Home finish imitation timber Construction

No matter what material you build a house. The question than to shelter it from the inside and outside to make the most comfortable and attractive, will definitely arise. In this regard, the imitation of a timber is extremely popular with which you can make a building in the style of a natural cut. Why the use of this material gives such an effect, in which its pros and cons, as well as how comfortable and simple, the face of the home imitation of the bar, you will learn from this article.
- Brusade imitation - concept
- Application of decorative board
- Advantages of finishing at home imitation timber
- Disadvantages of wood materials
- Finishing home imitation timber - scheme
- Installation of timing of timber - General rules and preparation
- Selection of material - imitation of timber and fasteners
- Finishing technology at home imitation timber inside and outside
- Conclusion
Brusade imitation - concept
In essence, the imitation of the bar is the same lining, that is, a decorative finishing board. We make such panels from natural solid wood, in different sizes. Its distinctive feature is the design of the outer surface in the form of a semicircular or straight, but with beveled edges, which gives as a result of the finish visibility of building a building from a solid or glued timber.
Important! Previously find out how the brusade imitation looks like, you can in the photo.
Application of decorative board
The imitation of the bar is used in various directions of decorative finish:
- for facades;
- for registration of individual buildings on the site, for example, baths;
- to improve comfort and external attractiveness on attic;
- for interior decoration at home.
Important! The use of such a board is allowed in buildings erected from any material - brick, concrete, blocks, on frame structures. Do not become an exception and wooden log cabins. In such a situation, the use of the imitation of the bar is a rational solution. It is at the finishing that accounts for a large load of adverse factors - moisture, frost, ultraviolet, snow, etc. Any wood from this eventually can collapse, and restore or replace individual decorpanels is much easier than to restore the framework of the building and the main walls.
Advantages of finishing at home imitation timber
Since the imitation of the bar is made of natural wood, the material has all the properties inherent in different rocks. The main ones are:
- Excellent soundproofing characteristics.
- Low thermal conductivity, due to which a consistently comfortable microclimate in the house is ensured.
- Healing properties depend specifically from the chosen tree of the tree.
- Strength and durability.
Additional advantages It is the simulation of a bar - this is:
- reduction of the load on the surface, and therefore reduced the risk of deformation - arises due to the fact that each board is made of 2 elements;
- easy installation - Each element is equipped with connecting grooves and spikes;
- smaller money and time costs - if you build a house from a solid bar, it is important to wait a period of shrinkage at home, which can last up to 3 years, plus the material itself will cost much more expensive;
- the ability to fully withstand the style of a natural and beautiful natural cut, combine several breeds to achieve an original design.
Important! So that you really have to reduce the process of construction, pay close attention to the process of counting the material and select a high-quality board. Only under such conditions you can appreciate how convenient and profitably do the finish of the home imitation of the bar, and with your own hands.
Disadvantages of wood materials
Like any wood, the type of "imitation of timber" has its drawbacks. This can be attributed to:
- the need for additional material protection measures - regular antiseptic impregnation, staining or varnishing;
- temperature control and humidity in the building so as not to create constantly unfavorable conditions - the absence of such actions may affect the service life of the material;
- the risk of fire is to eliminate such a life force majeure, an additional impregnation of wood with fire-resistant solutions will be required.
Important! The lack of strength of the board can be attributed to negative characteristics, because of which it will rot, dismiss, or completely crumble. You can avoid this in this way:
- competently approach the selection of wood breed, which will be best approaching your construction;
- To acquire the imitation of the bar solely in well-proven manufacturers to be confident in compliance with all the rules of the technological process of manufacturing the board.
Finishing home imitation timber - scheme
In order to cope with the finishing stage of construction as quickly as possible, it is initially clearly determining for itself a scheme of action at this stage. The rational will be such a decision:
- Acquaintance with the rules for using timing imitation and the definition of the deadlines for the finishing phase.
- Preparatory work - leveling of the base, impregnation of sawn timber with protective solutions, assembly of frame-crates.
- Removing measurements and selection of material.
- Installation of imitation timber.
- Staining of the finished coating with protective solutions.
