Waterproofing: Step-by-step instructions Insulation

Polyurevine is a universal waterproofing material that is widely used in construction, shipbuilding, sewer system and many other areas. On the properties, positive qualities, fields of coverage, as well as about the technology of its application, we will tell in this article.
The concept and properties of the polyurea
The polyurevine is a polymer material of organic origin, which has water-repellent and airproof properties. Such a coating is characterized by good resistance to mechanical damage, as well as low thermal conductivity. Even a thin layer of such a material is able to ensure reliable waterproofing of the surface on which it was applied.
Polochina has a number of positive qualities that I would like to consider in detail:
- One of the merits of the material is its durability. The service life of this coating is at least 50 years. During this time, the travelery does not lose its form, type and performance characteristics. It is not deformed from mechanical, temperature, chemical influences, not thinning and does not crack.
- The polyurea refers to the category of sprayed materials, which means it allows you to create absolutely hermetic, homogeneous and seamless waterproof coating.
- Polyuctive waterproofing has another plus - environmental friendliness. The material is safe not only for human health, but also for the environment. It is possible to use it in a wide variety of spheres, including where the coating can contact with a person. For example, a polyurevine waterproof containers with drinking water. In the composition of the substance there are no toxic components, therefore, even in the form of a solution of the polyurevine does not represent any danger.
- Working with a polyurevine is quite simple and takes much less time than the installation of a roll or sheet waterproofing. In the process of applying the coating, it is not necessary to spend time on cutting and facing fragments, their fixation, sealing of the joints. Special installation with a sprayer will make it possible to cover a polyvine large surface area in a short time. For 1 day of work, you can reach about 300-400 m² of area.
Scope of use of polyurea
A similar type of waterproofing has a wide range of use, ranging from construction and ending with the food industry. We will understand more, in which areas this material can be used:
- When constructing buildings, the polyurea is often used for roof waterproofing. Such material has various chemical compositions, among which you can choose the one that will most fully comply with the physical requirements. For example, some types of coating have a reflective ability, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of heating the building.
- The polyurea is used to waterproofing the foundation and gender. In such a case, the coating will meet such important requirements such as elasticity, strength, resistance to shock loads and chemicals, durability and aesthetics. Thanks to different component compositions, you can choose a coating smooth or rough, dielectric or antistatic.
- Polyurevine is widely used as a water-repellent coating for steel pipelines. In contrast to paint, such a material will last much longer, and its acceptable cost will save money.
- Construction of bridges - another scope of application of this composition. With the help of a polyurea, concrete and metal elements of the bridges can be protected from corrosion, and the decorative coating in the form of paint will not lose its attractiveness.
- The polyurevine waterproof metal tanks for storing various liquids and chemical compositions. Metal covered with such a means is not damaged by water and caustic chemicals. Polyural in this case is applied to both the outer and the inner surface of the tanks.
- Such material is often used in the shipbuilding sphere. The polyurevine is perfectly connected with any types of surfaces: wood, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, etc. Some fishermen will hydroize their boats with such a composition.
- The polyurevine is suitable for protecting freight transport from pollution and corrosion. The smooth hydrophobic coating is very easily cleaned from any substances, does not grind over time and withstands significant loads.
- The material found its application in the designer business. With the help of the polyurea, you can increase the life of the facades and secure them from negative weather factors. Since the polyurea itself is painted in various shades, it can also serve as a decorative coating. For example, such a material is separated by the inner surface of pools or artificial ponds.
- A similar means is not suitable for creating a road surface in places with intense car traffic, as well as on car parkings. The material quickly freezes, so there is very little time between its application and the ability to use the finished coating. Sometimes a traveler strengthen the road marking, and such a protective layer can serve much longer than ordinary paint. By the way, for solidification of the material just just a few minutes, so you can carry out street work at any time without fearing the weather change.
- Polyurevine is used to decorate walls in aquariums. A similar composition allows you to create beautiful profiled ornaments, thanks to which the aquariums acquire high aesthetics. Fortunately, the rich color palette of the material makes it possible to decorate the surfaces by the most diverse ways.
