What professional is better for roofing Building materials

Professor - this is not some kind of skimmed milk, you will not choose it immediately and you will not buy. It is impossible to go to the building market without specific knowledge, otherwise you are either a gift come out, and no one will advise you a sensible product without information about the roof and the desired material, or you will get the talkative seller-professional who will make something for him to buy. Therefore, we recommend going beyond the purchase with the full luggage of knowledge about the professional flooring.
Roof - a symbol of reliable and durable housing
We think a lot about choosing doors, without which, we seem to be robbed, and we freeze. But wait, without the roof it will be even worse. And although the inhabitants of multi-storey apartments are much easier, but everyone has at least a small summer cottage, and some lucky even to acquire their own cottage somewhere near the forest plant.
Paying a lot of attention to the windows and doors, remember the precipitation - the filler rains, record snowfall. All this falls on the roof shoulders, so your task is to choose a high-quality and reliable professional list. But is it just just?
Features of the choice of the proflift for the roof
There are difficulties in choosing, because not every professional property is suitable for the roof. The location of the house is also important: there are regions with a large amount of precipitation, and this is an additional coating load. Examine the marking so that sellers do not mislead you. Find out in advance with the home of the proof of the professional flooring, discuss the color, the presence of curious edges.
Attention to marking
Professional flooring is divided into wall and roofing. Accordingly, they are marked with "C" and "K". Often the roof is called carrier, then it is marked with the letter "H". Also found the "NA" option - a universal, used not only for the roof, but also for overlappings, fences.
You can also offer professional clothes, labeled "A" and "AK", this, respectively, steel sheets with aluminum and aluminum coating. Proflists with marking C-10, C-14, C-18, K-18 and K-29 for roofing are not used, but they will greatly serve as fences, fences. For the roof, material with a higher profile is used - K-35, K-44, K-60, K-85, K-128.
The main characteristics of the professional sheet
- the thickness of the proflist for the roof;
- type of protective coating;
- Height of the corrugations;
- Parameters of trapezoid bent profile.
Pay special attention to the height of the corrugations. The fact that the indicator is higher, the stronger and tougher material. For greater reliability, protective and decorative paints and varnish coating are applied. With it, they kill two hares - increase strength and create a beautiful appearance. The uncompressed straighist is also popular - they cover the roofs of other buildings on the site.
The following materials are used as a protective layer:
1. Polyester.
2. Plastisol.
3. Polyvinyl defluoride.
4. Polyurethane.
Polyester - durable, does not fade in the sun, it does not crack. It is he and a polyurethane most reliable for areas where many precipitation and strong frosts.
What professional is better for roofing?
To deal with the price of the roof of the roof, determine for yourself the decisive parameter in the choice of material. And let it be quality! Stop the selection on steel cold-rolled sheets with aluminum coating or aluminum. Their advantage - durability, strength and resistance to any, sometimes even negative, operating conditions, including adverse weather conditions.
Noticing the labeling "AC", be sure that this is a straightening with an alumochin coating. The material is not bad, but still inferior to the first version and in strength, and in reliability, and, in the end, for service life.
Many stop their choice on a galvanized straw for roofing. Such a coating is quite interesting: it is applied with a special hot way, besides this is done on both sides. His life is inferior to the previous one, but it is chosen because of other advantages - a small price, ease of installation, the possibility of installation with your own hands. He also has his markings - "EUTSP".
What does the cost of the proflift depends on the roof?
Indeed, the price range is so wide that the choice is difficult to do. Make sure that the high price corresponds to the high characteristics of the material, and this is:
- metal thickness;
- the size of the proflift for the roof (width, length);
- coating thickness;
- type of coating.
Caution will never hurt
If you have gathered to the market for shopping, you need to be alert. First, not everywhere a quality product, many hide the true country of manufacturer. Secondly, you never know what is hidden for such attractively low prices.
The first is to pay attention to the thickness and chances. Feel to intently examine the inner side of the sheet - divorce on the primer, as well as the heterogeneous color of the sheet - a reason for anxiety. One hands check the quality of the material is almost impossible if you are not a real specialist.
Much will depend on what profist you will choose. The mounting method is different for different sheet marking and wave species. Mounting with the help of self-tapping screws is carried out only in the groove, then the professional flooring will grow more tightly to the crate, which we need.
All of the above assumes that you will no longer have questions about how to choose a professional in the roof. Finally, we suggest you watch the video with the examples of the roofs from the corrugated floor.