Installing plastic windows with your own hands Window

Repair of old apartments is usually accompanied by a replacement of old wooden windows on modern double-glazed windows. This procedure is quite expensive, although the work is not complicated and does not imply the presence of a special tool or specific knowledge. In addition, not all brigades on the installation of plastic windows know the subtleties of this process. As a result, the double-glazed windows begin to siphon and fogging. To avoid this, install it is better to complete yourself.
Where to begin?
Before switching to the installation of plastic windows, you must perform several preparatory procedures:
- determined with the type of glass package,
- choose glass
- choose frame material
- remove the sizes
- find a manufacturer.
By type of glass windaces are:
- single-chamber - consist of two glasses and an airbag between them (width of at least 10 mm), are used in regions with a temperate climate and temperature regime from -20 to +30 degrees Celsius,
- two-chamber - consist of three glasses and two airbags, are excellent for regions with a temperature of up to -30-40 degrees Celsius, with less severe frosts to use it is impractical,
- three-chamber - consist of four glasses and three airbags, as a rule, are used on industrial facilities, where, in addition to heat regulation, barrier functions are carried out, in everyday life are not used due to too high prices and the complexity of installation.
The type of glass is equally important, the following are distinguished:
- ordinary
- with enhanced thermal insulation (energy saving),
- reinforced
- laminated
- sunscreen
- painted.
The basis for each of them is the usual glass, which is treated with special films. Energy-saving glasses reflect from 60 to 95 percent of heat back to the room, sunscreen from the outside are covered with a special reflector, which prevents the penetration of ultraviolet, painted and laminated glasses serve as an deco element, reinforced designs are resistant to mechanical damage, up to shots from automatic weapons.
There are no hard separation by types in glasses, so large manufacturers offer any options and combine different types of protective films. The only mandatory element of the high-quality window is the energy-saving coating.
Another significant moment is the thickness of the glass. Typically use three or four millimeter sheet. Thick glasses are preferable, especially for single-chamber packages. But for savings, in multi-chamber packages, internal bulkheads are made of thinner glass, since very little thermal conductivity depends on it.
Features of the choice of carcass and manufacturer
Previously, the double-glazed windows were made only under plastic frames. Today there are still wooden double-glazed windows. The difference between them is principled, both in relation to installation and during operation. A tree is a living material, and, despite all the assurances of the manufacturers, it needs regular care (at least once every three years). In addition, the repair or replacement of the wooden frame will cost much more expensive.
Plastic is much more practical. Technical achievements make it possible to make the appearance of the frame with absolutely any (including under the tree). It does not need to be careful, more simple in installation and is able to serve until two hundred years. Double-glazed windows have a significantly shorter service life - a maximum of 25 years, then they need to be changed. Perform the procedure in the plastic frame is much easier. Another indisputable plus is inertia towards moisture. Plastic windows in winter are often covered with an exemplary, with improper installation even felt strongly, which leads to the appearance of puddle on the windowsill. With wooden frames the same problem, but the tree from constant dampness will begin to moke, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of fungus.
After deciding how your glass will look like it is necessary to remove the size. Accuracy is not obligatory, since any company will still send his measurer. This data is necessary to calculate the approximate cost of work. In addition to the sizes, you immediately think if you needals, windowsill and mosquito net, all this affects the final cost. Plastic windows can be purchased and ready, as a rule, this is lower than the price than custom-made work. But it is important to understand that such double-glazed windows will not meet your specific requirements.
The choice of firm is made on the basis of several criteria:
- price,
- reviews,
- used in fittings designs,
- production technology.
The price policy is highly dependent on the region, on average one standard window with a single glass accumulation costs from 100 cu, with double - 150 cu, with triple - from 300 cu The numbers are very exemplary and are indicated for the usual frame with an energy-saving double-glazing.
The most important point is fittings. It is desirable that all shutter mechanisms and switches of modes are made of titanium or titanium alloys. The material is quite expensive, but it will completely protect against hacking.
