Warm loggia do it yourself: Tips and recommendations Walls,Construction

It is possible to expand the living space of the ordinary apartment at the expense of the loggia area. But there is one condition: the loggia must be warm. To do this, it is not enough to perform glazing: to solve the problem it is necessary to approach comprehensively. This article outlines information on the methods of using modern insulation.
How to make a loggia warm: general rules
Carrying out the work on the insulation of the loggia, certain rules should be taken into account.
- It is important to insulate the floor. By this, you will not only create comfortable conditions, but also isolate the room from "cold bridges" - reinforced concrete slabs.
- The insulation of the ceiling is necessarily. Otherwise, the heated air, climbing up, will give heat out through the slab slab, and the air temperature on the loggia will decline.
- It is necessary to isolate the place of docking plates of overlapping, walls and fences. With a strong wind, warm air will be blown out.
- It is recommended to use additional heat sources, which can use electrical heaters and film warm floors.
- Warm windows of loggia are very important: their area is very large, and therefore they play a major role in heat exchange. It is recommended to use multi-chamber window profiles and double (or triple) double-glazed windows.
Choose materials for the insulation of the loggia
The modern building materials market offers various insulation. The following can be used for the loggia.
- Penofol: It is a roll material of foamed polyethylene, one side of which is foil. Air bubbles serve insulators. The reflective heat (foil) surface is oriented towards the loggia, thereby preserve the microclimatic conditions stable.
- Polyfoam: With its help, gender, walls and ceiling are insulated. It is suitable for outdoor and internal insulation. Polyfoam should be stolen from sunlight.
- Penoplex or extruded polystyrene foam. It can be different density, more dense laid under the tie. It has high thermal insulation characteristics. Installation is performed using hydro and vapor barrier film.
- Mineral wool: can be used exclusively for internal works. Used for insulation of floors, ceilings, walls. Environmentally friendly material.
In addition to the insulation listed, it will take the following to work on the loggia:
- foam block (if it is necessary to build a more durable fence);
- vapor insulation material (isolon or other membrane canvas);
- scotch (for compounding warehouse canvas);
- metallic profile;
- plastic plate dowels;
- self-tapping screws and dowel-nails;
- adhesive mixtures, mounting foam.
Warming loggia outside
Outdoor insulation is very effective: the dew point shifts towards the street, which means the fence does not freeze in winter. The difficulty lies in the fact that such work can be performed with the help of professionals. The process is as follows.
- The fencing of the loggia is treated outside the primer.
- On top of the brick fencing with plastic fungi and glue, the plates of extruded polystyrene foams are attached.
- Strengthen the surface with a plaster mesh: it is glued with a thin layer of a special mixture.
- A wide spatula is applied with a layer of facade plaster and after drying it - paint for outdoor use.
Another way provides for the use of mineral or basalt plates. To do this, it is first built a doomlet from a metal profile. Wooden rails treated with water-repellent composition are suitable. Plates are laid between the elements of the crate and close by siding.
Important: Between siding and insulation plates, ventilation gap (2-3 cm) should be maintained. On top of the stove stacked a vapor insulation material.
Loggia insulation from the inside: phased description
The whole process can be divided into the following steps.
- Dismantling of old structures (furniture, glazing elements, outdoor material, etc.).
- Construction (if necessary) of a new fence, strengthening it.
- Order and install metal-plastic glazing.
- Mounted warm floor on the loggia.
- Installation of electrical wiring, designed for lighting and connecting heating mats or infrared warm floors.
- The insulation of the enclosing structures and side walls is performed.
- Ceiling insulation.
The most important stages should be described in more detail.
Warm glazing loggia
When choosing glazing for the insulation of the loggia, such rules should be followed.
- The window profile should have as many cameras as possible. The thermal insulation characteristics of the entire structure depend on their quantity.
- Double-glazed windows must be two- or three-chamber (if the loggia is attached to the next room).
- The warm glazing of balconies and loggias involves filling the windows of double-glazed chambers with an inert gas (argon).
- By how to open the window must be swollen. The sliding design does not provide tightness.
Warm floors on the loggia do it yourself
The base of the floor on the loggia is the inter-storey reinforced concrete slab overlap, which serves as a wool's bridge. Isolate cold concrete from the inner space of the loggia in the following way.
- Polyethylene film is laid on top of the concrete base. This will prevent the penetration of condensing moisture into the insulation.
- Mounted doomle from wooden bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm. The bars are laid at a distance of 0.6 m from each other. Such a distance is dictated by the sizes of plates of mineral wool. In the case of using another insulation (foam, extruded polystyrene foam), the distance between lags can be reduced.
- Between the lags (bars of the crates) laid insulation. He must take all the space without cracks.
- Parobarrier is laid.
- OSB plates or moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm are two layers. The top layer is caught up so that the stakes of the plates do not coincide with the joints of the lower layer. The discrepancy should be at least 20 cm.
- Plates are fixed with self-drawing to lagas.
- Floor tiles, linoleum or other material are stacked.
- On the perimeter (after the insulation of the walls and the fence) attacks the plinth. Self-tapping screws must rig into the walls.
On top of the crates, you can lay a t-shirt
IMPORTANT: Between OSB plates (moisture-resistant plywood) and walls should be the compensation gap - about 5 mm. Subsequently, he closes the plinth.
Loggia insulation with warm floors
Installation of central heating batteries on loggia is not allowed. But there are several other ways of additional heating of the floor on the loggia:
- heating cables;
- heating mats;
- infrared film warm floor.
Heating cables and mats can only be laid in the screed. This requires floor insulation in another way: the screed is performed on top of the plates of dense extruded polystyrene foam. The screed is reinforced by the reinforcing grid, which is located on the middle layer. Heating cables or mats are closed with a thin layer of cement. Ceramic tile is stacked over the screed.
Warm loggia (see photo below) can be arranged using an infrared film. It can be stacked both on the floor (floor laminate or linoleum) and vertical surfaces, for example, for fencing.
Wall insulation on loggia
Walls bordering outside the home environment should also be insulated. For this apply the following technology.
- Metal or wooden plates are mounted.
- The insulation is stacked. You can use the same material as for the floor insulation.
- Mounted vaporizolation.
- The lining or moisture-resistant plasterboard is attached to the raids. In the latter case, finishing works are required.
Tip: The slots on the place of the joint of the plates with walls, fences and partitions are eliminated by filling in the mounting foam.
Additional insulation may be pasting walls with cork wallpaper. Such material is characterized by low conductivity of thermal energy.
How to insulate the gear
The warm loggia provides for the heat insulation of the ceiling, which is the bottom of the ceiling plate. Insulation is performed by the principle described above.
- Mounted doom.
- Thermal insulation material is stacked. It is important that he is located "rotary" and kept between the elements of the crate.
- Ceiling lighting with copper cable and double insulation is mounted. The cable should be protected with a metal corrugated sleeve.
- Finish finish. The decorative material is fastened, which is used as lining, "Armstrong" or plasterboard painted with water-free.
New technology: heat insulating foam is applied to the ceiling
It remains to arrange furniture and decorate the interior of the loggia. Now you can arrange a working office or to arrange tea drinking.
At the end of the article on how a warm loggia is placed - video, visually demonstrating the technology of work.