Metal gates in a private house: Tips for choosing Doors,Useful advice

Metal gates intended to enter the territory of the private house, look very respectable. They give a sense of style and security, provided that they are chosen correctly, and their design takes into account all the features of the fence, yard, owner preferences.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to understand the main trends and features of the designs of fences, which there is a lot. The purpose of the gate also affects their appearance and functionality, because they can be installed in the country, in the garage, a country house.
Types of metal doors
There are various ways to open a metal gate. They can be pushed, just open or roll out. Each of these methods is good in certain cases. But under any conditions, it is better to avoid too intricate designs that may require regular repairs or care.
Swing designs of the gate
- The design of the swollen metal gates is most familiar for many owners. Both sash or one of them are hospitably open to those who want to enter or enter the car into the territory of the courtyard.
- Before installing this type of gate, it is worth estimating whether there is enough space for open flaps, because than they are wider, the greater space will be held in open form.
- If they open inward, the yard must have a spacious territory, not burdened with additional buildings or other objects near the gate. If metal sash swallowed out, then the area and arrangement of the yard no longer matter, but it is worth considering that this goal is impossible to drive closely by car.
- At this option, without thinking, representatives of an older generation stop their choice, because the classic in any sphere always remains at the peak of popularity. In addition, the swollen gates look very harmoniously surrounded by an old exterior of the house and the yard.
- The design of the metal swollen gates can be very diverse: from closed and high options, reliably hiding the life of the hosts from prying views, to translucent, elegant structures, perfectly beaten by plants and bizarre decor elements.
- Like any other design, swing gates also have their weaknesses. One of them is the possible savings savings that can become relevant in the case of wear of door loops with long-term operation and frequent open position of the sash.
- Such a problem can be circumvented, if you equip the sash with special wheels that will become their additional support. It is worth noting that the disintegration design of the metal gate is the most simple in operation, so it is precisely the easiest to install it with your own hands or upgrade the already established option.
Automation for swing gates
- So that there was no temptation to consider the sliding construction of the outdated, the market has long appeared special systems for such a gate, which fully allow you to automate the process of opening and closing the sash.
- Now this can be done using the control panel that feeds the electronic mechanism, without leaving the house or car interior. The speed of fluttering sash ranges from 12 to 15 s. This automatic system works silently, and in the absence of electricity, it can be translated into manual operation.
- When operating an automatic system for swing gates, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that there is no interference on the path of movement, otherwise it can lead to the system output. You also need to lubricate all the details that need it.
- In the event of a breakdown of the automatic system, you should not try to solve the problem by force, it is better to invite to troubleshoot a specialist.
Retractable design metal gate
- The retracting design of the metal gate does not need the free space of the yard or near it, as the sash will move along the fence. But on the way of movement of sash, there should also be no obstacles, you need to take care in advance.
- Such gates are more capricious in terms of care. They can jerk if dirt fall into the design, refuse to work in a strong frost or smelling snow.
- Retractable gate can also be equipped with an automatic system, and it is easier to do so with swinging options. But it is also worth considering the probability of turning off the electricity and a quick way to organize the manual operation of the gate.
- Designs implying gate rollback are more expensive than swinging options at the expense of the cost of fittings. On the fittings should not save, stopping your choice on the most high-quality and durable versions, then the sliding gate will serve for a very long time.
- Retractable gates with the help of drawings and recommendations laid out on the Internet, it is quite realistic to install your own hands.
- Sliding gates differ from retruding the fact that there will be 2 sash to ride. It is necessary in the case of an enlarged width for the entry of transport, when to move one sufficiently massive sash is inconvenient.
- More and more modern people give their preference to a retractable metal gate due to the convenience of their operation, the durability of the use and the possibility of traveling any type of vehicles.
Often next to the gate needed for the passage of transport, equip the gate for the passage of people. It is convenient, because I don't want to mess with massive gate flaps every time you enter or exit from the yard.
Often you can see a metal gate with a wicket cut right in one of the sash. This option saves a place and is very concise. But if it allows the area, it will still be more convenient to install a metal gate with a gate, located nearby, especially with swing structures.
Built-in gate
This design has its drawbacks:
- Threshold at the bottom of the design. The built-in gate is impossible to cut without jumper at the bottom and at the top of the leaf of the sash, so the passage through it can be somewhat difficult, especially with gravity in hand or massive items.
- The gate in the gate is driving the design, so you need to monitor so that there is no violation of the scale balance of the structure, especially at a rollback gate.
- Built-in gate has limited width.
Detached wicket
- This design does not have the above limitations. Its width can be selected by you, based on your own considerations and ideas about comfort. Ideally, you must go through it without any problems, carrying gravity in both hands, without turning the body.
- Assessing the difference in the designs of a metal gate with a separate or built-in wicket in a photo or directly walking up near neighborie homes or cottages, you can finally decide on the choice.
- The design of the wicket consists of external and internal frames, the trim, which is attached to the inner frame, the box for the lock, the loops and the restrictive plate designed to limit the wicket movement on the opening.
- The lock for the wicket is better to choose a mortise type. Such locks are preferable than mounted, although they are more difficult to install. But still it is better to do it 1 time to do the installation of a mortise castle, which will look good and function well in full service. In addition, it is easier for them to use, because for turning the key in the keyhole is enough for 1 hand.
Metal garage gate
When it comes to the garage, then the attention of drivers are given an even greater selection of different types of metal gates.
Swing doors
The most familiar option is the swollen gate, best suited for detached garages with free space near the construction. It is less common to configurations that open the inside of the room, but this is possible only if the garage is quite a spacious and open gate will not touch the car.
Often, swing gates for the garage are equipped with an extra gate. It happens very convenient if other things are stored in the garage in addition to the car or bike. In this case, the wicket eliminates the owner from the need to use the massive gate every time he does not use vehicles.
Lifting gate.
The lifting gates are made of solid sheet metal and may have a finish from other materials. The design of such a gate implies the automatic lifting and placement of the metal canvas in an open form under the garage ceiling.
The lifting gate work silently, they are very resistant to actions directed at hacking, and also significantly save the surrounding space. They can consist of both 1 layer and 2, and then 3 layers, have a warming or reinforced component.
Sectional doors
Sectional doors are similar to the lifting, differ in the presence of horizontal sections, which, if necessary, lifting the gate consistently, one by one is moved along the garage ceiling. This configuration is even more economical in terms of surrounding space.
Sectional gates are often chosen when equipping especially high and wide garages. They can work both offline and mechanical.
Rolled gate.
The principle of operation of the rolled gate resembles blinds. Their non-scribe of horizontal sections when lifting are wound on a roll, located under the ceiling.
With a high car and low garage, the installation of a roll gate can cause difficulties, as there may be not enough space to accommodate the roll. The way out of the situation can be the possibility of placing the roll outside.
This design is very compact, it is easy to use and install. But still, the rolled gate is more suitable for garages that do not go straight on the road or for firms serving the car.
What to pay attention to
When choosing a metal gate should first decide on their kind depending on your conditions and financial capabilities. In this you will be happy to help manufacturers of barriers that can demonstrate numerous photo metal gates and give you the necessary recommendations.
If you are limited in the means, then you need to take into account several tips capable of cutting your financial costs:
- Pay attention to the project of your order. If you do not have extra money, it is better to choose typical options that will always be cheaper than individual.
- The design of the gate significantly affects their final cost. If necessary, save better to choose simple gate sketches, not burdened with decorative elements and representing the right geometric forms. If the appearance of the metal gate plays a decisive role for you, then it is better not to skip.
- It is necessary to ask the quality of the material. Raw materials for future gates must comply with GOST. Most often, such material uses large manufacturers, which, at the expense of wholesale purchases, raw materials are obtained by a lower cost of material.
- All elements of the metal gate must be wear-resistant, resistant to corrosion and take into account the likelihood of mechanical damage. Therefore, it is better not to save on the quality of raw materials.
- The process of manufacturing metal gates is very important for their further operation. It is necessary to avoid unscrupulous actors who are trying to organize the manufacture of the gate with the easiest tools, due to which the quality will suffer greatly. And even the low price of such a gate will not be able to compensate for the inevitable errors in the design.
- Therefore, it is preferable to deal with major manufacturers who have a sufficient material and technical base and are capable of improving the process of production of metal fences with maximum accuracy.
- The coating of the paint of the finished metal gate is necessary not only for the aesthetic product type. The coating prevents the emergence of corrosion and protects against atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, it is important that the entire surface is evenly painted in sufficient quantities. The maximum effect can be achieved using special equipment that are possessed by reliable manufacturers, and the use of a conventional roller or painting brush is extremely undesirable.
In order for the gate that you installed in the country or in the garage served for a long time, to the process of their choice and installation it is worth it very weighted. It is best to contact reliable specialists, inquiring with reviews of other customers. High-quality and correctly installed metal gates will not create problems to the owners and reliably protect the property.