- The travelery can act as a protective coating for the picturesque architectural elements: patterns, ornaments, etc. This tool found its use in the theater sphere, since the material is used in the manufacture of decorations.
- The polyurea is distinguished by resistance to combustible substances, so it is often used to cover the internal surfaces of the gas pipeline and fuel storages.
Technology of deposition of polyurea
Preparation of equipment
You can work with the travelery using a special device equipped with a spacious reservoir, hose and sprayer. The substance comes from a tank under high pressure and through the hose is sprayed on the surface being processed. Pressure allows you to achieve an even and powerful jet, which is directed exclusively to the working base, and no material microparticles are dispersed on the parties.
Aggregates for waterproofing are different types and sizes. In the household sphere uses manual small-sized devices, while large autonomous systems are used for large-scale industrial work, which do not require direct human contact.
It will not be difficult to create a coverage of the polyurea with your own hands, the material is easily applied, it does not need to be pre-measured, cut, fix fasteners. The most important thing is to find a suitable device for spraying, as well as buy the required number of polyurea. The unit of this type is not so cheap, and if the amount of work is small, it is worth saving and take the equipment for rent. Detailed information on how to work with the device can be found in its operating instructions.
Since the installation for spraying the polyurea operates under high pressure, it is also necessary to provide a means of protection in the form of a special costume. Such a suit completely covers the body and face, protecting the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
Preparation of a surface to apply a polyurea
Before starting spraying the waterproofing layer, the working basis must be prepared. It should be noted that the polyurea can be applied to such surfaces as metal, asphalt, ceramics, cement screed, concrete, wood, polyurethane foam, etc. Any of these reasons should be well prepared, because the quality of the final result directly depends on this.
The basic requirements that are presented to the working surface can be brought as a list:
- the surface should be dry and durable;
- do not contain oily spots, paints, dust and other contaminants;
- the base should have a small roughness to ensure good coating adhesion.
You can remove contamination from the surface in different ways, for example, use a strengthened water strength, a rigid brush, grinding machine, etc. In addition to purity, the foundation should also have sufficient evenness. The polyurevine is able to hide small defects, but deep cracks, depressions, chips, significant ledges should be eliminated.
Porous surfaces like concrete and cement screed need preliminary priming. Pores of such coatings absorb a significant part of the material to reduce the consumption of the polyurea, the pores should be procured by primer. Among other things, the priming will increase the degree of adhesion of materials and will make the surface more durable.
The concrete base should be solid and dense enough, otherwise the waterproofing layer is separated over time together with the top layer of the treated surface. Concrete aging is about 28 days, only after this time, it can be covered by polyurea.
Before starting concrete processing, it is also necessary to set the level of its humidity. Ideally, he should not exceed 4%, and to measure this indicator will help a special device - moisture meter. If there is no moisture maker, the humidity is measured by the "people's" manner: gluing with a tape to the surface of a polyethylene film and wait 3 days. If after 3 days under the film, condensate is not formed - the concrete is sufficiently dry and is suitable for waterproofing. In addition, the working surface should not be dust, to remove the best with the help of an industrial vacuum cleaner. If water is used to eliminate dust, the concrete will have to be carefully dried at the end of work.
The metal surface should also be clean, smooth and skimmed. In this case, the primer is not always used, since it is not necessary in it. If the primer is still applied, then it must have anti-corrosion properties.
As for the wooden surfaces, the principle of their preparation is almost no different from concrete and metal.
Deposition of polyurea
After the surface is covered with primer, it should be left until complete drying. Then the base is carried out on the subject of adhesion, and if it is ready, you can proceed to spraying the polyurea. Even before the process start, it is important to set the temperature and humidity of the environment, as well as learn the dew point. As for temperature, its indicator must comply with the standards of working with a specific composition. The humidity should not exceed 80%, and the dew point should be approximately 5 ° C lower than the temperature of the working base.
With the help of a special installation, the polyurea is applied to the prepared surface with a layer from 1 to 3 mm. After that, the coating is left for solidification, the total time of which is 10-12 hours.
The last step is to monitor the final coating. A qualitatively treated surface should be solid and homogeneous.