How to make a backlight waterfall or fountain with your own hands Lighting

A fountain or waterfall on the territory of its own household plot is an amazing beauty of a spectacle, an infant eye and promoting rest and a good mood. But even more beautiful and entertainment, it looks when equipped with a varied backlit.
Views of highlights for fountains and waterfalls
Any of the existing backlots refers to one of the two existing species:
- underwater, which is represented by special lamps equipped with multi-colored, waterproof lamps. This backlight is mounted on the bottom of the fountain, the maximum depth of which is 1 m. The underwater illumination looks very effectively, it gives the volume of subjects in water. If there are any difficulties with mounting backlight on the bottom, use a floating backlight that runs from the batteries. Such lamps are not attached to anything and swim chaotically. The described group also includes the backlight, fixed on the pump, which is under water. It consists of multicolored lamps and glasses overflowing by all shades during rotation;
- the surface light is mounted on land, highlighting the fountain from the outside the bulking light. It is considered more secure, because eliminates contact with water. But but it looks so impressive. She simply illuminates the water, but does not force the jet to play and glare.
Lighting devices used to illuminate fountains and waterfalls
Any lighting devices in contact with water must first of all be safe. For highlighting fountains and waterfalls, lamps are used, having a voltage of no more than 12 volts having a hermetic structure, mostly three types:
- halogen. They are mostly composed of mirror lamps with a capacity of 50 W. They are capable of producing a very powerful flow of light, which will illuminate any place of the fountain. Such lamps can be equipped with light filters, and with their help to pour the illuminated object evenly in any color;
- fiber optic. They are an edible projector with the light conductive wiring connected to it, which are very many. Each of them emits light. The color of the radiated light can also be changed, having light filters;
- LED. Such illuminators are easy to install and bending, they are attached even in difficult places, very suitable for the design of complex shape. To date, there are LED lamps on sale, specially intended for installation in water. They have a waterproof housing. Another advantage of such devices is that they are almost not warm while working.
Independent installation of backlight for fountains
If you have at least basic knowledge in the electrician, you can independently equip a fountain or a waterflower with backlit, because This task is nothing complicated.
It is only necessary to adhere to such a plan:
- make a scheme for the location of the lamps. To do this, you need to think about how you place the illuminators, what power they will, which amount you need to achieve the desired effect. Will they only underwater or you want to combine them with the windwards whether they will be multicolored how to be attached, etc. Then all its notes should be transferred to paper, drawing up the pre-fountain itself;
- purchase the necessary materials. After you have determined how many and what devices you need to implement the plan, you can go to the store. Backlight for the fountain can be used either in a construction hypermarket or in a specialized store. Lamps and lamps intended for installation under water should be purchased, as well as a cable of the required length protected by corrugations. It is necessary to take care that all compounds are sealed and eliminate the slightest possibility of water penetration, both in the case of lamps and electrical wiring. In addition, a transformer will be required, screws for its attachment, brackets for fixing the cable;
- prepare a tool that may need, such as a screwdriver, a fixture for cutting the cable, pliers, tape.
Next, the communications placement should be directly:
- it is best to first install underwater lighting, and then surface. Such a sequence of actions allows you to look at the main picture and further solve how to highlight it from outside;
- if you do not have enough knowledge in the field of electricians, then at the installation of devices in contact with water, it is better to access specialists, otherwise everything can end with trouble or even the tragedy;
- also, the specialist may be needed at the moment when they need to create a chain of lamps illuminating the fountain from the side;
- first of all, it is necessary to make a markup, notify any way all the locations of the lamps;
- next, the installation of underwater luminaires. If they are floating, then they should simply be omitted to water, attaching preload, if another type, then consolidating in the desired places to special supports, while not forgetting about safety equipment when working with wiring;
- if, in addition to underwater lighting, you plan to install even the surface, then for the cable laying, you need to break through the trench of a small depth. The cable is placed in it and put to the earth everywhere, except for those places to which lamps will be attached;
- after that, the wires need to be attached to the transformer, and in turn to the power grid. To carry it out, it is necessary to bargain the cable ends and attach them to the input bolts on the transformer. Fix them is necessary as securely as possible;
- the transformer itself is attached to the wooden pole, which sticks into the ground or attached on two rails recorded on the wall of the house. Nearby there should be a socket with a ground, to which the transformer will be connected.
Security measures that need to be taken by setting the highlighting of fountains and waterfalls
The backlight for the fountain, like any other, is electrical equipment requiring careful conversion and compliance with safety rules:
- installation is allowed only when there is a transformer that reduces the electrical voltage to a minimum;
- wiring, which is used under water must be waterproof and not affected by an aggressive environment;
- wiring used in water, it is necessary to equip the auto repair system, in case of depressurization;
- lamps and lamps that will be in contact with water must have a hermetic, stainless case.
How to decorate the fountain lamps
It all depends on the fantasy and the desired effect. Most often, illuminators are fixed on special supports, the position of which can be changed, lighting the desired areas of water. It looks very beautiful and effectively the backlight, fixed directly on the fountain nozzle. Rays will make sparkle and play spraying jets that will seem alive.
To lamps that are not attached to anything, but floating freely, usually tie the cargo so that they go to a certain depth and flicker from under the water mysterious light.
Underwater illuminators are usually combined with surface vehicles, fixing the first on the water and under water, and the second - along the perimeter of the fountain, on the trees around him and so on. Thus, you can create the most unusual effects.
The fountain is decorative with illumination, even the most simple and inviculous design, can turn into an extraordinary beauty of a spectacle if competently and intelligently arrange multi-colored illuminators.
An even more impressive effect can be achieved by building a fountain with fog and illumination. Fog generators are produced both for desktop fountains and for garden. The fog is created by ultrasound, which forms small water drops, enveloping the nearest space like the fog. According to the truth, an impressive spectacle: dancing, multicolored jets are visible well, and in some places they look and flicker through a fog of fog, sometimes completely hiding behind her. Sometimes the fog generator itself is equipped with LED backlight. In this case, the additional can not be mounted or mounted less.