Green water in the pool what to do Baths, saunas and pools

The pool in a private house is a common phenomenon. Small collapsible models and huge complexes are designed to bring joy to their owners. How nice on a hot day cool and swim in cool water. Although the construction of the pool is not quite cheap pleasure, it is worth investing in its construction.
During the operation of the basin, the largest problem is the condition of water. If you do not pay attention to the quality of water, it can occur by its widespread pollution and after a short time the pool will simply turn into a "swamp". What steps need to be taken to make water in the pool not green - hereinafter.
Causes of water pollution
Typically, the pools are built in the form of open containers. The construction of the warm pool is rarely used in view of very large costs of its construction and heating. Open systems are subject to environmental impact with all the ensuing consequences. Fallen leaves, insects, rainwater and banal dust can become sources of pool water pollution. If the area is in close proximity to the natural water, then there is a possibility that in it can "settle" amphibians.
In addition to all the above factors, it often happens that water in the pool begins to be green. Especially this problem is sharply felt in the summer when the average daily temperature becomes quite high. For a few days, a beautiful pool with pure azure water can turn terribly smelling and unpleasant substance. Moreover, it is categorically forbidden to swim in such water, as you can get not very pleasant consequences.
The cause of staining of water in green is the activity in her green algae. The appearance of them can provoke many factors:
- Stagnation of water. Water in the pool should circulate with mandatory filtering. Stagnation moisture is "paradise" for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and algae.
- No filters or incorrect work. This is the most common issue among basin users. Saving when installing filters or their replacement usually leads to a gradual deterioration in water quality.
- Ignoring special water purification tools. Savings on various means of combating bacterial pollution of water, as a rule, leads to its flowering.
- The use of unfiltered water. This problem is usually inherent in small summer cottages, with the lack of central water supply. If the site is in close proximity to natural water, then often water for filling the pool is taken from there. At the same time, the entire spectrum of bacteria, which, lead together with water in the container of the basin, which leads to a quick blooming of water. Clean the river or lake water from the harmful flora even with the help of modern equipment is quite problematic. Therefore, one of the conditions of the pure basin for a long time is filling it with pure water water.
Pool filtering in the pool
The most effective method of preventing water flowering in the pool is its filtering. The filter system must be installed at the stage of the pool. It must be selected according to the volume of the reservoir. If the bandwidth of the filtration system is lower than the volume of the basin, then in this case it will not be able to ensure the purification rate greater than the reproduction rate of algae or bacteria. Despite the fairly high cost, the effectiveness of such filters will be zero.
All filters for swimming pools have a different design and a set of filter elements. Most often they are made of durable plastic that ensures durability. Plastic hardly corrodes, which eliminates rust from entering the water. Special bactericidal plastic prevents the growth of bacteria on the filter surface.
The most popular of the filter elements, which are used to purify water in the pool, as follows:
- Sand Filter. This is the cheapest filter for the pool, which provides good results. The principle of operation of this filter is to pass the water through a bed of calcined sand. The latter prevents the further penetration of dirt into the pool. Water through the skimmer skimmer for swimming pools or the overflow tank overflow model falls into a special channel at the end of which the pump is installed. It was he pressurized water passes through the sand, which provides filtering. At the end of the pump set pressure gauge which indicates the pressure in the system. pressure rise indicates clogging of the filter. In this case, the sand is sifted in, roasted and used again or changing to a new one. The latter option, though more expensive, but in the future will provide better water filtration.
- Diatom filters. The principle of operation of such models is the same as in the previous ones. The only difference is in the filter material. In diatom filters instead of sand used diatomaceous earth. This element represents a special rock, which was formed from the residues of seaweed and ocean shells. It has a gray or yellow-brown color. Due to the high density filter material diatom filters have a very high quality of cleaning. They are capable of holding a portion of the dirt and algae up to 1 micron. Through this filter achieves significant savings by reducing the use of cleaning chemicals. If contaminated filter produce removal of diatomaceous earth, followed by its replacement. This operation is quite possible to do yourself. Specialists who have developed this kind of filtering, assert that the passage of the water layer of the filter element is saturated with silicon ions for which it is called silicon water. It has properties similar to the spring or thawed. Swimming in a pool stimulates and strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the skin.
- Cartridge filters. The filter element of such models consists of a special replaceable cartridge, which includes a layer of paper and polyester. When clogged it simply change. Such models are used mainly to filter the pools of small or medium sizes. The advantages of such filters include a slight change of elements that can be made independently for a relatively short time.
The use of filters reduces the likelihood of water flowering, as it reduces the concentration of biological substances in water, which favors the reproduction of algae. However, their effectiveness should increase due to special chemical reagents that kill the harmful flora in water. By the way, the main supplier of biological pollutants in the pool is a person who bathes in it. That is why it is recommended to take a shower before bathing.
Chemical Pool Cleaners
Chemical cleaning of pools Along with filtration not only warns the appearance of pollution, but also improves water quality. It consists of a process of several stages. Consider them further.
Regulation of the level of acid-alkaline balance. This is a fundamental stage, as many drugs that are designed to clean the pool from harmful flora are very sensitive to an increase or decrease in the level of acidity. Therefore, the normal level of pH increases their efficiency.
Disinfection of water. Disinfection of water is designed to kill all the malicious flora in it, which is the cause of the appearance of pollution and growth of algae.
Disinfection of water conduct preparations of three main groups:
- Chlorine-based preparations. Chlorine has a strong bactericidal action. Especially effective, the use of chlorine is in case of severe pollution of the pool, the water temperature in which for a long time was above 28 ° C. Chlorine oxidizes substances that were not detained with mechanical filters, providing deep cleaning. However, the opposite side of the use of chlorine is its harmfulness for the human body. Bruep with chlorine concentration in water or uncontrolled use can lead to poisoning.
- The use of active oxygen preparations. Differs from chlorination to a softer action. It does not have a sharp smell, does not discharge the nasal mucosa and eye, it does not fancer. It gives an excellent result. With severe pollution, it can be used paired with chlorine-based preparations.
- Bromine-based preparations. Have excellent results and can be used even in the fight against severe pollution in the case when the use of chlorine is not desirable. In efficiency, bromine-based preparations are in the middle between chlorine and oxygen. The advantages of such substances is the lack of dependence on the level of pH.
The next stage of water purification of the pool is removal of algae. It is produced using a special group of substances - algicides. They not only clean the water from living organisms in order not to green the water in the pool, but also impede their appearance.
Coagulation. The process is to apply special coagulants that turn into flakes and bind to remote particles. At the same time, the formed lumps of the mud are increased in size, due to which they become captured for physical filters.
Physical cleansing of the pool
Unfortunately, the use of filters and chemical elements will not have positive results without physical cleaning of the walls and the bottom of the pool with water replacement. In purification, substances are used that prevent the formation of an organic film, which contributes to the reproduction of algae.