How to choose a generator for a country house Useful advice

The deposit of comfort and comfort of any country house is the presence of a high-quality and reliable generator. And it is not surprising. After all, the work of all extremely important housing systems, such as water supply and heating depends on the uninterrupted supply of electrical energy. Yes, and the work of the TV, the refrigerator and other familiar household appliances, without which we no longer think of your existence, in the absence of power supply it is impossible. And the generator is just a device that provides uninterrupted supply of electrical energy.
Main types and types of generators
The modern industry offers consumers a very wide selection of generators. Therefore, it is impossible to choose to choose and buy a generator, ideal for a particular country house, without having familiarized with their classification.
According to the type of fuel used, three types of generators are distinguished:
1. Gasoline generators. Among the advantages of this type of generators, I would like to allocate:
- compactness, the device will easily fit into the interior of the dwelling;
- low noise;
- ease of use;
- the ability to operate under conditions of low temperatures;
- the relatively low price of the device.
The main, but very significant disadvantage is a short period of continuous operation.
2. Diesel generators. Main advantages:
- reliability and durability. The average service life of diesel generators exceeds the service life of gasoline generators by two times;
- high power.
A significant disadvantage of all diesel generators is a very high level of noise. To install such devices, it is necessary to use special containers for absorbing noise.
3. Gas generators. Advantages:
- low cost of electrical energy obtained. Gas is the cheapest type of fuel. Accordingly, 1 kW of electrical energy developed by using a gas generator will cost consumer significantly cheaper;
- durability;
- easy to operate;
- ecology. Unlike other types of fuel, gas burns almost completely and leaves no harmful combustion products.
The disadvantages include explosion hazard and complexity in maintenance, as it is often used liquefied butane or propane, which is served on a device from a cylinder.
In power distinguish the generators:
- Low power - up to 7 kW.
- Average power - up to 30 kW.
- High power - from 30 kW.
By the number of phases, the generators distinguish:
- Single-phase.
- Three-phase. Such generators are advisable to use only in the presence of three-phase consumers. Three-phase generators are distinguished by high price and expensive maintenance.
According to the type of control distinguish the generators:
- With manual launch. Used mainly in low power gasoline generators.
- Running the generator is carried out by the electric starter. To start this model, click the button located on the generator control panel. If necessary, such generators can be launched manually. Such a need may occur if the device has not been operated for a long time, as a result of which the battery was discharged.
- Run is automatically produced when the electricity supply is disconnected. Very comfortable, but very checked option. The gasoline generator automatic starting system is rarely used.
Cooling type:
- Air cooling. It is used in low-power generators. When choosing a location for the installation of such a generator, special attention should be paid to the level of ventilation in the room.
- Liquid cooling. Used in oscillators and high average power.
Generators are:
- Synchronous.
- Inverter.
- Asynchronous.
Generator. Which to choose
With the classification of generators got acquainted. It's time to proceed directly to the selection. To determine which it is better to choose a generator, you need to answer a few questions:
1. Required generator power. The optimal power depends on the alleged load on the generator. To determine the load:
- take a sheet of paper and handle. Divide the sheet into two columns;
- in the left side of the sheet, write all the electrical appliances in the column, which are located in a country house. Try not to forget anything;
- in the right side of the sheet, opposite each electrical appliance, write its power. Power consumption data is indicated in the passport;
- sum up the data of the right side of the sheet;
- the result multiply 1.3.
The result of the above calculations is the minimum value of the generator power. On average, a low power generator is quite suitable for a small country house with a minor household appliances. Especially if it is planned to use exclusively as emergency power supply. But for a medium-sized country house equipped with a standard set of home appliances, a generator with a power of 10 kW is required.
2. Is there any need to buy a three-phase generator? In the ordinary country house, three-phase consumers are extremely rare. Therefore, the need for a three-phase generator is most likely not. Nevertheless, if a minisfactor is installed on the site with a 380 V feed, then it is worth considering this option. In addition, three-phase generators are needed if used:
- welding,
- grainbridges
- powerful pumping stations,
- cultivators
- refrigerators.
To connect such a generator with the rest of the household appliances, it is necessary to use voltage equalizer or homemade transformer.
3. What should be the control of the generator? Of course, the generator with automatic control is much more convenient. No need for a frosty winter at night to leave a cozy warm house, going to the utility room to start the generator. But it is worth a similar generator much more expensive.
4. The generator will be used as the main source of power supply or as a source of emergency power supply? For emergency power supply, a gasoline generator is quite suitable. Its use will ensure, depending on the model, from 1 to 8 hours of continuous power supply. If longer power supply interruptions are planned, the gasoline generator should be refused. Diesel and gas generators are good for both uninterrupted and emergency power supply.
Thanks to the responses received, the main characteristics of the future generator cleared. It remains to decide on the main type of fuel.
If an inexpensive generator is required for rare and short-term use in a small country house, the best choice is a gasoline generator.
If the country house is gasified and it is possible to connect the generator directly to the highway - select the gas generator. A similar choice will allow you to get the cheapest electricity.