Installation of timing of timber - General rules and preparation
Before we see the imitation of a bar of the house, find out how much it feasible and what other elements add to the design so that it remains durable and durable. The general rules for applying the imitation of a bar for finishing various surfaces are as follows:
- Excuse the house shrinkage - it will be varied depending on the selected main building material.
- If necessary, add a moving crate to compensate for wall movements.
- Align the base with special purpose solutions.
- Well clean the surface.
- Make a waterproofing layer - use mastic for this purpose.
- Place a vapor insulation film, the horizontal bands of the brass 15-20 cm. Fix it with thin nails, and all the cracks make a construction tape.
- Create a frame of galvanized aluminum profiles or wooden bars with a thickness of 25-50 mm - in this case, you will be much more convenient to secure decoralpanels. Hold down the distance of 600-800 mm between the elements and place them only vertically.
- If we have chosen wood boards for the crate, be sure to process all parts by protective antiseptic impregnations before assembly.
- Create a layer of heat insulation - from plates of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Secure them with dowels and cover with a polyethylene film to prevent water leakage directly on the insulation. The edges creek the mounting scotch.
Important! It is advisable to do thermal insulation when the house is built from concrete materials. If this is initially a log house - in such a procedure there is no need: the double layer of wood (logs and simulation of the bar) will provide the desired level of comfort even in harsh winters.
Selection of material - imitation of timber and fasteners
- Grade boards.
- Wood breed.
- Panel sizes.
Important! You can not consider some requirements and not pay attention to others. When buying a material, you need a mandatory integrated approach! Before going for the purchase, do the following:
- Measure all surfaces for finishing and write down the data.
- Do not forget to indicate which dimensions of the walls, the ceilings in which rooms are a prerequisite for the correct selection of the breed and the size of the board for interior decoration.
- Think out the interior design. Perhaps you will be more suitable for a combination of several materials, and not the use of only one type to withstand a single style and create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the house.
Class material
To date, there are several varieties or classes that share the entire lumber submitted on the market. Graduation comes from Extra or Premium and further in alphabetical order by English letters - A, B, C. The first option, naturally, the most expensive, the last is the cheapest. Sort the imitation of the bar, lining and other types of boards on the following signs:
- texture homogeneity;
- color homogeneity;
- the presence of visible defects - chips, cracks, resin pockets, etc.;
- the presence of bitch - in "Extra" they are not available at all, then a certain amount is permissible in each class.
Important! What exactly to give preference, determine yourself, based on how big you have a budget, which surfaces and in which building you are going to decorate. For example, the use of the most expensive boat or mansard finishing board is inappropriate. This rule also applies to finishing small rooms and utility rooms. And if you strive to create a luxurious and stylish interior in spacious rooms of your own house (living room, bedroom), then it is worth thinking about the acquisition of the material of the premium class.
Dimensions of material
The dimensional grid of products in the group "Imitation of the timber" covers a fairly wide range. So that you can cope with the task, consider the recommendations of the specialists:
- The optimal width of the finishing board is 100-150 mm. The larger size will take part of the height and the total useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Little - will look like a regular lining.
- Thickness - up to 21 mm, again, so as not to pick up useful square meters.
- Length - the imitation of the bar is released by boards from 3 to 6 meters. When choosing the right material, consider the length length that you intend to sow, as well as the principle of decor.
Important! For the outer decoration, it is better to take parts of a larger and greater thickness, widths to reduce the number of seams and reduce the risk of penetration of moisture. In addition, wide details will most clearly imitate the appearance of ordinary logs and the flow of all materials - boards and fasteners will be smaller. For interior decoration, it is possible to apply the boards shorter, less thickness, because they will cost much cheaper. And if you also combine them in different directions, take items with an unequal tint and from different breeds - you can create inexpensive, but very beautiful and unique interior design. The main thing in this case is in advance to think about the location of the boards and accurately calculate the desired amount to exclude the overrun of the material or the purchase of unnecessary parts.
Breed of wood
In relation to tree breeds, it is difficult to give clear recommendations. You can highlight the list of the most sought-after - this is:
- Larch. It has a high strength, a pleasant texture and a very beautiful tint, as well as fire resistance. Used to finish all types of premises, regardless of operating conditions. Like many coniferous breeds has healing properties.
