Warming roof from the inside with their own hands Insulation,Construction

Rising energy prices makes you look for the opportunity to save. This is performed using the insulation of the house. A tangible effect gives the insulation of the roof from the inside (outdoor insulation is not always possible). This is especially important if the attic room is planned to be made residential. Mansard should be warm and cozy. On the technology of work and the materials used will be told in this article.
Selection of materials for insulation
Defining parameters when choosing materials, with which the roof warming is performed from the inside: price, durability and thermal conductivity. Not every insulation is suitable for a specific type of roof (it happens flat, mansard, scope, tent). For example, the plates of extruded polystyrene foam are more suitable for flat roofs and scanty, and for attic it is better to use mineral or glass.
The cost of insulation of the roof from the inside depends on the type of insulation, the area and complexity of the roof design. For residential premises, the insulation is used environmentally friendly, fireproof. The characteristics as vapor permeability and low water absorption are taken into account, in some cases mechanical strength.
The insulation of the roof from the inside (photos of some stages attached) is most often done with the help of mineral wool slabs: they have low thermal conductivity and do not support burning.
This is a universal, relatively cheap material, as it can be used for any types of roof. Its disadvantage is high hygroscopicity, which requires the use of vapor and waterproofing. The polystyrene foam is not hygroscopic and does not need such protection, but its closed structure does not allow the roof to "breathe".
Used for insulation foam, foamed glass, cork materials foamed polyethylene with metallized outer layer. The latter is effective when insulating the roof of a pair or sauna: a layer of aluminum reflects thermal energy inside, without giving the room to cool.
It should be borne in mind that the insulation not only prevents the loss of thermal energy in winter, but also overheating under the summer, and it is also necessary for sound insulation.
Basic roof insulation rules
The insulation of the roof from the inside of the house by any materials should be performed according to the following rules.
1. The insulation should not overlap the ventilation gap. In the case of applying for the creation of a vapor and hydrobrocket of diffusion membranes, the insulation is located close to them: it prevents overlapping the ventilation gap over the membrane.
2. It is necessary a device of ventilation gaps from above and below from the underpants film.
3. Plates of the insulation when mounting on a flat roof are arranged in a checker order.
4. To achieve the necessary insulation thickness, it is recommended to use a smaller number of material layers using their large thickness.
5. Fit the plates to each other should be dense.
6. So that the insulation is better to enter the velocus between the rafters (applied in the case of pitched roofing systems), the width of the plates should be greater. If the roof design does not allow this requirement - additional mounting is needed using self-tapping and wire.
7. If the width of the rafted is less than the width of the insulation, the latter is fitted with a combination method: between the rafters and the bottom.
8. The docking of the pair-and waterproofing film is performed by braziness. The joints are glued with a wide scotch.
Preparation for insulation installation
The insulation of the roof from the inside with their own hands is performed after:
- checks of all elements of the roof: rotting, dampness and mechanical damage are detected;
- the details of the roof that came into disrepair are repaired or change;
- wood is processed by atiseptic composition, metal parts - anti-corrosion agents (paint, orthophosphoric acid);
- if necessary, additional protection of electrical wiring, water pipes and heating pipes are installed;
- thermal insulation is performed by smoke-sized pipes under the roof;
- the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof to determine the amount of insulation material is performed.
The procedure for insulation of the pitched roof
The insulation of the roof from the inside (the video will help clarify some nuances) is performed after laying the waterproofing film: it must completely cover the rafyled. It is attached using a construction stapler. After that, work is performed in the following order (consider on the example of mineral wool).
1. Plates or rolls fit between rafters with a small force in the bottom - upwards. They must be pressed against the rafters tightly, without gaps. Materials are fastened with the help of rails that are perpendicular to over the rafter, or using a caprochy cord.
2. On top of the insulation, the parobarar is stacked: it is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler. The film for the parobac was different from the conventional polyethylene prevention of perforation. It is necessary to correctly orient the parobararier when laying.
3. The decorative decoration of the attic is performed using drywall, fiberboard plates, chipboard or lining.
Flat roofing nuances
For a flat roof, basalt mineral wool is used as insulation. It has the following technical characteristics:
- long service life;
- low thermal conductivity;
- good steaming (thanks to which the underfloor space is ventilated in a natural way);
- fire-resistance;
- High mechanical strength.
Useful recommendations
It is very important to correctly perform the warming of the roof from the inside: the price of work is tool in the house and economical consumption of energy.
For accurate selection of the type of insulation and the thickness of the insulation layer, it is necessary to perform heat engineering calculations, taking into account:
- area and roof design;
- the main characteristics of the roofing material;
- indicators of the temperature minimum and maximum in this area;
- directions and strength of winds;
- The features of the land plot and the location of the house.
Such calculations require special training that only professionals possess. Solve the problem will help the Council of the neighbors: assessing the microclimate in a number of houses located and the effectiveness of the insulation, you can correct the thickness of its layer.