Repair water wells Plot.

Increasingly, water supply sources, water wells are in private homes. Although it is not cheap and is quite time-consuming affair. Like any mechanism, well likely to fail, because of what it will need repairing. When to conduct the necessary work, it may eliminate the serious damage that could happen in the future.
Why is it necessary repair water wells
Often well out of order for the following reasons:
- Mistakes in the design or installation of equipment.
- Wear design.
- The accumulation of mud in the borehole.
- Changes to the provisions of aquifers.
- Damage to the pipes.
- Open the pump used.
- Loss of integrity of individual parts and structural members.
Should think about conducting workover with the appearance of the following symptoms:
- A strong decrease in the amount of water.
- The appearance of undesirable impurities in the water.
- Turbidity of water from the well.
If such symptoms appear through a fairly long period of time after the start of operation of the well, then most likely, it is clogged with sludge. In this case, it is necessary to immediately clean. Otherwise, the equipment ceases to function properly, and as a result, there are more serious damage.
Before starting the repair is recommended to evaluate the costs. In some cases, far less expensive to purchase a new unit than to repair water wells. The price of restoration work can be quite high.
The main causes of fouling and sedimentation are as follows:
- When drilling the pipe was installed incorrectly. Often the pipes are assembled not in the aquifer of the soil.
- Water pumped out little or irregularly. The clogging of equipment in this case occurs due to the fact that at the bottom of the well, small particles of dirt, clay, rust or yals are seen. Over time, they gradually become denser, which, in turn, reduces the speed with which water flows into the well. If the equipment is used frequently, the risk of casing for this reason decreases. Therefore, if there is no possibility during the year to use a well in sufficient volume, then in order to avoid its grain, in the summer it is necessary to simply periodically pump out water from it. In order to avoid grain, it is useful to include a pump for a long time in order to pump out the water particle and rust along with water.
- Rotary pumps are used. For this reason, small wells are often faced, the depth of which does not exceed 10 meters. The pumps of this type take water from the depth of no more than eight meters, which is why sand, dirt and other small particles are possible below this level. In order not to allow hacking, it is periodically recommended to use a vibration pump. It gradually falls at the bottom of the equipment in the process of pumping.
- The diameter of the installed filter is significantly less than that of the main pipe. In this case, the pump is often descended above the upper edge of the filter by 20-30 centimeters. At the same time, over time, the filter is filled with mud and sediments that are poorly passed through themselves. If there was a balancing for this reason, it will be necessary to clean the well with the help of a vibration pump.
- Not the type of vibration pump is used. So, the clogging of wells is possible if the units with the upper water fence are used.
- Practically in all wells filter is installed. It is a small hole located in the water receipt layer. The filter passes only water and small particles, the diameter, which is less than that of the hole itself. Sometimes cleaning settings are installed in the well, which are two pipes of different diameters, in which the corresponding holes are drilled. The diameter of such a filter is less than that of the main equipment trunk. This is its main disadvantage. Indeed, in this case, the vibration pump cannot be lowered to the bottom of the well, which, in turn, creates difficulties in its natural cleaning.
DIY repair or help professionals?
Obviously, repair of such a complex system costs weekly. Therefore, many are trying to spend these works on their own. Although some types of repairs are almost impossible to carry out correctly without the use of special equipment, which is available from professionals. Nevertheless, there are simple procedures that are possible to spend independently. For example, with certain skills and skills, you can replace the pump or clean the well. Only any work should be done carefully. Otherwise, an error can lead to a more significant breakdown of the well.
How do the overhaul of wells are carried out by professionals? It is almost impossible to accurately determine the problems that arose with the filter. After all, he is at great depth.
Types of wells:
- The equipment is washed with chemicals.
- The filter is cleaned using a special metallic heroic.
- In the well pumps water under high pressure (hydrate).
The most gentle of them is the cleaning of the rash. Therefore, it is often used first. If it does not help, chemicals are used. Hydroat is carried out last.
How to Clean the well independently
Well well
Before repairing the well, you should find out how it is arranged. This in many cases gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cause of the breakdown, which, in turn, will save from the emergence of more serious damage and save a lot of time.
Sand wells are most often installed on the site of private houses. Water in such installations comes from a layer of sand and gravel of different sizes. Seasonal water level fluctuations are possible in these equipment. In addition, at different times of the year, a different chemical composition of water is determined in the same well.
