Warming the garage gate do it yourself Insulation

The correct temperature regime is the key to a long service life. Therefore, it is important to correctly produce the insulation of the garage gate, which are the main source of cold. This instruction describes a complex of work on the warming of the iron gate, but can also be applied for other species.
The main types and properties of materials
In order to correctly and qualitatively, warming up the garage gate with your own hands, you need to know what properties have different types of insulation, and follow the instructions for performing the work.
Making garage gate insulation , most often, foam and cotton insulation are used, which are based on glass and basalt rocks. Each material has its own properties and features.
- Vata is made from glass manufacturing waste. It is resistant to ignition, but it has low resistance to moisture. Therefore, you will have to make additional isolation from the film or foil. This material has high inertness, which allows you to skip and maintain heat inside the room, without releasing it into the external environment. Plus to everything, it is an environmentally friendly product.
- Polyfoam is very waterproof and has low thermal conductivity. Previously, the technology of manufacturing these materials made them easily ignorant, but today's production offers many brands producing a refractory product. Polyfoam is available and able to serve a long time.
Preparation for the process
Before starting the insulation of the metal garage gate, you need to buy material.
The surface preparation includes the following steps:
- Surface stripping. To do this, it is necessary to an iron brush or a special power tool to open the gate from the cracked paint and rust.
- Primer. Progress the surface of a special paint that will protect the metal from corrosion. This work is performed in a manual wide brush.
- After that, you need to take the gaps between the gate and the opening. Special tires are suitable for the warming of the gate. It is distinguished by high frost resistance and hermetically adjacent to the corners of the surfaces and allows the doors of the gate freely open. If the use of the gate for the winter is not assumed, the mounting foam is suitable. Consider, foam freezes from 6 to 24 hours and only in the positive temperature.
Foam insulation
If you decide to warm up the garage gate of a foam, then follow these recommendations:
- We apply a sheet to the surface of the gate, and slightly pressed.
- We take a ruler or bar and cut off using a stationery knife over the printed circuit is all unnecessary.
- For reliability, we make boards more by 3-5 mm.
- Then try again.
Make sure whether the insulated surface is wet. If so, then everything is fine. Performing the insulation of the garage gate by mounting foam, according to the instructions, the plane should be slightly moistened. This can be done using a spray gun.
Then cover the insulation or gate foam. This is already at your discretion. Take into account the fact that the foam has a property to increase much in volume, because it should be applied evenly. Special attention is paid to the corners.
You can use special glue or liquid nails.
After that, we give foam to swell for a few seconds. We do not drag it hard so that it does not grab. Now we apply harvested sheets and tightly press them to the surface. After 10-20 minutes we repeat the manipulation. Foam expands some time, because it must be done.
Warming glass gamble
The insulation of the garage gate of basalt wool is a more laborious process. First of all, as in the case of a foam, it is necessary to clean the surface from the detached layers of paint, dirt, fat and all extra.
- We will have to sew the surface with a wooden frame. It is necessary to make a frame from bars. Dimensions should correspond to the parties of the wool itself. Insulation itself, wrap in a vapor-permeable membrane or in a layer of foam. This will prevent the formation of condensation.
- When this is done, we proceed with anti-grab solution, we apply the harvested plates and fix them on the sides using a dowel - nails. To create an aesthetic look, you can hide it all behind the layer of plastic lining.
Insulation foam
Another reliable option is the insulation of the garage gate of the mounting foam. Unlike foam and glass gamble, it is a lot of fire resistant and environmentally safer. Buy several foam cylinders, exact quantity of dependent on the size of the insulated plane. For example, if the overall surface of the gate is 7 sq. M, then you will need 4-5 cans.
Now we can proceed to work:
- Polyurethane foam is applied to a uniform layer.
- After he froze, we cut off the stationery knife all the unnecessary, speaking on the sides.
This is a very simple and practical way. Created a real monolith. With it easily, the smallest slits, joints and cracks are easily blending. The moisture does not affect the foam, and such a insulation can serve under 50 years. Plus, the use of mounting foam contributes to the additional strengthening of the insulated design.
In all cases, you can cover the insulating materials with clapboard or fiberboard. This will create a finished type of work and additional protection. Strong heavy materials are not recommended. They significantly take the design, which can lead unnecessary consequences.
In general, all the methods described above are effective and very easily fulfilled. Somewhat more profitable to carry out the insulation of the iron gate of the garage to use the mounting foam and foam, since the process itself will be easier.
Following the listed advice, everyone can carry out the warming garage gate with their own hands.
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What is the vague garbage in the video? What is it?