- Lipa is ideal for finishing ceilings and walls. The main advantage - retains its own kel even when the temperature and humidity changes.
- Oak - durable, dense, resistant to rotting and reproduction of harmful insects. An excellent option for the design of various premises, as it has a lot of shades, but significant minuses are the high cost of the material and the complexity of processing due to high hardness.
- Aspen. Not so durable, but unpretentious to the level of humidity, soft and puffy, which means easier in processing. The increase in density and heat resistance is purchased over time and with proper drying. A big minus - inside the structure there may be fibers with a hidden rot, to identify which when purchased is not possible. If any, very quickly the board will start collapse and it will be necessary to replace it with a new one.
- Cedar. Imitation of a cedar bar will be very expensive, but you will be absolutely confident in quality - strength, reliability, resistance to any adverse effect. During operation, natural resins will be regularly highlighted, which provide the healing effect on the human body. The only condition is the purchase of material from a reliable manufacturer to avoid fakes or use in the manufacture of poor-quality secondary raw materials.
- Pine. Soft, pleasant, inexpensive wood option. It is quite suitable for finishing any rooms if your budget is humble enough. The main thing is to take into account that pine is a consistent material, so the room temperature should be stable, without sharp increases. It is not recommended to take such a plaque for plating Parims, bathrooms, etc.
Important! Most likely the house has no 1 room, so it is not necessary to take one kind of blackboard for all of them. Consider how to combine, based on the conditions of the temperature and humidity regime of one or another premises, as well as the shade and durability of the tree.
Method of fastening
In relation to the attachment of the most imitation of the bar, everything is enough - the klyimers are best suited for this purpose. They allow you to create a hidden fastening, which means it will not deteriorate the appearance of the trim multiple holes. In addition, this method will be more economical, since the consumption of kleimers will be much less than the consumption of nails or screws.
The method of fastening the crate to the base, select, based on how material it is made:
- if the house is wooden - use self-tapping screws or nails;
- if the house is brick, concrete, from blocks or panels - the only possible option of durable fastening - self-tapping screws + dowels.
Important! No matter what option you come in handy, when installing any details, check their position by the construction level.
Finishing technology at home imitation timber inside and outside
The principle of mounting the imitation of a bar inside and outside is simple and much different. If you take into account the following recommendations, the whole process will go quickly, and the result will be high quality:
- If the home finish is performed with a timber imitation inside, for 1-2 weeks bring all materials to the desired room, remove the packaging and leave for addiction to the wood to new conditions.
- Bold the boards exclusively horizontally.
- Start the installation on top or bottom (focus on your own convenience), making an indent of 50 mm from the edge - it is necessary for circulation of air and prevent the condensate, moisture and rotten rotting.
- Install the boards in spikes up - by this you eliminate the possibility of watering the water in the grooves.
- Make the gap between the boards in 1-3 mm to allow wood to expand and narrow depending on weather conditions. If this rule ignore - boards will be deformed over time.
- To simplify the task of creating a perfectly smooth surface - make a preliminary procedure for issuing beacons. A simple thread is suitable for this purpose, stretched into several rows with gaps of 0.5-1 meters. So you will not need too often to check the situation in the construction level - and this is time saving.
- Pay special attention to the corners, contours of door and window openings - sections must be strictly vertical and clear.
- Another rules of the interior finish: put all the communication lines in advance to hide them under decorative coating from the timing of the bar.
- All the gaps in the room on the "wall-ceiling" transitions, the "wall-floor" lay the plinths.
Important! Depending on which style is made in your room, and what exactly it looks attractive, think over the finishing of wood staining. For this purpose, any moisture reduction impregnation, oils, varnishes, colorless paints are suitable.
Installation of timing of timber - video
Now you know everything about finishing the home imitation of a bar. Surely have already been convinced that it is easy to make such an design of the house, if you properly approach the solution of such a task. It remains only to choose additional elements of the decor in order to withstand a holistic artistic picture. It will be appropriate in this situation as wooden furniture items and leather, textiles that will add solidity and stylish interior and emphasize the high cost of the finish. The main requirement - everything should be moderately not to get the opposite, repulsing and too tiring, look the effect.