Comedian lime. Properties and subtleties of use Building materials

The history of the use of lime is not one millennium. This product took a durable place in many areas of human activity. The material has many valuable properties, the technology of its manufacture is rather simple, and the required raw material is very affordable. Comal lime is one of the components of building solutions with astringent properties.
Features of the material
The concept of "lime" is the name of roasting products of carbonate rocks, such as limestone, chalk and others. As a result of calcining data of rocks with fire, calcium carbonate goes into calcium oxide. After this procedure, materials lose 44% of their weight and acquire porosity. The substance formed in this way, when interacting with water, is obtained by the type of fine powder, and by applying an excessive water, a product has a state of a plastic test. Such dough and executes the role of the binder component. In the conditions of evaporation of moisture, the dough becomes thick, and then takes an encouraged shape.
Depending on the chemical composition, lime is divided into varieties:
- The substance produced by firing rocks by the main chemical component - calcium oxide is an overexheared lime. According to its physical properties, this material is fragments with a fine-resistant structure, the size of which varies from 5 cm to 10 cm.
- Haired lime is carried out by hydration. The consequence of this process is to increase the volume of the substance and its subsequent disintegration on the smallest fragments.
Procedure of production work
The production process of making lime suggests several stages:
- limestone breed mining;
- its subsequent crushing;
- burning.
To obtain high-quality lime, fragments of the used raw materials should have the same size. Otherwise, the root will be carried out unevenly. As a consequence, there is a fracture of small parts, and the material becomes inactive. Fragments of large size are inhabitated insufficiently, as a result of which part of the raw material does not go into calcium oxide.
Lime comedian smaller is performed by grinding the raw materials in the ball mills, where during the operation the required particle sizes are highlighted by the separator.
Advantages of the Commary Lime Product
Lime Compact technological has the following advantages:
- Unlike hated lime, a coma variety is almost a wasteless product. This is ensured by the maximum thin grinding of the mixture.
- Also, this material requires less water costs. This feature is positively reflected in the indicators of the strength of concrete composition during its solidification. The hardening, the smallest lime allocates heat in a significant amount. This contributes to the best grip of the compositions under reduced temperature.
- Greater strength is achieved by rapid heat removal. Thanks to these properties, the commercial lime was widely used in the construction sector.
The hardening process
The composition of the dough of the lime product is represented by a saturated solution of water and small fragments of lime, which could not be dissolved. When water from this substance evaporates, it acquires the state of the proportioned solution. The hardening substance is exposed to a shrinkage, which in some cases forms cracks in the material. Such a result, for example, can be noticeable when clutching lime on a hard plaster layer. In order to avoid such consequences, the use of lime is carried out with knitting components that provide the plasticity of the material.
If the lime mass is placed in the conditions preventing drying, it will save its plastic properties an unlimited amount of time. This is due to the lack of such a lime product the possibility of setting. If the lime mass is moistened after its hardening, it will again acquire previous plastic qualities, since the lime is not characteristic of moisture.
However, under certain conditions, the lime construction comedom can acquire relative moisture resistance. For a rather long hardening process, which can continue for several decades, a certain chemical process occurs. In the open air, the limestroke and carbon dioxide reacts, which ultimately becomes the cause of calcium carbonate. This element is characterized by good strength and insoluability as a result of water exposure.
Use of use
Lime found application in many areas of industry and farms:
- In the chemical industry, the substance is used in its industries such as: paintwork, perfume, petrochemical, cable, electrical, pharmaceutical, rubber industries.
- In metallurgy, through this product, the enrichment of ferrous and polymetallic ores is carried out. Lime also applies in areas such as processing and mining.
- In the food industry, the limestone is used for the washing of fats. And in textile production with the help of lime carry out the dyeing procedure.
- Lime is also widely used in construction. It is a mandatory component in building solutions and in thermal insulation materials.
- In the agricultural sector, the material neutralizes acidity in soil, which negatively affects agricultural crops. In addition, due to the lime, the soil is enriching calcium, the soil processability is improved. Also significantly reduces the need for soil enrichment with nitric fertilizers.
- In addition to agriculture, lime applies to the livestock industry. With it, it is disinfected farms and household facilities. And the supplement of the animal diet helps to eliminate the lack of calcium.
It should also be noted a significant role of a limestone product in the stabilization of the environmental situation. Through the lime eliminate sulfur oxide from flue gases. In addition, the material improves high-quality water characteristics. The presence of a lime component in water contributes to the deposition of organic elements, which makes the water softer.
Storage and transportation
- In the process of storage or in the case of transporting comob lime need to ensure measures that prevent moisture to the material. The lime substance of the powder shape can even pay out moisture in the air.
- The product storage duration depends on the container used. If lime is in paper bags, its operational qualities will be saved for 25 days. When ensuring hermetic conditions, it will acquire an unlimited storage period.
In the premises where the storage process is carried out, the floors must be made of wooden material and raised above the level of the ground at least 30 cm. It is necessary to completely eliminate the likelihood of water from lime. In the opposite case there will be a fire, as water warms the limestone material. In the case of ignition, it is impossible to use water to extinguish the lime composition.
Security measures when interacting with lime
Lime is a strong alkaline component. Therefore, before you start working with this product, you must take care of the precautionary measures:
- it cannot be allowed to enter the lime material into the eyes, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as on open areas of the skin;
- an extremely dangerous is the negro coming lime. In mandatory, with any manipulations with this component, it is necessary to wear special protective clothing, rubberized shoes, mittens, special headdress, respirator and safety glasses.
Commovoy lime is a product with universal qualities. The popularity of the application of the lime material contributes to the low cost of raw materials, because Lime comedy at a price is available to a wide range of consumers, as well as a technological simplicity of the process. However, the substance is not safe material, when working with it should be remembered about safety measures. Also that the lime keeps its properties a longer period, it is necessary to ensure the right conditions for its storage.
Features of the application of coming lime are presented on video: