the attic, then it can be closed by cement-sandy solution, and then separated by plaster, plywood or other materials so that you can walk on them.
- If you glue the foam from the inside, then it must be coated with a thick layer of solution, paro barrier and waterproofing, since the "tropical climate" of the bath will quickly spoil the material. In addition, under the influence of high temperatures, the foam is released by substances, extremely harmful to health and capable of causeing airway paralysis.
Warming of various types of ceilings
Steer ceiling
The tail ceiling is a carrier frame and auxiliary elements. Cutting or trench-made boards are attached to the ceiling beams.
The insulation must be laid between the waterproofing vaporizolation layer. If the waterproofing goes on the side of the attic, close it with a pavement.
For insulation of staircase ceilings, clamzit is most often used, the mineral wool and sawdust are in second place. However, for the bath with the attic it is best to suit precisely by clay.
Flooring ceiling
To the shield from the ceiling boards, lay a layer of vapor barrier from a film or a foil material. Mineral wool is best suitable for the insulation for flooring ceilings. If you want to apply a bulk material, you will have to install special fender sides around the perimeter of the ceiling of the bath.
The floor ceiling is simple, quickly and cheap. However, this design is suitable only for small cans. In addition, it is quite uncomfortable to make preventive repair of such a ceiling, so if thermal insulation is damaged, you will have to spend a lot of strength to restore. The floor ceiling is better to use for Ben without attic rooms.
Panel ceiling
The panel ceiling is a special shields that consist of carrying bars, internal sheathing, pair-and waterproofing layers, insulation and external ladder. As thermal insulation, mineral wool or glass gamble usually applies. The thickness of the insulation should not exceed 10 cm.
Installation of such a ceiling is complicated by the fact that the layers of the sealer have to be laid between the shields to ensure waterproofing and the preservation of heat. As a rule, for this use felt with foil gasket, polyethylene or foil double-sided insulation. To properly insulate the bath ceiling with such panels, it is better to use the services of specialized companies.
The complexity of the installation also in the fact that such shields weigh are quite a lot, and alone with them can not cope. Therefore, it is recommended to first install empty boxes, and then put "filling" from gaskets and insulation in them.
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you have everything about the ceilings, and as the walls? No money, but I want to build walls without a bar, brick, blocks, well, very not expensive.