Laminating windows with your own hands Window

Laminated windows allow you to give the house individual, unique appearance. This method of decorating is convenient and practical. There are many firms offering our services in this direction. Is it possible to perform lamination of windows with your own hands? This topic is devoted to the article.
Lamination is that?
Wooden windows made by high-class specialists look respectable. Immediately visible, the owner of the house - a man is solid. And if it did not work out wooden, and really want to be solid? This is where the process like lamination is useful. If briefly, then:
- a layer of heated to the high temperature of the glue is applied to the window profile, and a multi-layer acrylic film is on top of it. Then on special equipment having special rollers that repeat the window profile, the film is pressed against the surface covered. This requires great efforts. When the glue cools, the film cannot be separated from the profile. It holds for a long time, up to 20 years;
- the film reproduces both shades and the structure of the tree;
- in addition, films of other various colors are produced. This is especially important for the nursery, because the window can be made blue, red, green or other bright fun.
Types of lamination
The windows are laminized in several ways:
- only outside. Inside the window is white or in another color, and from the street, for example, a tree. Most often, such windows are installed in country houses and cottages;
- lamination on the one hand, but inside. In order not to disturb the general style of the facade of the apartment building, outside the window remains in its original form, and from the inside anyone you wish, color;
- lamination on both sides. Such windows in offices, but not only - often they are ordered by the owners of cottages, private houses.
Film characteristics for lamination
Film for lamination windows has a number of advantages:
it is almost impossible to separate it from the surface to which it is applied, as well as scratch or somehow still damage mechanically;
- having high resistance to temperature effects, it protects from them and the window profile;
- has high moisture resistance;
- not exposed to ultraviolet rays;
- it has a rich color scheme, so that the color of the lamination of windows can choose any;
- applies an exclusive, aesthetic appearance.
The composition of the film
The film for lamination windows has the following structure:
- it contains several layers. They are so thin that the total thickness of them is only 0.2 mm;
- its tone depends on the color of the base, i.e. acrylic substance. In addition to decorative purposes, this base protects the window profile from overheating;
- the top layer of the film is transparent. It consists of synthetic crystalline polymers of polymer polymethylacrylate and polyvinalidenflory. It is this layer that creates a gloss and opposes adverse atmospheric impact;
- the image of wood on the film looks very natural to the smallest residence. It is difficult to distinguish not only visually, but also to the touch.
The Renolit film is distinguished by high reliability, which is produced in Germany:
- it has close layers, where the lower semi-solid consists of a 2-component polyurethane glue. Includes a layer with painting resistant pigments;
- on PVC profile it is applied at a temperature not lower than 125 degrees with, which ensures the fusion of the film with the surface of the window at the molecular level;
- imitate the natural structure of wood. It can be green, red, blue and other colors;
- a few years ago, the company began to produce a self-adhesive film, with which the damaged laminated surfaces are repaired.
- contact with organic solvents is contraindicated.
Lamination of installed windows
Any specialist will say that it is impossible to laminate the installed windows. Is that someone wants to dismantle the window to subjected to the lamination procedure and then re-establish. This is hardly possible, because it will be cheaper to order a ready-made plastic window laminated. But still there is a way out even with such a situation.
Self-adhesive film Oracale
The German company Oracal releases a self-adhesive film under the same name. It is mainly used to design showcases, decorating stands at exhibitions, cars. Some craftsmen use this film to laminating PVC windows with their own hands. Lamination can only be called conditionally, but as an option, if there is no other possibility, you can apply. So, the tool will be required:
- raquel or suitable healthy tool;
- spray. It can be replaced by its empty bottle from under detergents;
- stationery knife;
- metal line;
- hairdryer.
- film oracle with the textured surface of the desired color;
- liquid soap.
You can proceed to work:
- prepare the surface. Delete contamination by applying special detergents. Degrease with alcohol. Watch that anywhere there are no villi left;
- we prepare a soap solution. Liquid soaps dissolve in water in proportion 1:10. If there is an incomplete bottle of Mr. Muskula, then just throw water into it - you will not need and overflow into the sprayer;
- mark the material;
- having attached to the markup a metal line, we cut off the film with a sharp knife, leaving the stock of 20-30 mm;
- the profile is abundantly wetting the cooked soap solution;
- further it is difficult to work, necessarily need an assistant in order to simultaneously separate the substrate and wet the adhesive frame of the film;
- in order to avoid gluing the material among themselves, one person holds the film without a substrate, and the other left hand pulls the lining, and the right wet the basis that will be glued;
- press the film to the surface. Do not allow the formation of folds and monitor the uniform distribution of in-parents on both sides. Now it can be moved by anything, and if you need to correct, then disconnect;
- now one holds the material, and the second drives the rockel fluid from the center to the edges;
- bend self-keys on the sides, and in the corners carefully cut and also bend;
- the bends are punched badly, so take hair dryer and warm them;
- one side of the profile is framed similar to the second.
Note: On this technology, you can make lamination of wood windows. Just do not forget to pre-cover them, go through the surface of the sandpaper and primed.
Lamination of window glass
When they talk about lamination of windows with their own hands, then they mean not only profiles, and the improvement of the glasses:
- by sticking on a glass of sunscreen film, the room from ultraviolet is fencing. If you take a mirror film, then through the window from the street it is impossible to discern nothing in the room, but everything is clear from the room;
- by illuminating the glass with an energy-saving film, we will prevent heat leakage in winter, and in the summer the hot air from the street will not penetrate into the room;
- having placed an anti-high film, we will make glass stable to shock, and therefore secure yourself from thieves.
As you can see, the lamination process of windows is not simple, and so that the quality is at a high level, it is also necessary for good equipment as in this video: