Choosing paint for ceramic tiles. How and how can you paint tiles Tile,Walls

I want to update the tile in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but there is not enough money for solid repair? There is a way out of the position - paint the tile or shed it.
The drawing can be applied to a new tile before laying if you did not find anything suitable on sale. An independent creation of the decor will give a unique look to your interior.
Coloring ceramic tiles and painting - different concepts. When painting the tile is painted completely, the painting allows you to create an interesting decor. But both ways are well complemented by each other.
How to choose a paint for ceramic tiles
When preparing for work, it is important to know which paint is suitable for ceramic tiles.
Full tile is painted latex, epoxy, oil paints.
Paints for ceramic tiles are used for painting. The price of such paints is too high for staining the wall completely. They are on sale are represented as paints for glass and ceramics. The advantage of such paints is that they are applied to a smooth surface - pre-grinding of the wall is not required.
Coloring ceramic tile
Paint the bathroom is completely difficult. Much time goes to prepare the surface of the tile to staining.
Do not stain the places that water constantly falls - with time, the paint will begin to peel. For such places it will be better suitable for tile fragments. If a part of the paint leaves with time, it will not be so noticeable. The paint on the floor tile will not last long. Paint a sex tile around the perimeter - in places that are not exposed to a large load.
Tools and materials
- Sponges for dishes - metal and ordinary
- Degreasing liquid and abrasive detergents
- Respirator, gloves
- Grinding mesh, small sandpaper
- Brushes, foam roller
- Paint bath
- Primer, paint
- Malyary Scotch, stencils
Operating procedure
• Cleaning tile
Fold the tile by degreasing means. Metal sponge for dishes and pemolux walk throughout the surface. Peumolux and hard sponge will remove pollution and slightly cast the tile. If there is sand at hand - pour it right on the sponge and rub the tile with the effort. Abrasive cleaning products and sand will remove pollution and help break the integrity of the glazed layer of tile. This is required to move to the second stage.
• Grinding
On the smooth surface of the tile, the paint will not last long. In order for the paint for a long time, you need to remove the top layer of tiles. Take small sandpaper or bar for sharpening knives. Purit the surface of the tile well.
Schlifmashinka will speed up the work process. When removing the top layer of coating from the tile with a grinder, many abrasive dust is formed. Do not forget to wear a respirator to protect the respiratory organs. You must ensure that the surface becomes rough.
Tile seams polish grinding grid. Rubber spatula Wrap grid. Spatula's edge is convenient to clean the seams.
• Groundovka
Before priming a tile, rinse the surface with water. Dust on the tile should not be left. If this is not done - uneven roughness may appear during the primer. Blast with a brush. Make sure that there are no flocks. It is best to apply epoxy primer.
After drying the primer, it is once again slightly treat the tile of shallow sandpaper or grinding net.
• Color
It is necessary to paint with a foam sponge or foam roller. The roller is easier and faster to apply paint, but the stripes can remain if it is not enough. The paint is applied with a thin layer. Well press the roller in the bath. For high-quality coloring, two or three layers of paint will be required. Observe the drying time of each layer.
When staining in several colors, use the painting scotch. Apply the main color. Wait until the paint is driving. Stick tile or stencil on the tile. Paint the right places with different color. In the stencil, paint apply a foam sponge.
The use of painting tape or the tape allows you to create simple geometric patterns.
• Application of varnish
Apply on the dried lacquer tile. Varnish will give the shine and create an additional film to protect the paint. It is suitable for glossy parquet varnish or water-based varnishes.
What paints are used when staining tiles completely
For complete staining of the surface, oil paints are suitable, epoxy, latex.
The work is more convenient latex paints. Quickly dry, have good shelterness, smoothly fall on the surface.
Tikkurila Luja - acrylate latex paint. Suitable for wet rooms. Resistant to wear and frequent washing.
From Caparol will suit the Samtex 7 paint 7. This paint is used for wet premises.
How to use paint for ceramic tiles
For tile paintings, paints are used in cafes and glass.
Paints dried at room temperature. The firing is not required. This allows you to apply paint on the wall, lined with ceramic tiles. For white tiles, paint can be divided by a special solvent, which will give the paint transparency. The drawing applied by diluted paint will look especially gently.
The view of the paint for ceramic tiles resembles a thick sour cream.
Water acrylic paints for ceramics should not be breeding - it disrupts the coating resistance to washing. The painted surface requires drying over three days.
• Tile well rinse, dry. When applying paint on vertical surfaces, it is not necessary to breed it. Despite the fact that the paint dries quickly, waste can form. To paint does not spread and have not stirred different colors, use the contour. The contour is a special paint of the same company. Sold in tubes with a capacity of 18mg. The contour is applied from tube.
In the photo - decor on the tile, made using the contour.
• After the contour serves, proceed to the coloring of your drawing. The paint is defended, so it is necessary to mix well. You can choose paint on a brush from a jar in which paints are sold. The jars are small - the paint is packaged 50mg, they are comfortable to hold in hand. On small surfaces, paint is applied with brush strokes in one direction. Make sure that the smears fall uniformly.
• The paint can be applied in stencil. Lace will come as a stencil.
Paints for ceramics and porcelain without firing
Porcelain. Manufacturer - Germany, Marabu.
Acrylic water-based paint, glossy. Well suited for tile murals. The time of final drying is 3 days.
Produced in banks. Capacity 15 ml. Price - 65-80 rubles. Jars are sold separately and complete in 4-12 colors. The kit also includes the contour, solvent, brush and stencils.
Solvent paints without firing Ferrario (ESPRIMO).
Consist of pigments, additives and organic solvent. Produced in 50 mg bottles. The palette includes 24 colors. Cost from 250 rubles. Paints are not flushed, do not lose color over time. Diluted with a special solvent for paints on glass and ceramics.
Acrylic paint on glass and ceramics "Decola". Nevskaya palette. Produced in 50 mg bottles. The price depends on the color of the paint. From 70 to 120 rubles. In a set of 6, 9 and 12 colors. Packaging of decolat paint for ceramic tiles is represented in the photo.
Aerosol automotive paints are also used to apply paint paint.
From the first two rollers you will learn how to properly paint the tile, which techniques are used for painting.
The video provides information about the LateX paint Dali. Dali paint is suitable for tile staining completely.