Hooded belt foundation with your own hands Construction

Ribbon foundation is the most simple and at the same time popular view of the foundation. And if it is enough to build a simple tape foundation to build small one-storey buildings, then for the construction of a large multi-storey building, it will be necessary to arrange a broken foundation, which will be discussed in this article.
There are several differences, a ruined tape type foundation from other designs. Thus, ribbon foundations are one-piece monolithic blocks of reinforced concrete, half immersed in the ground. This unit is located under all major support elements. This, for example, elements such as internal capital and outer walls.
Depending on the depth of laying the foundation, there are ruined and low-profiled foundations. The main difference is that the foundations of the first type are usually built on the basis of trenches, with a depth of more than the depth to which the soil is preserves. Due to this, the base of the building has a sufficient margin of reliability, as a result of which the design is quite stable. In addition, the carrying capacity of such a support of the building increases, which is due to the fact that under the structure, the impressive mass of reinforced concrete is placed, which has significant inertia.
Creating a strengthened foundation justifies itself not always. After all, if it is equipped for the buildings of small floors, the margin of strength of such a foundation will be used only by a third. Outflowed foundation justifies itself in such cases as: the construction of buildings from heavy materials, building on complex soils, the construction of multi-storey houses.
- First of all, it should be noted that this type of foundation perfectly performs bearing functions. Therefore, it can be used in cases where a low-profiled foundation may not withstand.
- Such a base has a very good potential, if in the future building there will be underground premises (cellar).
- If you correct such a foundation correctly, then under construction you can make an extra room, namely the ground floor or a large basement. When using a blunt foundation, the basement will build much easier. After all, it is possible to use ready-made concrete tapes as walls. It will only remain concrete the floor. If desired, the basement can still be deepen.
- Of the shortcomings, first of all, it is necessary to note the high consumption of building materials, which in turn makes such a type of foundation quite costly pleasure.
- In addition, its construction requires significant land, which affects the timing. When using techniques for accelerating work, the cost of a broken belt foundation is increasing. The price is considerable, but sometimes she justifies himself.
- Finally, the tapes of a bellped foundation are strongly susceptible to swelling the soil, which makes it necessary to attract geodesists to analyze the site.
Types of constructions of a belt foundation
Depending on the depth of the embedding, the unheard of the Bulk belt foundation is distinguished, as well as a prefabricated or monolithic base. The small-breeding foundation is most suitable for small wooden buildings. The depth of laying such a base depends on the soil. It is usually a depth of 50-60 centimeters.
The illuminated foundation is suitable for massive buildings with several floors and the ground floor. The depth of its laying is usually equipped with 25 centimeters more than the depth of the primer of the soil. Outflowed monolithic foundation is most suitable for soft soils with high shrinkage, and concrete, reinforced concrete or foam concrete material is usually used as a material.
The precast ribbon foundation is well suited for small single-storey buildings. This type of base is ready-made reinforced concrete blocks that are fastened with each other with cement. For this, solid and hollow concrete blocks can be used.
Selection of material
The most reliable foundation today is a booton or a ribbon beep foundation made of large stones. It is considered enough inexpensive material, but it is not worth using it on rocky and light sandy soils, because he can crack on them.
Brick belt foundations are appropriate if the building is frame. But in any case, the brick should be laid only on a small depth. If there are groundwater nearby, such a base is not suitable.
Such universal is a ribbon foundation from the FBS blocks. These blocks you can put almost any single-storey building.
The most popular, cheap and durable material today is the foundation from reinforced concrete. It allows you to build buildings of various configurations. The most important thing when using it is to competently pick up the mixture and correct reinforcement.
Choosing brand concrete
In order for the foundation to be high-quality, it is important to choose the right concrete. The strength and durability of the building depends on this choice. You should choose a brand of concrete by weight of the construction, depending on the properties of the soil and the type of fittings used.
For small wooden buildings or a wooden frame fits concrete 200. When erecting heavier, but not very bulky buildings, it is best to take the brand 250 or 300 concrete. For massive buildings it is recommended to use the M350 brand.
The selection of concrete also depends on the type of soil on which the building will be erected. If it is a dense soil, then it is enough to take a brand 200 or 250. On bunched soils to ensure sufficient frost resistance, the base should be selected from the brand 300 and higher concrete.
Requirements for soil
Like other types of foundation, a swelled type can be undertaken on certain types of soil. The most suitable in this case are clay, rocks, sampling and driving soils, as well as large-grade stable breeds. The most important thing is that the soil does not appear. Therefore, such a foundation is not erected on sandy or gravel scree. It is also important where the future construction site is located. Moreover, than a smaller platform, the less money and effort will be required. However, permissible blocking of the foundation on a platform of different heights. Moreover, it is precisely blurred bonded foundations that are one of the few grounds that allow you to build buildings on the slopes.
