Minvata Eau return: technical parameters, advantages and disadvantages Insulation

So that the walls of the house are securely protected from frost and wind in winter and from scorching sunlight in the summer heat so that inside always reigned a cozy atmosphere and a pleasant microclimate, the easiest way to make competent insulation. Such a building process not only makes it possible to solve these tasks, but also significantly increases the strength of the facade and allows you to save on the maintenance of the heating system to the heating period. The current market offers a lot of materials for this purpose, but the most demanded is the most demanded of the Earworth. It is the insulation that the avoor responds to all modern requirements and is quite accessible for the price. What exactly its advantages and disadvantages where you can use such a material and how to make it install it, you will learn from this article.
Minvata Eau return characteristics
Before you buy an escape and engage in styling, to obtain a qualitative result of thermal insulation in your own home, it will be worthwhile to know what mineral wool is what its distinctive characteristics.
Mineral wool is a fibrous material that comes on sale in the form of a roll coating, mats and stoves. The basis of the glass christmaster is exclusively high quality, manufactured using TEL technology.
The technical characteristics of Minvati Eau return:
- Thermal conductivity is bladder. The value of this parameter is minimal - only 0.041 watts per meter on Kelvin. For this reason, such a material perfectly holds air and does not change its indicators in different climatic conditions than many other types of insulation sin.
- Sounds are irrigated. Mineral wool from this manufacturer is perfectly coping with the task of protection against external noise. The maximum possible parameters are achieved according to the current standards due to the presence of an air layer between the fibers of the glass cholester.
- Density of Minvati. This indicator may be varied depending on the specific type of product, but on average it is 13 kg / m3.
- Fire safety. The combustibility of Minvati is determined by the density of the isois. Thus, the plates with indicators up to 30 kg / m3 refer to the group of absolutely non-flammable materials. This makes it possible to use isois for buildings of any type - commercial and residential premises, cottages and apartments in high-rise buildings. Hard and semi-rigid plates with aluminum foil belong to weakly, so they are also allowed to mount almost everywhere. The main condition when using the insulation, an avoor - a clear compliance with the rules of fire safety during the operation of the house.
- Parry permeability. The indicator corresponds to 0.50 - 0.55 mg / MCHP. Condensate accumulation inside the insulation system is the problem of any modern material used for insulation. The advantage of Minvati in this case is that the fiberglass is very quickly given back moisture, which has absorbed, and special hydropobicators contribute to repulsion. The main thing is to leave when installing the gap between the wall for the moisture removal at least 2 cm.
- Life time. In this regard, the restrictions have a very wide range - from 50 to 100 years, depending on climatic conditions and the building material used for the construction of walls.
- Environmental purity. Component composition of Minvati The avoor is absolutely safe for humans. During the operation of the insulation system, no harmful evaporation is formed, so it can be safely taken if you put environmental purity by one of the first items when choosing a suitable insulation.
- The weight of Minvati is an av. This material is one of the lightest out of the entire range of existing insulation, and therefore it can be used for installation even on surfaces with a small carrier load.
- The dimensions of the isser. As already mentioned, the Minvat of this brand is presented in the market various types. Depending on the type of material, the thickness is 5-10 cm, the overall dimensions of the slabs according to the standard grid - 1 * 1 meter, rolls include the Minvati area at 16-20 m2 with a roll width of 1.2 meters and a length of 7-14 m.
The advantages of Isovera
Considering all the above-described technical characteristics of the Ministry of Service an avagement, we can conclude the following advantages:
- excellent level of thermal insulation;
- resistance to any, even extreme temperature modes;
- fire safety;
- resistance to mechanical and chemical impact;
- easy stratification and lack of deformation during compression;
- gap strength;
- moisture resistance;
- excellent noise absorption indicator;
- absolute resistance to any biological impact, in particular, to rodents;
- easy installation.
Disadvantages of mineral wool
If we talk about the disadvantages of Minvati an avagement, then it is worth noting the possible content of carcinogenic fractions and the harmfulness of the fiberglass for the respiratory organs. But in order to prevent adverse effects on the body, it is enough in the installation process to adhere to simple recommendations:
- Give the living area and construction site at the time of installation work.
