Installing concrete fence with your own hands Plot.

Concrete fences have long been used as a fence of various objects. If first used them only as a fence for enterprises and all sorts of industrial sites, today concrete structures are increasingly appearing in residential areas. And no wonder! If earlier concrete fences were bulky and gloomy, today, thanks to the latest technologies, many designs look modern and beautifully, which allows them to use them as a fence of private home ownership or a country area.
Advantages of concrete fences
Blocks for the fence are solid concrete structures that have an attractive appearance and will serve for a very long time. This is a novelty that has become a very fast trendy trend in modern construction. Most often, this factor when choosing a fence is decisive for many consumers. But not only does it make an attractive fence from concrete panels, as in the photo. These are strong, and what is important, reliable designs will be able to find use on any plot, as they have a lot of advantages.
- Pay attention to concrete fences if you need to disperse a plot in order to isolate the territory from noise and dust.
- Pay attention to the concrete fences, if you want to protect the house from a fire that can start the outside - however, you will have to choose a fence of at least two meters in height, and the sections will deepen about 20 centimeters - this is if there is a high level of fire hazard in your area.
- Pay attention to the concrete fences, if you want to forget what deformation, rust, shrinkage, painting and other construction and repair work.
- Pay attention to concrete fences, if you want to reliably protect your home and yard from animals and unborn guests.
- Pay attention to the concrete fences, if you want to emphasize your landscape design on the plot.
- Pay attention to concrete fences if you want to protect your privacy from extraneous eyes.
- Pay attention to the concrete fences, if in order to save you yourself want to establish a fence. The installation of concrete fence is possible with their own hands, despite the fact that the designs look in impregnable monoliths.
What types of concrete fences exist
Concrete fences have different sizes, so there is something to choose from.
- A solid deaf concrete fence with a height of at least two meters. Such structures are most often non-sustainable, without design sizes. They are suitable for the fence of industrial facilities.
- Decorative concrete fencing is not higher than 78 centimeters. These miniature fences are used for fence of flower or roads from animals and children.
- Concrete fence with decorative figured elements, no more than 150 centimeters. The best solution for a small private home ownership.
- Deaf concrete fences with decor elements in the upper and (or) lower part with a height of at least 170 centimeters. This species is used to fencing the territory of houses and household plots.
- Special concrete structures that serve as a fence for parisades or children's playgrounds.
- Concrete structures for the fence of the garden or garden - their height from 150 to 200 centimeters. Such a fence does not have too obvious designer sings.
Despite the fact that there are various types, the installation of a concrete fence is carried out strictly in one sequence.
Concrete fence installation technology
Concrete fences are prefabricated sectional reinforced concrete structures. Depending on the type of fence, there is also the specifics of the installation of concrete fence.
Fences from concrete slabs are either fixed on racks, or free standards. If these are free-standing fences, then they consist not only from the reinforced concrete section, but also from glasses-foundations. When performing stationary installation of the rack, located in a glass, you must pour them with concrete. In the event that you do not need to install a permanent design, and you are willing to limit the temporary, the racks must be firmly fixed using wooden wedges.
By the way, experts argue that for beginners the most important thing in the installation of the fence is to make it so that it was even! At this point, you should pay special attention.
What will be needed for installations of fence made of concrete slabs
- Shovel.
- Scrap.
- Level.
- Wooden rails (20 pieces).
- Cord.
- Truck crane. (It is not necessary to scare prematurely, this "aggregate" you will need during installation only if the sections or glasses weigh a lot of kilograms).
- Level. (This tool may only be needed when you build a fence on the slope. Thanks to him, the difference is calculated in height, which makes it possible to determine the height and number of steps so that there are no level drops).
- Crushed stone.
- Sand.
- Cement.
- Wire.
- Dye.
- Primer.
- To choose from: mixer (of course, construction), concrete mixer or drill (along with a special nozzle).
- Assistant or assistants.
Installation of support pillars
- In the place where you plan to put a fence, at an altitude of about 50 centimeters from the ground you need to stretch the cord. This will help you to clearly follow the planned line, along which the fence will stand.
- At a distance of two meters from each other with the help of a shovel to dig the pits. Their depth should be 50 centimeters.
- To each well, to lower the concrete pillars for the fence. Set them in terms of level, and then fix. It is best to do this with large stones, rubble, broken bricks, brick concrete.
- In the groove of the prepared post you need to put a rail (wooden). This is exactly the distance on which the next pillar will be set. Watch the post stood with a groove to rake.
- To accurately determine that all pillars are strictly smoothly, a level must be applied to the rail. If suddenly it turns out that the pillars are uneven, then it will be necessary to either deepen the hole, or shove the Earth, thus reducing it.
- To the top of the pillar you need to bind the wire (but the usual rope is suitable), and in the grooves insert another rail. This is done in order to maintain the same distance between the columns.
- Each pillar must be set strictly in terms of the level, and then fix the rubble. Reiki can not be removed to the "final" - installation of concrete slabs.
- Once all poles are installed, it is necessary to knead the solution - in the proportion of 1: 4 - cement and sand. The solution must have a sour cream-like consistency. Once again, with the help of the level, check, exactly the whole design, and then pour the hole with the hole in which pillars are.
- Bay all the wells Do not be lazy to check all poles once again. The fact is that the solution, if it is liquid, can slide a little base for the fence. Often it can be seen even with a naked eye.
- Eliminate all nervousness and inaccuracies! This is the key to the fact that your fence will be beautiful and will serve for a long time.
Installation of concrete fence
After the pillars are installed, and the cement mortar tightly brought them with the surface of the earth, you can start installing a concrete fence. In the summer, this procedure is possible the day after you installed pillars, and in a cooler time of the year - in the spring and autumn, only in a few days, and best after three to four days.
Installing concrete slabs is very simple - it is necessary to insert the fence section through the top of the poles. It is necessary to monitor empty spans uniformly. During the execution of these works, you may need an assistant or even an auto.
Tips finally
- If you wish, you can paint the fence - this requires a special primer that can be applied to concrete.
- For painting, the facade paints will also be suitable, which are in their composition pigments of different colors.
- It is not necessary to paint the fence at all - it is so rather attractive.
- To protect the fence against the negative impact of weather conditions, it is necessary to install the caps on the fence of concrete or iron.
Installing concrete fences - video tutorial