Where are applied
So, this type of foundation is designed as already mentioned above, to build heavy houses from bricks and stone, as well as buildings with a large number of floors. As an additional advantage of such a foundation, it is possible to name the possibility of arrangement in the basement building, the ground floor and other similar premises.
Typical dimensions of the foundation have a direct dependence, first of all, from the depth of the Earth's freezing and from the structure, which is supposed to be erected. Today, when solving the question, how much to plunge the belt foundation, most often the average indicators are taken when designing.
Thus, for buildings built from logs, timber, concrete, as well as hollow or full-scale brick or aerated concrete, it is enough to lay tapes with a width of 0.5 meters and a depth of 1.2 meters.
Houses made of wood, stone, bricks with a cellar throughout the area you need to put a tape with a width of 0.5 meters and at a depth of 1.5 meters.
If the ground floor is required, then it is enough to build a foundation with a width of 0.5 meters and a depth of 1.8-2 meters. In this case, the thickness of the rear walls should not be more than 0.4 meters.
Preparation of a behead belt foundation with their own hands is a task with which one can handle almost impossible. Therefore, work should be performed along with the team of assistants. The plan of preparatory work is approximately following.
All work should be started with base planning. In order to insure the possible problems of operating the future building, it is best if the project is a construction organization.
The foundation plan must be transferred to the selected land plot. At the same time, it is extremely recommended to allow the section to explore the geodesists.
- Trenches should begin to dig when all the marks stand in their places. If the size of the size is small, then the recess of the trench will be able to quickly dig workers with a hand tool. For more large-scale buildings, an excavator will be required, which will make the bulk of the work. And then it is already necessary to overload the board and the bottom of the trench using the hand tool. In order to be more convenient to work, you need to make a small gap. To do this, all recesses in the soil should be made at least 10 centimeters wider than the size of the foundation elements. This will facilitate the installation of the formwork.
- The bottom of the trench of the trench must be filled with gravel, and then dissolve and with periodic moisture to the ravarity of this layer. Gravel thickness should be about 20-30 centimeters. From above you need to pour about 15-20 centimeters of sand and also tamper.
- In order to achieve maximum protection of the sole of the foundation from moisture, it is necessary to put a solid polyethylene film or a sublimaton over the sand. In the latter case, the pillow of sand and gravel should be poured by a liquid solution of cement. Next, roll up the material and wait for at least seven days until everything grabs.
Production of formwork and bookmark fittings
When erecting a plated foundation, as a rule, the filler design is shutdown. In order to fill the concrete tapes under the walls that are supporting, in the dumped trench, it is necessary to mount formwork, which is usually made from a sheet of plywood or OSB-plates, with a thickness of at least 15 millimeters. You can also make wooden shields from stranded wooden boards, the thickness of which should be at least 30 millimeters. The minimum height of the formwork base should be such that it is 100 millimeters above the planned height of the foundation. In order for when the pouring does not allow the design to deform, the struts should be installed between the shields.
In addition, it is necessary to place plastic pipes inside the foundation. They are needed in order to make communication to communicate in the future. So that they are not deformed when pouring, they should be filled with sand.
In order to increase the elasticity and strength of the foundation, it is necessary to rein it with the help of rods from metal. Although depending on the case, you can do without metal reinforcement, although it is undesirable.
For reinforcement, ribbed steel rods should be used, a thickness of 10-14 millimeters. The configuration of the reinforcement must be chosen depending on the intended loads, which will be subject to the structure. In any case, you should make top and bottom, at least two horizontal belts. In order to connect the rods, you can take a knitted wire, but in order for them to be more reliable, it is still possible to use welding.
Fill concrete
- When the armature is installed, you can pour the solution. It is best to use ready-made concrete M200 - M300, which should be pre-order. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to miss a few cubic meters of the solution, which is practically impossible to manually. In order not to form the voltage lines between the layers, it is best to fill the whole solution from above. Otherwise, layers with varying degrees of shrinkage.
- At the beginning of the work, it should be carefully distributed with a shovel with a shovel of the formwork, and then several times to pierce a mass of the solution with a metal rod to remove the resulting air bubbles. This action is called bayonet.
- In order to save time and faster to prepare the foundation, instead of a metal rod, you can use the vibration seal. The top edge of the foundation should be aligned, and then dry it under polyethylene. Depending on the size of the foundation, dry should be from 7 to 12 days. After that, the formwork can be removed.