The production technology assumes the presence of special equipment. The frame is assembled either in an industrial path, or with the help of pliers and grinders. In the second version, whatever the quality of how to speak.
Preparatory stage
First of all, you need to dismantle old windows. Work should be started only after you have delivered new ones. To do this, need:
- lomik or Fomka,
- hammer,
- saw on wood
- high-quality gloves
- perforator.
The dismounting process itself is performed in two variations:
- coupled frames
- knocking out the frame.
The cut is used if the window is high above the ground, and the indoors are repaired, so the garbage is extremely undesirable.
- In accordance with the safety technique, work begins with removing fixing planks.
- Next, the glasses are pulled out.
- After that, if the window is swing, the sash is removed from the loops if there is no frame immediately saw.
- It is necessary to cut down 5-10 cm on the sides of the frame.
- Then, with the help of the Lomka, lower and remove the top part.
- Conduct similar manipulations with the bottom.
Technology is very time-consuming and long, but it allows you to reduce the mud and destruction of the window opening to a minimum. If you plan to major repairs, the window just beat with a sledge hammer. The process of dismantling opening occupies no more than 10 minutes. To simplify the work, hammer separate frame from the wall, but this is not mandatory.
Tip: Before starting work, buy in any hardware store a few rolls of film and the roll of adhesive tape. With their help zaveste furniture, walkways, floors, and, preferably, the wall. This will significantly speed up the cleaning also eliminates damage to the interior and the flooring.
Installing plastic window with his hands
Windows bring in disassembled form, they consist of:
- frame,
- double-glazed windows,
- fixing brackets,
- rubber gaskets,
- decorative elements,
- mounting Kit.
Plastic windows with their hands set in two stages:
- assembly,
- fixation.
To work needed:
- foam,
- rubber mallet,
- drill or a hammer,
- set of hexagons.
The first thing you need to fix an empty frame in the window opening. The procedure is as follows:
- frame is inserted into the opening,
- align the level of the bottom edge,
- to adjust the height using wedges
- next, you need to align the frame relative to the room,
- then drilled holes under the holes and by means of fastening elements carried initial fixation.
After the frame is installed, you must re-check it is level. If everything is correct, the grooves are inserted rubber gaskets and mounted glazing. The work must be performed together, so one should hold the glass, while the second will install the retaining strap. Trims simply puts the first and nestle in the corners. Only then they hammered with a rubber hammer. This should be done carefully so that the bar does not burst. To check the level, simply open and close the window if it never overwrites, so everything is done correctly.
Fixing set windows involves blowing foam. This is done in order to provide a monolithic fit the profile of the surface and insulated windows. The full benefit of the window only after the foam becomes fully (20-24 hours), otherwise it may lead.
In the last set laths on hinges, handles and air ducts (if any).
Windows, adjustable
One of the most frequently asked questions is why plastic windows flow or siphon. This is primarily associated with the quality of the glass package, but with how the window opening was embroidered. First, the thickness of the foam layer should be at least 2 cm, secondly, there should be no voids, thirdly, on top of the foam, it is necessary to apply the layer of plaster, fourthly, the frame must be dried in a slightly in the wall. Only thus eliminated the possibility of siphons.
Of all the above, it is most importantly correct to deepen the frame. This is one of the most frequent reasons that the windows sweat greatly. According to construction standards, the plastic profile cannot be muffled into cement or close to bring to any other monolithic surface. It must only come into contact with foam. In order for it to work, and the slopes looked perfectly, use extruded foam. It does not heat heat, therefore it does not contribute to the hypother of the profile and the formation of the temperature difference inside the glass package.
Important: Polyfoam can close the frame only by 5 mm. Therefore, a special neckline is made on sheets, thanks to which they adjacent to the profile strictly in accordance with the requirement. If the foam does not allow you to docile tightly with a sheet with a window frame, then it is cut a little. Inside the window opening, the foam should be 1 cm.
Next, the surface is grounded, glassbobumaga is pasted and the slope is painted any paint. To reduce paint expenses, it is advisable to prejudice and paper. When using this technology, condensate is possible only at ultra-low temperatures.