Install the rolling shutters on the windows with your own hands Window

To date, roller shutters are indispensable elements of window and door structures. With the help of such products, you can easily protect the dwelling or another room from external hacking and other hazards. It is most important to know that roller shutters fit well into modern interiors, which makes them practically universal components of each house or building.
For many owners of residential buildings, roller shutters are indispensable structures that protect the internally space from strong external noise, sunlight. In some cases, roller shutters are the best solution in order to limit the dust indoors. In fact, options for using rollers - much more than it may seem at first glance, since each owner has their own considerations about the use of rollers, their appointments and other specific aspects.
Nowadays, you can, without any problems, you can buy rolling shutters for a variety of sizes, as well as features related to the mechanism of their work. Therefore, there is always the opportunity to find this product under a specific window, door or other object that needs such protection. At first glance, it may seem that questions related to the choice and installation of rolling shutters are the most important and relevant. In this case, it is necessary to consider a little deeper to consider the features of the roller shutters, the specifics of their application and maintenance.
In this material, we will pass in detail on the features of the installation and operation of roller blinds. Practice shows that it often does not occur with such mechanisms, but you need to always have a full amount of information in order to prevent an error at the right time. Unfortunately, even in simple details, a person without experience is capable of encountering serious problems.
Features of modern rolling shutters
First of all, I would like to note that most people call roller shutters - Rollets. The same design is meant, which will be discussed in this article. Surely, many know that roller shutters are used in the CIS countries for dozens of years, and over these years the mechanisms of the rolls have not changed practically, and they also do not change. This suggests that everything in this product is simplicity and practicality. Accordingly, it makes sense to pay attention to the classical solutions that have proven themselves for a long time ago. Experimental roller shutters, which can also be detected on sale, may be not the most optimal choice if there is a need to ensure a high level of dwelling or other space.
It must be said that the main purpose of roller blinds is to ensure security. To date, there are a lot of security-related means. Moreover, it is not only about the mechanisms like rollstos, but also about alarms, devices and other specific issues. It is possible to pay attention to the fact that many outlets, as well as industrial structures, have a roller shutter, which are installed on all necessary window openings and doors. This confirms the information that rollers are high-quality protection against external hacking and other unlawful actions. However, it is important to remember that roller shutters do not provide maximum protection, as you can always find hacking methods. At the same time, you should not forget that almost all existing protection means have the same drawback, so you should not make premature conclusions.
Exterior Rotsetov
As for the question of the external component of the structure, then often rollers are perfectly combined with modern styles of houses and other buildings. The thing is that these designs are different simplicity, which is well fed into the common style. Of course, rolling shutters will not look in classical interiors, but in such situations you need to look for some other way out. Often, you can find white and brown rollers. Surely these are the most common options that are installed on outlets and industrial buildings. Of course, rollers are available on many residential buildings, but the mass of this direction has not yet received.
Practice shows that the color options are the strong side of roller blinds, since hundreds of manufacturers in many countries offer to make this product on individual orders. Of course, the most important aspect is the color of products, since the remaining parameters (except for the dimensions) are practically unchanged. It is important to remember that shovers must be combined with the window design, otherwise you can create a tasteless style that will only annoy.
Most often, the owners are trying not to focus the attention of the people around the rollers, as this is not a decorative element, but a part of the dwelling associated with safety. Thus, it makes sense to make a choice in favor of the easiest options. Most often it is white rolling shutters that would be combined with light walls at home.
Types of installation Rolltov
Before starting the main events, you should pay attention to the types of installation of rolls. Most often we are talking about three main types of installation of structures:
- Outdoor installation. This kind of event occurs most often. It is worth keeping in mind that this case does not require the preparation of slopes, which often takes away a lot of free time and forces (talking about creating a niche under the box). The outdoor type of box mounting with roller blade occurs above the opening, and the guides are mounted on both sides. It is worth paying attention to the fact that closed rolling shutters completely close the window opening and are on the same level with a wall surface.
- Built-in installation. This process allows you to have all the elements of rolls in a niche near the window opening. If we are talking about the built-in window mounting, the disruption should occur in the opposite direction from the installation.
- Combined installation. For such events, a removal is needed at the top of the window (or door) opening. This very recess is created in construction or repair activities related to a specific building. We are talking about the initial creation of a project, which implies such components of the structure. Ultimately, this method allows you to place rollers in such a way that they do not create problems when opening windows in any direction. It is practical and convenient.
Preliminary events
Before installing rolls, you need to hold the following activities:
- First of all, you need to measure and compare the diagonal of the opening. The difference between diagonals can be up to 5 mm. Works related to the measurement of the necessary dimensions are quite simple, but they are extremely easy to be mistaken, therefore it is advisable to measure the desired size several times to make any responsible solutions.
- The verticalness of the side slopes, as well as the horizontality of the upper, is uniquely needed to be thoroughly checked. It is advisable to use the building level to establish a fairly accurate value. Experts note that horizontal and vertical deviations should be no more than 1.5 mm per meter of length.
- Sucks should not have irregularities, as well as plaster, which crepts. There should be no chipses that make the opening unsuitable for further repair activities.
Of course, in many housing there are situations in which the openings do not meet the above requirements. This indicates the need to hold plaster or finishing in some other way. Separately, I would like to note that risk at installation of rolls should not be. If the deviations are impressive, then you need to carry out a full amount of leveling work, otherwise in another case, the consequences may be too negative.
The following tools are needed for alignment:
- hammer;
- drill and perforator (also required drills for metal and concrete);
- riveted gun;
- screwdriver;
- pliers;
- scissors for metal;
- screwdrivers;
- building level;
- roulette;
- marker.
In some cases, there is a need for a stepladder, but only when the roller shutter is at an altitude of 1.5 meters.
In order to connect the drive, an indicator screwdriver will be required or a multimeter. It is often necessary to seal the joints of the guide and the wall itself. For this case, a sealant is purchased, which can be found in any building store or supermarket (you need to purchase with an assembly gun).
Immediately after the purchase of rolls was made, you should carefully check the condition and product package. It is most important to turn to the presence of damage that can create serious problems when installing. If you find problems, you should immediately contact the seller to make a complete replacement of products.
Montazh Rolvtolen
- It all begins with the preparation of side guides. With the help of a marker and roulette, it is necessary to mark the holes. It is necessary to pairwise to lay them on a flat surface and mark the holes at 15 cm from parts of edges of the tires of the tires, as well as in length with a period of 50 cm. If we are talking about the overhead type of installation, then there is a need to displace them closer to the outer edge of the guides. The holes that need to be drilled, often have a diameter of about 8 mm. When it comes to an outdoor installation, then you should drill both sides of the tire, the upper part must be additionally drilled so that the diameter is 11.8 mm. This is necessary for further installation of a decorative plug.
- Next follows the preparation of the box. Here it is necessary to apply the cover to the box, after which it is drilled through the lid. It is necessary to do 2 holes on each side. The diameter of the holes should be approximately 4.2 mm. These hairs will need to install rivets, but after installing the rolls. It is also necessary to drill holes and for fixing the box. They should be located depending on the type of installation. For example, for the invoice, it is necessary to mount the back, for the built-in one, and for the combined - on both planes. The diameter of the drill must be 8 mm. You also need to drill the opening of the corresponding diameter for the drive. If we are talking about the overhead installation, then it is necessary to trim the box in the connection site with the guides with bodies and pliers. Next occurs assembly guides and box.
- Marking of mounting holes is also a responsible process. To do this, you need to attach the collected frame of the rolls to the impact. With this method of installation, all elements of the design must be at the wall, and with the built-in type - on the upper and side slopes. It should also be treated with the verticality of the guides, as well as the horizontal of the box. For this case, a construction level should be used, which is an indispensable tool with such events. The level may differ no more than 2 mm. Using the marker, you can note the previously drilled holes on the wall or slopes.
- Then we will talk about drilling mounting holes. In this case, you need to get the applied frame shutters from the opening. In the process of marking, you need to drill holes directly on the wall or opening. Directly in the concrete wall need to install a dowel. It is advisable to create a hole for the actuator, the diameter of this hole should be up to 20 mm. This value depends only on the type of roller shutoff. Often, the necessary information is presented in product documentation. In some cases, there are external shut-off elements in roller shutters. It is necessary to mark the markup and drill holes right at the bottom of the guides to further produce consolidation.
- Now it's time for fastening the frame. Here you will need to remove protective films from the rear wall of the frame. You need to put and align the frame to a specific place. You should combine the layout of the holes, as well as to verify the horizontal and verticality of the guides with the help level several times. In addition, you need to measure the distance between the holes. The fastening of the frame by self-drawing occurs with the help of a screwdriver.
- After that, the control of controls should be fastened. If we are talking about outdoor installation, the controls are mounted inside the building. With the help of the marker, the holes on the wall are marked, and then you need to drill them, as well as secure the guides and the lentoaster.
- Installation of the Rollet Roll is also an important event. It is necessary to set remote rings on the perforated shaft in a step, which is often from 40 to 50 cm. On the end profile of the web, you must install manual riglels, and on both sides. You also need to start the cloth rollers on top of the shaft into the guide tires. It should also be borne in mind that special traction springs are put on the upper edge of the canvas, which are fixed in perforated shaft holes.
- Almost at the very end there is installation of a cover box, fix it on the special rivets with a suitable gun. It is necessary to remove the protective film from the outside surface, and also remove all the contaminants that are definitely the place to be after such events. It must be remembered that the design has a lot of technological openings that must be closed with plugs (previously they must be lubricated with silicone sealant).
I would like to say that such events, in some cases, prove to be quite dangerous for inexperienced workers. Therefore, safety must be followed precisely to suddenly get injured. It is especially important to remember when using power tools, due to which there is a huge number of accidents. In some cases, it makes sense to use the services of professionals.
Once again I would like to note information that this structure, installation is best done not alone. Often, this process requires 2-3 people. This will not only allow a quick installation of roller shutters, but also in quality, since each participant will be able to process without any problems to notice the mistakes made by his partner.
In some cases, the need to install multiple roller blinds. This may be some kind of industrial or commercial structure, which in the night period must be protected from external influences. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention to the services of some brigades, which in a short time will lead the installation of all necessary design components. It is the right choice also because experienced people can always pay attention to all the subtleties of the process, which are often present depending on the structure and requirements of the hosts. If we are talking about single installation of shutters, then we can try to carry out the process with their own hands, while not being afraid of the end result, as all can be fast and easy to fix.