How to strengthen the walls of a brick house Useful advice

The appearance of cracks in the wall of a brick house is an alarming sign of taking place at the basis of the building of negative processes. If timely not to take measures to strengthen the walls and the foundation, the process can lead to a breakdown of carrier structures, the deformation of the ceiling and the destruction of the building.
Causes of cracks in the walls of a brick house
The reasons for which a crack appeared in a brick house wall several:
- The deformation and sedimentation of the foundation due to groundwater is unevenly distributed load on the base or by natural factors. When measuring the foundation and subsequent temperature drops - the binding composition of the foundation occurs.
- For two years, there is a natural shrinkage at home. Depending on the composition of the soil on which the house was built, natural soil shifts can occur.
- During the fill and arrangement of the foundation, the fill technology was not weathered, not high-quality materials were used or the monolithic mass is unevenly used.
Elimination of the causes of cracks in brick walls
Before starting to close the cracks in the brick wall of the house, you need to determine the reason for its appearance. Most often it lies in the deformation of the foundation.
- Along the damaged section of the wall of a brick house, a trench is rotated in width that does not exceed the thickness of the foundation monolith and a depth slightly below the bottom point of the base horizon.
- The damaged area is expanded, i.e. Cleans from weakly standing stones, cement and slightly expands the crack.
- The purified and embroidered area is twisted vertically and horizontally under the reinforcement rod. Anchors, intertwined by reinforcement rod and fixed with welding. The distance between the rod ranges from 60 cm to 1 meter, depending on the width of the crack. They serve as a binding skeleton with a new strengthening foundation.
- The next step is to install the formwork and fill the strengthening new foundation. The trench is covered with cement mortar, leave until complete and uniform graze. Periodically moisturize with water for uniform solidification of the solution.
- After reaching half the estimated hardness, in about 28 days, the site can be tamped and make a break.
Cracked repair in a brick wall at home
Fused foundation prevents further expansion and increase in the length of cracks. To determine the moment of attenuation of the process, paper beacons are pasted on the damaged wall and monitor their integrity. When a cut along the wall of a brick house will stop expanding, you can start repairing walls.
- Small cracks and shallow cracks, up to 5 mm width, are shuffled with cement mortar. The edges of the cracks are covered with a hammer, purified from garbage and wetted with water for high-quality clutch with a solution.
- The average gaps, these include cracks up to 10 mm, close up with a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of one to three.
Elimination of large cracks in a brick house wall
Gaps and cracks exceeding the width of the medium size - refer to the category of critical and require emergency measures to eliminate them.
- The plot of strongly damaged masonry is dealt. Disassembly is made from the upper rows. All damaged and weakly holding bricks are removed.
- New bricks are laid on the liberated place with a brick lock. During the laying, it is recommended to include metal reinforcement, a corner or strip.
- For the repair of nodes of brick walls, when the masonry is breaking - use strip steel overlays. The ends of the steel strip are flexing toward the brick masonry and squeeze the bolts. In other cases, you can apply anchors or screws.
- In some situations, when it is impossible to make a sample of a damaged section of the brick wall, the slots are thrown by rubble with cement mortar. At a distance of 20 - 30 cm on both sides of the crack, "T" - shaped anchors and binds to the metal strip.
- If the cracks are deep and impossible to completely cement - cemented injections are made. For this, the holes are laid with a size of more than 1 inches, with a pitch of 20 - 25 cm along the entire length of the crack. In drilling holes, a pipe-filled pipe and with the help of a rubber seal, a cement solution is injected into the brick wall gap.
- Through the injectors, the solution can come through a mortar pump or a vacuum construction syringe, securely filling out all emptiness.
- Applying a mounting foam to eliminate the slots of any type. After hardening the mounting foam, it is cut to a depth of up to 2 cm and filled with cement mortar.
Strengthening brick walls from within
In cases where cracks and laying breaks are particularly catastrophic and covered with a cracked wall of a brick house, then after repair and strengthening the outside - the walls are strengthened from the inside.
- Clean the damaged area from plaster and dirt. Moisten the gap as deeper.
- Fill the slot with a solution of cement and small rubble.
- If necessary, install metal lining from the rolling strip. Anchors or dowels are used for mounting strips.
- After drying, you can proceed to the finishing works of the inner part of the damaged part of the brick wall of the house.