How to choose the right place for the well on the country area Plot.

Many owners of country sites do not always boast uninterrupted cold water supply. The difficulties arising in connection with this not only in everyday life, but also in particular with the irrigation of cultivated crops, are forced to think about the need to arise the well. This will allow access to water in an unlimited volume, as well as enjoy its excellent quality. To equip the well is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is right - to choose a place for it in the country area, what we will talk about.
Basic selection requirements for well
It's no secret that the well should be located where the deep groundwater is located closest to the horizon.
- First, thus you can significantly simplify construction work and save additional means on the drilling of the well.
- Secondly, it is the underground lakes that do not dry in summer, and the water in them due to the natural method of filtration is always clean and useful for the health of others.
- Well can not be located near toilets, cesspools, livestock, sewage drain and highways. The distance from such adverse facilities should be at least 50 meters to avoid accidental waste and sewage, which will lead to infection. If such a distance can be easily calculated on its own, then it is not easy to determine the location of the groundwater. To do this, there are certain methods that will help to cope with such a task.
- If you wish to build your own well, it will also not hurt to know the opinion of the neighbors who have previously managed to get similar. First of all, it is important to possess information about how deep a neighboring well and what type of soil under it.
- The construction of the well is best in the warm season, for example, at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn, when the level of groundwater is not as large as in spring. This will allow, first of all, not to be mistaken with his depth.
- At the same time, it is worth thinking about the location of the well in relation to not only soil waters, but also to the house and other objects on the territory of the country area, so that it is comfortable to work and relax every member of the family. It is especially important that such an object is located directly near the garden or garden, which requires regular irrigation, as well as baths, etc.
Methods for finding places of groundwater
In the arsenal of these specialists in the field of construction of wells there is a whole list of effective and long-proven techniques to identify the most suitable place for their location. As a rule, such techniques are used in the complex, since not one of them does not allow one hundred percent warranty. Let us then consider the most popular of them.
Relief analysis of terrain
This method allows it to determine when it is based, where and in what place the underground water is sometimes closed. As a rule, it is lowlands and depressions. But on the vertices, the groundwater is also present, but the depth of their occurrence is quite high. The effectiveness of this method is approximately 40%.
Moisture absorbs
- The use of special moisture absorbs, in particular such a substance, like a silica gel, which is in the dried state, is placed in a clay pot, wrapped with a cloth, and drunk into the ground to a depth of about 50 centimeters.
- After a day, the pot echoes and on the basis of comparison of its weight before and after the proximity of the groundwater occurs. The higher the second indicator, the greater the likelihood of a positive result.
- This method can only be used on the condition of the absence of precipitation during the study period, otherwise their results cannot be called reliable due to increased humidity of the soil.
Study of vegetation of the territory
Learning vegetation can also give good results in the process of searching for groundwater deposits.
- Scientists have long been proven that such plants, such as coltsfoot, Single, sick and many others, unless of course they grow in this area, grow exclusively in wet soil.
- In addition, birch, alder, spruce also prefer to grow in places with close grounding water.
Meteorological method
- Supporters of the meteorological method say that the proximity of the groundwater occurs is evidenced by the formation of a thick fog at the surface of the earth on a hot summer evening.
- The reliability of this method is approximately 75%, which is an excellent indicator, especially in combination with other previously listed techniques.
Exploration drilling of well
Exploration drilling is another way that is often used when looking for a place for a well in the country area.
- To do this, it is a test drilling of a well depth to 10 meters in the intended place for the placement of the future well, with the help of a conventional Garden Bura.
- This method can be considered most effective when using it in a complex with other research methods.
Even one method of finding a place for a well can be found in the video:
Thus, ways to find a place for a well there is a large amount, and the choice depends on your personal opportunities and desires.