Lighting tracks on the country area Lighting,Plot.

The individuality of your garden can emphasize the backlight of the tracks, because in the dark, all the beauty, attractiveness and originality is not visible, and it is not safe to move around the garden in the darkness. When installing street lighting and home, the lighting of garden tracks play special attention. Skillfully created backlight will give the whole garden of mysteriousness, originality, unusual beauty and will allow diversifying and improve the landscape design of even the simplest project.
Lanterns on garden tracks - Functionality
Today, street garden lights can be used for outdoor lighting, which are made in a variety of styles and have various forms.
Important! Looking through catalogs of stores with lighting technology, you can meet different names: street, exterior, park or garden-park. All this is decorative lamps for tracks.
Some owners install lamps for lighting garden tracks for the sake of security, so that it is convenient to move from one place to another, while others - for the continuation of the design line of the country house or mansion. Third - with the help of soft lights of lanterns, prolong the warm summer days, and rest in the garden in the fresh air longer, even when it is dark.
Important! All listed street lamp functions can be combined and form one. It is so easier to equip your possessions in such a way that the evening rest at any time is comfortable, and moving around the site is safe.
Basic Requirements for Garden Lighting
- Luminaires should not be too bright. When creating lighting tracks on the plot do not overdo it. Surplus light will lead to the destruction of the very originality of the garden - its mysteriousness and mysteriousness, and the pond poured light, the gazebo and trees will not admire their beauty and design.
- Lights at night should highlight the borders of the pedestrian zone, so you definitely do not go to the flowerbed or border in the dark.
- All lamps and lamps must have good protection against dust, rain, and care for them should not create problems.
Important! For year-round lighting of the site, choose all-season equipment that can function in various meteo conditions and not one year.
- Lighting devices must be maximally economical - from the point of view of initial investments and energy consumption.
- The design of the lanterns for lighting the garden tracks should be combined with the landscaped decor and look attractive - both in the evening and daytime.
Important! Facade at home make lighter, compared to other objects. When using this reception, you will feel confident, going in the direction of the darkened plot to the bright.
The design of the designer and practical purpose
Lighting tracks and lawns can be created by completely different devices. Therefore, before choosing a light source:
- Decide with the necessary lighting power.
- Pre-identify the color and light mode of operation - muffled, naturally or very bright. A shade may emphasize the architectural forms or create a contrast with them for more interesting design.
- Be sure to consider seasonal and weather conditions under which the lamp will function.
Choose lamps for giving
There are several criteria by which lamps are distinguished for garden tracks. To quickly understand all this variety and find the optimal solution, check out the most popular options and their distinctive properties.
Types of lamps by method of action
- Incandescent lamps. You can use the lamp for a thousand hours, and the light output from the light source is only 15 lm / W.
- Halogen lamps. The devices operate 2 times longer than incandescent lamps, with a small difference in the light output.
- Fluorescent lamps. Such lighting of pedestrian tracks must be used by placing the instruments inside the moisture-proof enclosure. Volumetric luminaires with fluorescent lamps are complex, and at temperatures less than 5C often cease to work, fail. Fluorescent lamps emit light, as close as possible to the lunar. The service life of the light source - 15,000 hours with a light-length of 80 lm / W.
- Metal halide lamps. Create lighting, as close as possible to natural. The light output is 100 lm / W, and the service life is 12,000 hours. The lack of a metal halide lamp is heavily heated, therefore it is impossible to use and place them next to the plants.
- Sodium lamps. They have a record light-proof - 150-200 LM / W, and the service life is approximately 29,000 hours. Sodium lamps publish bright yellow-orange light.
- LEDs. Lighting service life - up to 34 years old with 160 lm / w / w) The radiated color of illumination depends on the type and size of the crystal used in the LED.
Types of luminaires on light-length and design
- Lamps of floor-type or lanterns for track lighting - installed vertically and have built-in diffusers from matte glass. This type of lighting is most often used to clarify the main road to the house. Experts recommend choosing such a distance between the lanterns so that the lighting radii does not intersect. Lightly popularity has lamps-floor lamps in the style of "retro" or "hai-tech".
Important! Luminaires of a flying type should be located below a person's gaze so that the glow does not blind eyes and prevente the perception of the surrounding beauty.
- Marking lighting. The "light column" or a lamp of type "bollard" is designed not so much to illuminate the entire space, but to designate the direction of movement. That is, the winning solution will be the installation of such lamps to create lighting along the secondary tracks.
- Luminous paving stones perfectly perform the backlight function. To do this, in the process of paving the paving slabs or paving plates, LED tiles are placed.
- Decorative lighting in the form of light bulbs-LED in the form of a variety of decorative garden lanterns or in garden figures. Such an artistic approach will significantly embellish the site and focus on small architectural forms.
- Lamps on solar panels. These devices have a variable design and are used more for decor. Device batteries charge directly from the Sun, and in the evening the LED LEDs are automatically started, which ensure the functioning of the lamps until the morning.
- Spherical luminaires are an organic shape of a sphere made of carbonate or polycarbonate. Equipped with low power lamps, spherical lamps are capable of creating a lack of mysterious lighting lighting on the country, decorating the landscape garden design.
Important! In order not to make a mistake in the choice of lamps for the cottage, use a simple rule: for a multi-sided garden landscaping with flower beds, alpine slides, garden furniture and other decorative elements, choose lamps of laconic forms or use the hidden backlight. For a simple, aspiring to minimalism, design - choose retro lamps or different shades of illumination, as well as lamps of bizarre forms.
Useful advice
- Before starting work, develop a project for the placement of all street lamps and lamps.
- At low temperatures, do not use fluorescent lamps, as they will not light up.
- Lamps on solar panels are best suitable for a country house, as they work from solar energy, but at the same time they still have a low price. The only drawback is the impossibility of functioning all night, after 4-5 hours the lighting will become dim or go out.
- LED lamps and halogens are ideal for highlighting the house, as they give not only a fairly bright light stream, but also differ in the long-term operation.
- Use motion sensors, as well as an electric photorelay to set the required backlighting time. A modern method of management will reduce electricity consumption and your money resources.
- All wires to light sources are lagging under the ground so as not to spoil the overall design of the site, as well as protect them from mechanical damage.
Important! When buying any lighting instrument, be sure to require a security certificate where the degree of protection of the purchased goods should be indicated.
Choose a place to install lamps
The place of installation of street lamps varies, depending on the role being performed and size.
Choose a place for lamps by appointment
- For security, the best option will be the installation of the lighting along the garden tracks, at the entrance to the site, light the gate and the gate, as well as install the outdoor lighting of the estate at the entrance to the house.
- For a comfortable stay in the evening, install the lamps directly around the arbor, on the playground, in the recreation area, near the garden swings, etc.
- To improve the LED site, install the lanterns near the benches, around the artificial reservoirs or pool, as well as in other places of landscape design. The backlight of the facades of the building can be placed in various places, setting the built-in and floor lamps on the steps.
Choose a place on the garden path in the height of the lamp
When installing the lighting, it is necessary to take into account the height of the tracks themselves themselves:
- High garden lights (from 1.5 m) look beautiful on large estates with wide tracks. Flashlights with forging elements look especially original.
- Lighting columns to illuminate the gardens of medium-sized garden tracks have a height of up to 1.5 m. It is advantageous distinguished by this line, which many models have built directly into the light bulb posts. These lights are well shown in small areas along the pedestrian zone.
- Low lantern columns are usually installed at the bottom of the earth or any other coating. The maximum height of such lighting devices is 0.7 m. The lanterns installed in a row not only will highlight the path in the dark, but also emphasize all the forms of paths on the site.
Important! Lanterns without columns can be arranged right on the tracks or on curbs, as well as in the reservoirs.
Decorative Garden Lighting - Useful Tips
There are many ways to create a unique landscape of your garden. You can make original lamps with your own hands or acquire the lighting devices of an unusual design. We recommend that you listen to some councils on the decoration of the household plot:
- Using the lighting, spacious household plot to break into the zones.
