Finish basement basement with your own hands Construction,Building materials

Despite the fact that the foundation of any structure is the most important component, on which the strength and durability of the structure depends, should not be avoided by the appearance of the foundation. It should be borne in mind that in modern conditions there are many opportunities and options, with which the foundation will become a kind of decoration of the entire site.
We are talking about base base, which is often an additional decorative processing. In some cases, the foundation is at a fairly low level, therefore such finishes are not applied, however, in the case of the presence of a basement, the base is the most important component that needs a thorough finishing process.
With this scenario, the owners have the opportunity to use such finishing solutions that would be combined with the appearance of the site, the future structures, or to make the base to have an original appearance that attracts its unusualness.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the foundation takes on colossal loads, some of which, of course, get from the decorative sheathing of the base.
In this material, we will analyze in detail the specifics of works related to the termination of the base, as well as consider the most common options for the external transformation of the upper part of the base.
Features of finishing base foundation
The first thing to keep in mind that the base finish - it's really important event. The bottom line is that the plinth foundation for the entire period of its existence, lends itself to the action of a number of external factors. It is the precipitation, strong wind, solar radiation, etc. Thus, it is clear that the materials that will be used to furnish the foundation base must meet certain requirements, among which at least resistance to the above factors.
Moreover, you should pay attention to the fact that the cap can be quite large, so it makes sense to provide high-quality heat and waterproofing.
Also pay attention to the main types of foundation plinths:
- Sink. In most cases, it is the most durable type of cap, since it takes up a minimum of external factors that destroy the base or plinth itself. However, this cap is engaged quite rare, as most owners are willing to cap protrudes slightly, and it looks really attractive.
- Speaker. Use this type of cap often, at the same time there is a need for quality protection grounds, as external factors affect the fact actively and comprehensively. At the same time there is an opportunity to create a truly successful decorative composition, which will adorn the entire site.
- Smooth. In this case, the cap is flush with the main house walls. Accordingly, there is a possibility to create a unified decorative composition, which appears to combine the base and walls. In this case, the lower part of the building additional protection still does not hurt.
Returning to the question of finishing the cap, it is worth to note that often this component structures can be based on the brick, reinforced concrete or natural stone. In the first two cases, no additional decorative finish is a necessity, since the appearance of this part of the building is not the most presentable. Natural stone, in turn, looks good in almost any conditions. Accordingly, in the case of its use in the creation of the cap can be done without additional decorative finish. At the same time we must remember that the plinth should resist external factors mentioned earlier.
Indeed, many hosts at the ground level houses the underground room, which often needs any suitable conditions associated with humidity and temperature. Again, if you do not finish, while using insulating materials, the underground premises will be quite narrow in terms of the possibilities of its use, as moisture can easily fall inside, and the temperature regime will fully comply with the external atmosphere.
It should also pay attention to the finishing materials that correspond to the necessary parameters. Again, they should relate to the acceptable protection against moisture, as well as the preservation of heat.
Basic materials used to finish the base
Experts note that the most important thing in this case is to ensure reliable protection against moisture impact, as the basis may gradually collapse, or it will simply begin to lose its basic properties.
In addition, finishing materials should ensure the unobstructed access of the vapor from the room. It is impossible to bypass the party and the fact that the finish should be reliable, so that during long years the material has not started flaking from the base or simply to fall.
Often, the following materials are used for finishing:
- brick;
- a natural stone;
- siding;
- special conservation;
- pVC panels;
- decorative plaster;
- polymer coatings.
The selection of the finishing material used for the basement basement must begin with the analysis of the original design. Perhaps, when creating the base, materials were used, for the finishes of which need to take into account a number of different factors. For example, if the owners decided to use paint to improve the appearance of the base, on a concrete basis it is not categorically recommended due to the low reliability of such a coating. For the brick base, paint is a good solution, especially if the selected material fully corresponds to the existing conditions.
Brick trim base
Bricks for finishing the base of structures are used for long years. Even today, this decision is one of the most popular, as the appearance of the base, decorated with bricks, is really good.
At the same time, this option exists serious shortcomings:
- Price tag. Brick is a material that has almost always been quite expensive. It should be borne in mind that the reliability and durability of the brick completely pays for the money that was spent initially.
- The load on the ground. As you know, the classic brick has a considerable weight, which may not be the best way impact on the general condition of the foundation. Additionally load basis, which is possible, and so is in its ultimate state - this is very dangerous, so when using brick as decoration should make sure that it will not bring any problems.
It is obvious that owners who opt for a brick, primarily based on the appearance of the material.
Finish process in this case is fairly simple, since laying bricks there is a classic, and further can be used in the interlayer insulating material. It should be borne in mind that the finishing thickness of the cap should not be too large, so it makes sense to save money on the cement or the thickness of the insulation.
To this finishing materials may also include ceramic tiles, since in this case its characteristics are about the same.
Definitely a strong point of finishing a brick plinth is a decorative component. The concern is that for many years the surface will remain attractive, and even minor damage often look attractive in its own way.
Natural stone finish plinth foundation
It is natural stone is the best option according to most experts. Of course, this is obvious, since the appearance of large stones is always good to be combined with any structures. Moreover, natural stone is different durability, with a record high, in contrast to the brick or any other materials. In the end, the stone will remain an attractive appearance even after being covered with moss or cracks.
However, there is this natural material and significant deficiencies:
- A large weight. Often, the weight of large stones much larger than the classic brick. This, in turn, can create a large load on the foundation of the house, especially if the basement, which is planned to cover a natural material, has a large area. Of course, there are many options to avoid this trouble, but it is best to use alternative materials.
- Price. Buy natural stone is quite simple, but not everyone can afford it. The point is also that for a good finishing it makes sense to buy a high quality and attractive appearance stone, which would have lasted a long time on the base, and thus would please the residents and guests of the site.
- The complexity of the decoration. The owners, who do not have experience with high-grade finishing works, can get into enough trouble. The thing is that the placement on the surface of each stone - is a demanding job, which in some cases can bring problems.
If we talk about finishing the foundation stone, here should pay attention to the really time-consuming process. In the beginning, you need to create a sufficiently thick layer of cement, as well as we should not forget about the reinforcement, whereby the well kept the heavy stones. After that you need to include your creative nature and begin to spread units each stone. The problem is that natural stones are often very unusual shape, so sometimes dock or that the stones - not easy, especially if there is only limited space. It should be noted that sometimes will have to break the stones, so that they fit into the existing surface.
In the end, we get a delicious surface, which, moreover, can become a real decoration of the house.
The interesting thing is that now the market can find a stone panel for the base, but they are based on ornamental stone, although it looks all very good.
Definitely positive side trim cap using natural stone is a vast selection of materials. We are talking about marble, granite, as well as small cobbles and many other options. This allows you to get exactly the look of a base, a plan owners. Of course, often the money issue dates, and home owners waive their initial choice in favor of more budget options.
Using lining
Molded is a thin board, which is used for cladding buildings. On sale you can find a bunk for external and internal works. It should be borne in mind that the wood materials used for the decoration of houses on a regular basis, however, such solutions have a number of disadvantages, among which:
- Low durability. Unfortunately, wall paneling not tolerate change in temperature and humidity. Moreover, if there is at least a small source of ignition, lining immediately start to burn. The fire will spread very quickly if it is not stopped in time. Also, the wood material is easy to process of rotting, which again has a negative impact on his condition.
- Need to care. Specialists clarify that when using lining for the external finishing of the structure, and even more so the base, it is necessary to regularly care for the surface. Often it is a banal cleaning, however, more radical measures are often required. It is recommended to carry out care at least once a year.
It should be noted that the lining, of course, provides a unique appearance of the base. At the same time, the lining is quite good sound insulation. Considering that the material is quite thin, it is possible to place without unnecessary problems and the thermal insulation layer.
Installation of lining begins with creating a frame or a kind of crate, which can also consist of wood. In this case, the mount occurs by means of standard fasteners. The space that is formed between the clapboard and the framework can be safely placed the necessary insulating materials. The grooves are created in which wood elements are launched. This whole process occurs from the top and down.
Metal sandwich panels for socle
The use of metal sandwich panels for finishing the base is a good solution that is often used among many owners. It is worth focusing on the fact that this option of finishing the base has its advantages and disadvantages. The following can be attributed to the following:
- High price. Of course, the price tags are not so high, such as natural stones, but to separate the large area of \u200b\u200bthe base will be expensive.
- The need for protective coatings. Given the fact that the data of the sandwich panels are based on the metal, they can easily be corrosion. To secure the surface from this trouble, it is necessary with a certain regularity to carry out panels with protective coatings.
Also panels may have a large weight, which can cause transportation problems.
There were ate about the advantages of this finish option, we can safely note the following:
- Appearance. Metal panels that have neutral color, perfectly fit into almost any environment. In some cases, the sandwich panels may look more accurately natural stone and the more brick. You can find quite a few options for sandwich panels, which are ideal for a particular structure. In addition, it is known that the color of metal panels often does not lose its saturation over a long period.
- Fire and reliability. Metal - this means that the panels are difficult to damage the mechanically. If we talk about fireproof, then this material is not really a competitor for wood panels. People who care about security should pay attention to this option.
- Strength. Hanging metal sandwich panels - almost impossible, since manufacturers still laid all those strength conditions that are necessary for operation in various conditions. In production conditions, there is a risk in one way or another damage plastic or wood surfaces. In the case of a private house, whose base is advisable to separate the sandwich panels, then this risk is significantly lower, but there is a calm and confidence that the metal finish will look attractive and holistically even after a long period of use.
Obviously, experts advise to make a choice in favor of this embodiment of the base only in cases where the panels are combined with the common style of the structure. As for the attachment of the sandwich panels to the surface, then the same small framework is used here, as in the case of clapboard, plus it will not hurt to use and classic fastening elements.
Vinyl siding for finishing basement basement
It is confidently saying that over the past years, vinyl siding has become extremely popular and common material. Surely the whole thing is quite attractive and at the same time simple appearance, as well as in the characteristics that meet all the necessary safety and practicality requirements.
Among the strengths:
- Simple installation. For fastening vinyl siding requires a minimum of skills and skill. The most important thing is to be attentive and at least a little orient in the process itself. The elementary doom is most often created, which is often the insulating materials are often placed, after which you can mount siding, which, moreover, has a special fastening system.
- Modest price tag. Often, siding is separated by whole houses, including the base, and large walls. All because this material is a budget option. At the same time, the material does not have significant drawbacks, and in stores you can find a colossal assortment of material execution options, including siding.
- Small weight. The modest weight of siding is good news, since transportation should not make any problems, and the installation process itself can be carried out and one (it will be difficult, but you can try).
As for the controversial points associated with vinyl siding, it is possible to note the fact that the material of the material depends on seasonal changes. When changing the temperature or humidity, siding can decrease or increase. It does not create significant inconvenience, however, it is still necessary to remember this issue. It is most likely to finish the basement.
Highlights associated with trim
There are quite a lot of items associated with the process of finishing the basement basement that can significantly affect the tasks set. Among them are issues:
- Registration of the base. There is a lot of information related to the design of the base, but experts recommend to make a choice in favor of a similar color palette, as well as combinations of various contrasts. Only with such defolds there is an opportunity to get the base, the appearance of which will be attractive. Gray base against the rest of the bright home is not the best solution. Often, experts focus on the fact that the dark bottom of the house is better perceived by people. In the event that the base is bright blue, and the walls of the house are blue, it will cause some taste dissonance. To prevent this, you should pay attention to the already existing options for designing the caps.
- Combination of materials. It is important to remember that when the material is selected, which will be separated by the base, it is necessary to pay attention to the material to which the walls are decorated. Thus, if the walls are crushed by clapboard or logs, then the base is advisable to separate a stone or brick. Such a combination is the most acceptable for a variety of indicators.
- Select the size of the material. People who planned to acquire one or another finishing material often draw attention to price tags. Thus, the stone is one of the most expensive finishing materials. However, it is worth noting that it is possible to find a fairly thin stone, the width of which will be limited to 1.5 cm. In this case, the material will be relatively inexpensive, and at the same time it will not differ from more expensive analogues. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that its reliability is largely dependent on the thickness of the material, so the thin stone can be easily damaged, cracks can be formed on it. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to these features in advance so that there are no problems in the process.