- Use as a fencing film, paneur or drywall, which will be a good obstacle to the spread of glass dust.
- Do not allow the formation of drafts from the installation area in residential premises.
- Use personal protective equipment - gloves, respirator, hard hat, glasses.
Types of Minvati Ferry
Isover does not produce universal mineral wool. There are such principles of classification by which varieties are determined:
- Light heat insulation is mats and plates that are suitable for processing walls of brick and wooden houses, as well as for the insulation of the roof. Do not use them for finishing foundations and floors.
- Healing isolation. This category includes soft plates for frame structures and medium-sided, rolled mats, mats with foil one side.
- Minvat special purpose. This group includes materials for scanty roofs that have absolute nonopication, elevated hydrophobic properties and good vapor permeability.
The lineup
The most popular types of mineral wool is an escape that are in constant demand is:
- Isover KL34 is a 5-10 cm thick plates. They are great for creating a ventilated facade, for finishing vertical and horizontal planes. Installation is recommended to perform on the frame, while there is no need to use additional fasteners, as the plates become very tight.
- IsOVER KL37 - such a kind used if necessary insulation of intergenerational floors, walls, scope roofs. It is also not required to apply additional fixators.
- Isover KT37 - comes on sale in the form of well-pressed rolls. Suitable for finishing roofing, attic rooms, overlaps, increase the technical characteristics of the walls and partitions outside and indoors.
- IsOver KT40 is a two-layer mineral wool thickness of 10 cm. On sale is also present in the form of rolls. Suitable more for horizontal surfaces - ceilings and floors. If necessary, it is easily divided into 2 separate layers.
- IsOver Styrofoam 300A is rough, sufficiently solid and dense stoves, for the installation of which it is necessary to use special locks. Due to the characteristics of the surface, excellent adhesion differs even on concrete bases. Specifications are increased by increments of extruded polystyrene foam, which gives a cellular structure. It is suitable for almost all types of work - insulation of floors, walls outside and inside the house, flat roof. The outer surface is easily processing plaster.
- IsOver Ventiterm is another version of rigid plates that differ in the versatility of use. For their attachment, you can choose any convenient technology - with additional fasteners and without them. The basis is basalt fibers. Most often use such a kind of minvati an order to build ventilated facades and insulation of water supply pipes, ventilation system and accurate devices.
- Isover scope roof. The very name of this model is already talking about the special purpose of such Minvati an avagement, the price of which is quite accessible and allows to solve the problem of insulation of the pitched roof with minimal cost, that is, even in economybudge. The sale comes in the form of plates with a thickness of 10-15 cm and a width of 61 cm. Distinctive parameters are excellent noise protection, almost zero water absorption, low thermal conductivity.
- Isover sound protection. Special series, designed for those who impose increased requirements for noise insulation. It is also suitable for finishing suspended ceilings and internal partitions.
Application of Minvati
As mentioned above, mineral wool has a wide range of applications. Depending on which the surface will be insulated and how much you are willing to spend on a building process, choose the appropriate installation technology of 4 existing:
- On a metal frame.
- On wooden frame.
- On brackets.
- On the base profile.
Important! In order not to exceed your own estimate, consider the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the right way to fastening Minvati. If you choose the correct version of the material, you definitely do not have difficulties with the installation, even if you decide not to attract specialists, but to fulfill all the work on your own.
To more clearly understand the insulation technology with the application of the Ministry of Wagon, view the following video instructions.
Remember that the lack of insulation when using poor-quality materials when the walls are erected during the construction of the house, it may lead to the fact that it will be lost from 30% of heat. Do not create problems in the future, select a high-quality insulation an avoever and make it laying on time. Resting in your own comfortable and cozy house, where it is always pleasant and easy to breathe at any time of the year, you will definitely appreciate how correctly your decision was, especially since you don't have to spend much for this.
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Repeatedly worked with different insulation and there is something to compare with. We have been advertised the escape as the easiest in the installation and that your hands do not bope from him. Indeed, there is almost no shuffling from the material, I just saw the mask, and the gloves neglected - and nothing. Regarding the possible harmfulness of the iswest, more like the fisheries of competitors, the bundes are scolded with how much in vain. In my opinion a high-quality insulation.