In the absence of central gas supply, it is more expedient to choose a diesel generator. Of course, the cost of electricity obtained in the processing of diesel fuel is significantly higher. Yes, and the presence of harmful products of combustion is a negative moment. But the use of balloon gas is not only the inconvenience associated with refueling cylinders, but also increased explosion hazard.
Very important criterion for selecting the generator - price. It is necessary to thoroughly consider and determine the maximum amount that it is planned to spend on the purchase of a generator for a country house. Ignore models whose price exceeds the specified amount. This will save a mass of time.
Choose a generator for home. What models to pay attention
Deciding with the estimated purchase price and the main characteristics of the generator, proceed to the selection of the model.
- One of the leaders in the production of generators is Hyundai. The generators of this company are distinguished by reliability and durability, the optimal combination of parameters price - quality. The company offers both single-phase and three-phase generators.
- EUROPOWER company generators are not less popular. Among the advantages of the models produced by this Belgian company, I would like to highlight the high motorway to overhaul and the ability to further increase the already spacious fuel tank.
- Far from the last place among producers of generators and the French company SDMO also occupies. The models of this company are inherent in high environmental friendliness and safety. The toxicity of exhaust gases of SDMO generators is reduced to a minimum level. Much attention is paid to the fight against the noise caused by the operation of the generator.
Among the products of the above manufacturers, many models of generators are ideally suitable for use in a country house. Start the final choice, based on the type of fuel.
Gasoline generator. What is better to choose?
- Among one-phase gasoline generators, a good solution for a country house will be Hyundai Hy 7000 LE generator. This device is equipped with a reliable OHV HY390 engine and a fuel tank of 22 liters. With a fuel consumption of 2.2 l / h, continuous operation is possible within 10 hours. The upper arrangement of the engine valves allows you to significantly save fuel. The power of the generator is 5.5 kW, which is quite enough to emergency energy supply of a small country house. This model is equipped with a protective frame, which is made of steel tubes. Special rubber pillows are quenched vibration. Cooling generator air. For launch there is a reliable electric starter. In an emergency, it is possible to launch manually.
- A good option for a country house will be the purchase of an EUROPOWER generator EP10000E. The model is a generator based on the Honda unit. His advantages:
- high performance;
- efficiency;
- reliability.
Rated power of 9 kW. The generator is very compact, works very quietly.
- If you need to purchase a three-phase gasoline generator, pay attention to the Hyundai Hy9000le-3 model. The model is equipped with an engine Hyundai IC425 and 25 liters fuel tank. The rated power of the generator is 6 kW, the maximum is 6.6 kW. The volume of the fuel tank allows you to ensure the continuous operation of the generator for 20 hours. Among the additional advantages of this model, I would like to note:
- automatic emergency stop at a low fuel level;
- the presence of a transfusion switch during overload;
- low vibration and noise. This was achieved through the use of special vibrational pillows;
- the presence of the fuel level indicator.
By purchasing a three-phase generator, pay attention to the fact that the phase skew should not be more than 20%.
Gasoline generators are usually not equipped with automatic switching system. Remedy this deficiency easily. Suffice doukomplektovat their block ABP Startmaster 3F-40/40. Purpose of this unit - start generators operating on any fuel.
Diesel generator. What is better to choose?
- When choosing a generator for a continuous power supply in the country house, pay attention to the model of the company Europower New Boy EPS103DE. This model of the generator running on diesel fuel, is equipped with components of the highest quality. Power Generator - 9 kW. The launch automatically.
- If necessary, use a more powerful diesel generator, choose the model of SDMO T16K SILENT. Power Generator 12 kW. Advantages:
- choose heating the coolant;
- equipment engine pre-start heating;
- exhaust silencing shroud and for noise insulation;
- the use of Mitsubishi Engine.
Gas generator. What is better to choose?
Reliable and high quality gas generator for the house for quite adequate price offered by the company SDMO. This model RES 16 TEC. Generator equipped with a powerful 2-cylinder 4-stroke engine Kohler. Its advantages are:
- fuel economy;
- elaborate and efficient cooling system;
- long service life up to first repair;
- excellent torque.
The main advantage of the described model generator - presence exclusive voltage regulating system. With this generator reacts to the slightest change in load. Nominal power of the generator model is 12.9 kW, which is enough for a continuous supply of a country house.
Where to install the generator
It is not enough to choose and buy a generator for a country house. To avoid problems in operation, the generator must be installed correctly. Place of installation of the generator depends on its type.
Gasoline generators are quite compact and can easily fit into the interior of the infield. There may even be a similar installation of the generator in the back rooms.
But a diesel generator, it is desirable to define in a detached building. This is due to the fact that the diesel fuel during the combustion releases harmful substances.
It is necessary to approach the installation of gas generators with even greater responsibility. To prevent the explosion of cylinders, it is necessary to equip a reliable shelter that is protected from exposure to open fire and direct sunlight. When the generator is connected to the central gas supply system, you will definitely consult with the representatives of the gas company.
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Everything is almost the case, just for some reason on the site one China is drawn, except for Pramac (expensive). ENDRESS ENDRESS. Haha! Citizens are not in Germany such a company! There is Geko is Germany. And I'm fine with the Russian Abl in the house I live and I don't know any problems 🙂