Boiler repair do it yourself Useful advice

Every year the use of boilers is becoming more relevant. Despite the fact that we live in the age of rapid development of technologies, in many cities still practiced a shutdown of hot water. Fortunately, most often it concerns only the summer period, however, some people on this issue are even less.
In a situation where there are no hot water, there are several outlets. For example, you can constantly heat the water in a large container on the stove. However, this is very long, and even more uncomfortable. You can also install a gas column, but this is not a universal output from the problem situation.
Accordingly, boilers are now actively used. They are inexpensive, relatively compact, and also consume a modest amount of electricity. Also, do not forget that the process of water heating occurs quite quickly. One small boiler is able to provide a whole family with warm water. It is clear that everything is limited to the adoption of the soul, but it is difficult to call a disadvantage.
Boilers have become a mass product, so people often have problems associated with various faults of this device. Immediately need to say that the causes of faults can be very much, and it is about the main problems that we will talk in this material.
The main advantages and disadvantages of the boiler for heating water
First of all, it is worth considering the main features of the classic boiler for water heating. It is based on this information that can be understood wherever we can wait for various problem areas, as well as numerous malfunctions.
Looking a little in advance, it should be noted that a considerable amount of useful information will give an idea about the boiler device itself. Many manufacturers in the documentation demonstrate all components of the installation. Thus, in case of any malfunction, we can always study in detail all the details of the boiler and after that start some kind of repair activities.
To begin with, consider the advantages of the boiler:
- Small weight and compactness. The installation itself is quite simple, so it does not require a lot of space. And in general, the volume of the boiler depends solely on the required volumes of warm water. Often the installation of this equipment is carried out directly in the bathroom or in the toilet.
- Required water volumes. As already mentioned, boilers differ in volume in which water can be placed. Accordingly, in this case, this factor can be taken into account when buying a boiler and never stay without hot water. In case of economical use, part of the warm water will always be in the installation of the reserve.
- Easy installation. Many people do not decide to establish various boilers only for the reason that they have many subtleties in the installation. And indeed it is. In such situations, the help of specialists is simply necessary. The opposite situation with the boiler. It is easy to connect it, but to allow some error almost impossible.
- Fast water heating. This advantage depends on the specific installation model, however, often water heats up really quickly. At home, when there is no time to wait, it is very important.
The flaws of the boyler are as follows:
- High electricity consumption. With constant use of the boiler, the electricity account will be very large. Accordingly, you should not load the installation too much. If possible, it is better to use cold water (while washing the dishes, for example). It is also worth paying attention to the installation efficiency. Over time, water heating can occur longer, respectively, will leave more money for electricity. Next, we will discuss in more detail on this issue.
- Frequent malfunctions. So that the boiler worked well for many years, it is necessary to regularly carry out minor repair activities. Without them almost impossible. It should also be noted that most often the malfunction is quite simple, so it is possible to cope with them is quite an inexperienced user of the installation.
Preparatory work related to repair
It should be borne in mind that even for specialists, some breakdowns may be non-obvious. Accordingly, in such cases it is necessary to do everything possible to establish the cause of the breakdown. To do this, you first need to turn off the installation from the network, after which the water drops. All this is done very quickly. If possible, it should be removed from the wall and arrange the place in convenient for the repair process.
In the end, we must unscrew the cover under which there is a heating element and the entire remaining "filling" of the boiler.
It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the covers of boilers can be located in various places. For example, if this is a vertical boiler, then the lid is located below. In horizontal installations, you can get to the main nodes on the left. If we are talking about miniature installations, then in such boilers the lid is in front.
To further parsing the installation, you will need to unscrew the screws. Most often they are located immediately after the lid and have large sizes. You also need to remove the protective thermostat, and the thermal sensors will remove from the heating device.
It should be borne in mind that in those places where fasteners are available, it will be easy to restore everything, the main thing is to remember the location of all elements. However, it should not be cutting the installation elements, as the boiler may depend on them. If it is not possible to disassemble one or another installation knot, it is better to attract experienced people to these works.
Details of the thermostat malfunction
There are often cases when the thermostat becomes faulty. Fortunately, check this version is very easy. To do this, you need to extract the thermostat from the boiler itself, and then press the safety button on this device. After that, it will be necessary to arm a lighter and heat the copper end of the thermostat. Literally after a few seconds, the protective mechanism must work - the rendered button will return to its original position. If this did not happen, the thermostat is really faulty. Naturally, in this case, the device must be replaced.
It should also be borne in mind that thermostats may have some features in terms of design. Therefore, any manipulations associated with establishing performance should be installed only after a complete study of the device.
Leakage boiler
After many years of use, water tanks can begin. This is not a rare phenomenon, so it's not worth wondering. In such situations, the main thing is not to make premature conclusions. It is necessary to establish a place from which water flows.
In the event that the leakage is detected in the side seam area, then the cause of corrosion of the tank. The same situation in the event that water follows from under the top cover, or in the control board area.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that water can come from the bottom cover of the boiler. With this situation, you need to unscrew it. In the event that the leakage occurs right near the flange, the problems are hidden in the heating element or gasket. If the leakage is not associated with these elements, then attention should be paid to the effect of corrosion.
In the event that the cause of the leakage is a gasket, it can be easily replaced by a new one. To do this, remove the heating element and put the purchased gasket, which corresponds to the necessary dimensions.
However, if the trouble occurred due to corrosion of the tank, then repair activities should not even try. If warranty service is still applied to the boiler, you need to contact the store as soon as possible, where you have been purchased. With this scenario, the manufacturer must provide a new boiler with full warranty service. If we talk about the repair process, then most often attempts to patch down the holes eradicated by corrosion ends with failure. Cheaper to get a new boiler. It will also save precious nerves.
Also on the Internet you can find a lot of videos on which the craftsmen take the welding machine and try to patch the corrosion of the place. It should be noted that in some cases such events can help, but only durability is not guaranteed in this case. At any time, the problem may arise again.
Breakdown control panels
Despite the fact that the system of modern boilers itself is quite simple, it should be borne in mind that even the control panel may fail. Unfortunately, this is often found. Most often, such problems occur after the impressive period of operation of equipment.
Many fans of electronics may think that in this case you can independently correct the problem, but in the worldwide network, unfortunately, find the schemes of the control panels will not work. Accordingly, someone will hardly risk.
In this case, it is necessary to contact the nearest service center, where such panels (fees) of control definitely have. The process of their replacement is practically elementary. If you can enable the process of replacing the panel to trust professionals. It takes quite a bit of time.
Breakdown and repair of the Tan
Unfortunately, the most common problem associated with the health of the boiler is a breakdown of Tan. However, before making some conclusions, it is necessary to make sure that the heating element failed. To do this, you need to have a tester with yourself. On this device, we select the scale of resistance and carry out measurements on the heater contacts. If the TEN really stopped working, then the arrows of the device will not even flush.
Unfortunately, this element will also fail to repair itself, so you will have to fully replace the heater. In this case, you need to go to the service center again and acquire the necessary TEN. In order to extract an inoperable heater, you should only unscrew several nuts that hold the device.
Once again it should be noted that the boiler is a fairly simple device that can be repaired only in isolated cases. It is worth noting that after the long operation of the equipment, in the event of a breakdown, you should completely replace the boiler, since the strength and nerves spent on setting the causes of the breakdowns are not worth it.
In addition, the gradually the heating element may lose its effectiveness. It is that a few times the Ten begins to heat the water much longer. And gradually a period of full-fledged water heating can grow. This means that a scale appeared on the tan. This is a natural process, and it's easy to get rid of the problem. To do this, you just need to remove the growing layer. In this process, a knife can be useful. If the layer is small, it is enough to remove the petrified layer of a sharp blade of the knife. However, most often people pay attention to this problem only after the boiler almost ceases to heat the water. In this case, the layer of scale is just a huge. With this scenario, chemicals should be used. Fortunately, on sale you can find a lot of valid options, but it is best to contact the service office to be confident in the effective result of the purification of the Tan.
Other features of repair
Of course, during the operation of the boiler, the most unexpected problems may occur. However, you need to remember about some intricacies. For example, with a breakdown of some detail, it is better to take it with you to the store for buying a new one. In this case, it certainly will not be mistaken, acquiring exactly the model of the device.
In addition, you need to know that it is still regularly to disassemble the boiler and carry out minor repairs or cleaning. This will avoid probable breakdowns that occur not so rarely. However, it is necessary to carry out all the work related to the repair and inspection, it is extremely delicate, because often the structures of the boilers are very unreliable and fragile.