Children's town do it yourself Plot.

Children's town - the dream of each kid. If you have a little land - near the house or at the cottage, you must make a children's town with your own hands. First, children will receive a place where you can spend a fun time - away from the TV, tablet and computer. Secondly, you can embody your children's dream into reality. Modern children's towns and platforms are mainly consisting of iron and plastic elements. It will noticeably facilitate the construction of you, as you will only have to choose the necessary parts for your site. But you can make a children's town to do from the tree - to collect absolutely every item on your own, without the help of industry.
Children's towns and platforms
Children's Towns of Iron
The playground with iron elements is this remnant of the past of the USSR, when in each yard an integral attribute was a variety of horizontal bars and bars, swing and carousel, as well as an indispensable slide.
It is worth noting that old children's townships from iron are more minuses than pluses.
- Iron towns are designed for older children.
- Iron towns are traumatic.
- Iron towns have many sharp elements (for example, corners of the tourists).
- Iron towns are low-functional.
- Iron townships quickly come and become uninteresting.
Modern glaze towns are more modified. Basically, this is a monolithic structure that includes a staircase, a hill, horizontal skins, swing. There are a lot of organizations that are engaged in the production of such sites for both the house and the street. Making an independently children's town from iron is unreal if you, of course, do not own the metal processing shop.
Plastic children's towns
Plastic children's towns today are the main favorite of playgrounds. This material is universal, so manufacturers can offer a huge number of options for designing a playground. At the same time, plastic children's towns can be suitable for both the games of kids and games of older children.
What are these playgrounds such playgrounds are and comfortable?
- Plastic towns are reliable and durable.
- Plastic towns have a huge number of elements, so the functional platform can be built, even having in the reserve only a free couple of earth meters.
- Elements of plastic towns can be adapted on any site: wooden, inflatable or iron.
- Plastic towns have a different age category - from 0 to 15 years.
Make an independently plastic playground is unrealistic - you can only buy separate items and adapt them at their discretion.
Children's inflatable towns
Inflatable children's towns are another new product. Today there is a huge number of diverse inflatable elements that are used for games of both toddles and older guys.
Basically, the most popular inflatable children's fun are pools and trampolines. At the same time, the pool can be filled with either water or plastic balls.
What are these playgrounds such playgrounds are and comfortable?
- Inflatable towns are mobile - they can easily collect and disassemble.
- Inflatable towns can be placed anywhere - even on the street, at least at home.
- Inflatable towns are very bright and always attract the attention of even the spoiled Chad itself.
The only minus is a rigid lawn grass can damage the bottom in inflatable products, so the pool bowl is desirable to be placed on a mixed place.
Rules for the safe use of children's inflatable towns.
- Before children go to play, inspect inflatable details - there should not be cracks, scuffs, acute items (like bolts, nails, etc.).
- Sharp corners can cause injury - check all the elements of the site.
- Be sure to check the attachments and the elasticity of the details before allowing children to games.
- Near the children's inflatable town should be free territory at least 2 meters.
Children's inflatable towns can be diversified if you acquire various details. It can be a trampoline, a hill, a swimming pool, a castle, a swing and a carousel, a horizontal bar and a rope staircase, a web-cobweb and a clodder, and also, a mandatory attribute of each childhood, - sandbox.
It is impossible to make an independently inflatable children's town - you can only buy separate elements that you depart at your discretion.
Children's town
This is the most interesting option, because children's street towns from wood are not only a reliable and original design for a child, but also a fascinating process for you, because construction will allow you to show your own smelling and intelligence! This is probably the most important advantage of this type of children's towns.
From the tree you can make absolutely everything: a house, sandbox, swing, slide, etc. But, individual elements, such as shutting a slide or balancers, swing or carousels can be plastic. The playground from the tree is environmentally friendly, so you can not worry about your fidgets.
The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment!
How to make a children's town from a tree
Project of the Children's Town
First of all, you will need to decide on the place where the playground will stand. It should be a windless place, which is partially in the sun, and partly in the shade. That is why it is very correct to place a children's corner near the trees. Ideally, building a drawing of a kindergarten, consider all the nuances, and especially:
- The playground, regardless of the size, should be well viewed by adults. It is best that it is "protected" with trees from three sides.
- A part of the children's town (minimum is its third part) should be in the shade (artificial or natural - not so important). Especially the shadow is important in the daytime.
- If there is a garden, greenhouses near the children's town, greenhouses, some kind of economic buildings, then they should be fenced. But it is best that they are located at sufficient distance from the site.
- If there is a reservoir (pool, pond, etc.) next to the game zone), it must be fenced from the playground.
- Near the benches and sandbox it is necessary to install awnings or umbrellas - from the rain and sun.