The cause of clogging of this type of well is the presence of a largely layer of heavy fractions, which settle at its bottom, which, in turn, gradually reduces the quality and speed of water intake.
If you remove the IL from the well and very often pump water, then its quantity and quality increases significantly. This is due to the fact that preventive work create a kind of bag with pebbles and large sand capable of increasing the filling speed of the well.
In addition to sandy, there are also artesian wells. They are usually very deep (more than 50 meters) and reach aquifer. It, as a rule, is located between the two waterproof layers of limestone rocks. In the wells of this type, in contrast to the aforementioned sandy, the level and the chemical composition of water practically does not change. They are usually drilled for public use, i.e. For individuals to make it will be very expensive. Repair of artesian wells for water is better to carry out professionals.
The device distinguishes two types of wells:
- Equipment with a straight trunk, the diameter of which is the same over the entire length.
- Equipment with a direct filter, the diameter of which is less than at the main barrel.
The well with a straight trunk has one important advantage: the pump can be descended almost to the bottom. Due to this, the injection is excluded and the process of cleaning is becoming easier. This type of equipment is a long trunk, the design of which consists of a single diameter pipe. Each of them is connected to each other with a welding or thread. In the case of clogging, the well of this type can be cleaned using a special depth vibration pump (an aggregate with a lower water fence is used). To do this, it is gradually lowered it in the process of pumping dirt, garbage and il to the bottom.
Some nuances:
- Many think about cleaning the private well only when the amount of pumped water decreased from it. In order to not allow this, it is recommended to periodically carry out prophylactic well cleaning. This will help maintain it in working condition, and not wait until she clogs.
- Not everyone has the opportunity in case of clogging, use the inverter gun to clean the inverter, pump or special machines. Such work is notice, and the equipment itself is difficult to get. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the well from the accumulated sludge with their own hands. It is important to remember, the well is most often clogged because it rarely use it. After all, the equipment that is often used is less susceptible, and besides, the water in it is usually much cleaner. But not everyone has the need to get water from such a source often. Therefore, we give a few independent methods of cleaning.
Cleaning equipment with the help of a venture
This is a time-consuming, but reliable way. For work, first of all, the urinemaker itself will need, which can be made independently.
Technology of work:
- Preparation of well to repair. The iron on a long metallic cable or by the Kapron Fal should be omitted on the bottom.
- It is raised about 300-500 millimeters, after which it drops sharply.
- Under its weight, the prepared vent will fall on the bottom, but the ball due to potential energy will remain on the spot and will die the bottom hole. In this hole will flow water together with the bottom of the ball, mud and sand.
- The ball under the influence of its own weight is lowered and the hole is closed. For three or four movements, the urinary is usually filled with half.
- The jelly is neat and slowly lifted to the surface and pour out water together with mud, sludge and sand. At one time you can raise from the bottom to 500 grams of sludge, garbage and sand.
Cleaning with a special pump with a nozzle
- This method is especially effective for cleaning and repairing a narrowed well. Although it can also be used for other types of installations.
- For cleaning, the "Kid" pump is used. On the water intake, you should wear a durable or durate rubber hose of the desired diameter. It must be fixed on the pump housing using a clamp.
- Inside the hose should be put a long PVC tube. You can use the usual thick hose of the desired length, to the lower end of which a special ship is fixed. The pump is lowered into the equipment in such a way that the lower end of the nozzle touch the sludge. Next, it rises by 50-100 millimeters and turns on.
Cleaning with two pumps
Would need:
- The deep pump (for example, the unit with the bottom fence of water).
- Self-priming pump, for example, the installation of "Kama".
- The second pump is used only for water supply.
Technology conducting work on the underground repair of wells:
- Near the equipment you need to install a container, in the top of which you can adjust the old bucket with a shallow mesh instead of the bottom.
- The hose of water supply from the pump is lowered in the cooked bucket (installation "Kama").
- The end of the second hose with the fixed weight should be lowered to the bottom of the well.
- After that, the second pump is lowered in the well (deep). It must be approximately at a height of 100-300 millimeters above the ballast.
- If the inner diameter of the pipe is greater than that of the pump, the water supply hose from it should be installed only after the unit will be placed in the well.
- First turns on the deep pump. Next, the container is filled with water to the top level. After that, you need to turn on the second pump, which should raise your work from the bottom of the allay.
Water well repair: video