- For places of recreation (platforms, arbors, an open terrace, etc.) Soft scattered light of warm tones is suitable. Such muted lighting will create a pleasant atmosphere and will have to communicate and a pleasant time.
- If you use in the lighting of a lamp of various colors, they must necessarily complement each other. It is advisable to use only 2-3 colors.
- With caution, reveal to a very bright, white color, as he is able to "deprive the life" of your site. Red and brown color also need to be used very carefully.
- Festive lighting in the garden can be created using garlands, as well as LED lamps placed around the perimeter of the patio, in a gazebo and awesome on the trees.
Lighting tracks in the country do it yourself
If you decide to try out your strength and make the lighting of garden tracks at your own hands, proceed consistently, completing one after another all the necessary stages.
Stage 1. Careful project work
The process of organizing street lighting Start with the plan of necessary work:
- Development of outdoor lighting scheme.
- Selection of lamps, as well as ways to install them.
- Selecting the cable laying method.
- Calculation of consumables.
- Preparation of the working area.
- Installation of lighting posting.
- Installing the reference pillars for lanterns.
- Connecting outdoor lighting.
- Installing control and regulation devices.
Stage 2. Set of components for street lighting
In order to proceed with the installation of street lighting on the site, you must purchase the following equipment:
- Luminaires for street lighting. The main characteristics of such sources must be: tightness, moisture resistance, resistance to weather conditions, aesthetics.
- Equipment for control. Its purpose is to automate the lighting system to spend the minimum of service time. You can purchase motion sensors and retail to save electricity.
- Cables and conductors. This equipment includes wires, terminals, ties, pipes and other elements, without which it is impossible to create a single electrotock transmission chain to all devices.
Important! How many lamps can be on your site and how to choose them, apply, already mentioned above. Therefore, further stop at other points.
Stage 3. Determine the method of laying cable
The organization of lighting can be performed in two ways: underground or at height (on the surface). Each of them has its advantages:
- Safety to lay the cable underground method. In this case, the risk of damage to the entire lighting system due to the mechanical effects of wind, passing people, natural precipitation, is reduced to virtually zero.
- By air, the cable is made much cheaper. It is convenient for this method that it is spent less strength, time. To give preference to air wiring better in a situation where you need to install a lamp on the roof or connect 2 high posts with lanterns.
Important! The main switchboard is better installed in the room. There will be 3 groups of wires from him:
- to the house;
- on household buildings (garage, bath, hozblok, and other buildings);
- street lighting.
Interesting lighting ideas of garden tracks
Requirements for the design of your own site. All different: some are ready to invest very decent amounts to achieve a unique design, others - more adhere to practicality and are looking for optimal ways of lighting. We offer several ideas.
Idea 1. Special layout scheme
Designers recommend to equip the paths on the cottage in Skype Lights, which are decorative columns connected by special cables. Such devices are simple and easy to use, and in addition, a waterproof transformer is sold with backlit.
Each flashlight is fixed on a spike platform, separate from other sources. Thanks to this placement, the light source can be placed anywhere in the site, right on the outdoor ground.
Important! You can always change the distance between the lamps depending on the lighting assignment. Such instruments can be used to create a backlight along the fence, pedestrian tracks, highlighting the facade of the house, other objects, as well as highlighting trees.
Idea 2. Lighting without lamps
Nowadays, more and more landscape design projects are based on the use of LED lighting, which creates a hidden backlight, but does not use spotlights, lamps and lamps. A support for LED lamps can be any kind of support - crown of wood, stone, branch, facade of a building or utility structures, shrub, flower bed.
If you decide to show your fantasy not only in the layout of the site, browse the video instructions, how to make unusual lamps for giving with your own hands from girlfriend.
Create a project of lighting a garden or a country area is simply necessary at the beginning of the stage of creating the entire landscape concept. Planning street lighting along with projects terraces, arbors, garden tracks, open and covered sites and other seats. So you warn unplanned large spending on the reorganization of space. We hope that the advice and recommendations set forth in the article helped you equip street coverage in all the rules, with the latest technologies, and in the evening you enjoy the beautiful view of your site.