- All elements of the playground should be located at a certain distance from the fence, trees and from each other.
- Do not forget to celebrate the area that the designs will be occupied. For example, the sandbox will take 4 m2, and the swing - 5 m2, etc.
- Any children's town must include not only the place for active games, but also a place for quiet fun. In addition to sports shells, swing, trampoline and slides, there should be a table and a shop, sandbox and a house.
Children's Towns: Sandboxes
Construction of sandboxes - the process is not difficult at all. You will need to build a platform that has a small fence. For the convenience of kids, it is necessary to make the sides of the seating or one-piece shops and above the sand - in the center - a roof-fungus that will save from the sun. By the way, the bottom of the sandbox is not at all a mandatory element!
Sandboxes are made from the boards of 150x20. You can use the bar - 50x50. Where the boards are connected, the place is fixed with the help of spike grooves, and then fastened with the help of screws.
The ideal sandbox has a size of 2x2 meters, at a height of from 30 to 40 cm. To fill such a container, you will need about 1.5 tons of sand.
According to the recommendations of the specialists, before falling down the sand into the sandbox, it is necessary to make a layer of drainage - lay out on the bottom of the stones. This will help to quickly dry the sand after the rain, besides, it does not prohibit. It is necessary to do this: remove the top layer of the soil (about 25 cm), then pour the void with gravel or pebbles (the size of the pebble layer is no more than 10 cm).
Children's Towns: Gorki
The cutter frame is made of timber - 100x100 mm is suitable. The slide can be built in the form of a house or other complex multi-level construction, and you can - as a separate design. You will need: plywood, rails, boards, jigsaw, screwdriver, self-tapping screws, mastic, paints.
First of all, you need to observe all the conditions for the stability of the slide, so it is best to make the frame at once as a support for a complex structure, as this will help and build a building and swing to hoist, and then, perhaps you will make a clodder or stretch the gladiator grid.
Metal and wood slide
- Do not forget that the radius of the rounding of the metal part of the slide should be at least 5 cm, and the height above the ground slope is 20 cm. It is impossible that the edge of the slide is smooth, without rounding it will lead to the injury of the spine in the child.
- The roller frame itself can be made of iron - metal pipes will fine with this. However, wooden elements of the slides are mandatory, for example, railing and steps, which in the cold season will be ice, when children will touch them. Moreover, slipping on the metal, the child can bother.
- If you still lean to a metal design, make sure that there are no open ends from the pipes (plugs will help you). All bends roller must be rounded.
- Skat for a slide is the most sophisticated slide element. It is difficult to make it difficult at home, so it is best to use ready to use: or order in production, or to ennoble already used.
Plastic and wood slide
Wooden designs can be supplemented with a slide slide from other materials - say, plastic or fiberglass. You can buy this element from any manufacturer of plastic slides - they will tell you there, how to better attach the skate.
All conditions for this slide must be strictly observed, as well as for the metal slide described above.
Slide of plywood and tree
If you want your town to be completely made of wood, slide slides can be made from plywood. True, there is one minus - to achieve good slip, it will be necessary to open the hillside for external work.
All conditions for this slide must be strictly observed, as well as for the slide of the metal described above.
Children's Towns: Swing
- Swing must be mounted at the very last moment when the town's design is already over.
- Swing are attached to a triangular beam, which is a roller support.
- Here, on the supporting beam, you can place sports shells: a canal, rings, rope staircase.
- As a diversity, you can suspend several options for the swing - a regular bunch, a seat with a back, a tire from the car, etc.
Children's Towns: Tips Finally
- Do not forget to strengthen the support with oblique beams.
- For the strength of the children's town, blence its support.
- Be sure to treat the tree impregnating and open lacquer. You can paint the tree in different colors, which will be better and beautiful.
- You can decorate your children's town with an improvised fence that children will use in the game - it can be saved car tires or hemps.
- You can build a children's house on the plot with your own hands - it will be happy to play both boys and girls.
- For a boy, you can make a copy of the car, the locomotive, aircraft from the tree.
- For a girl, you can build a real kitchen, hospital or beauty salon from a tree on the site.
- The house on the tree is another element of the game, which will appreciate your children.
- Make a children's city bright and attractive - then your baby and his friends will definitely not stand in front of him.
- The coating in a children's town can be left natural: to fall asleep with sand or falling by special lawn grass, and you can put all the flooring for mini stadiums and sports street sites - at your discretion.
- As additional elements of the Children's Town, you can use ready-made entertainment - balancers and carousels.
- You can build a multi-level town that will include a whole labyrinth of entertainment.
- Children love to climb the gladiator grid or by the cliff - you can use these elements in your children's town. It is not difficult to make them.
- More fantasy and you make the most original children's town with your own hands, which will definitely be assessed by your babies!