Cement bulk floor do it yourself Floors

With its name, the bulk floor is obliged by the method of its installation is an embodiment of a screed with the fill of the self-leveling mixture. A distinctive feature of cement bulk sex is its thickness, which is about 3.5 mm. Sometimes cement bulk gender is called liquid linoleum - in fact, its surface is perfectly smooth and even, like a tile, only seams on it. Such a floor can be used without fears in public and residential premises, it is environmentally friendly, its installation and operation is safe for people. The bulk is full of cement basis - the optimal solution when creating a warm floor system.
Composition of the mixture for the device of cement bulk sex
Liquid floors are usually used as a basis for creating finishing - a laminate, parquet, linoleum is laminated on it. In most cases, they resort to the purchase of ready-made dry mixes, in the trading network there is a wide range of product from the domestic and foreign manufacturer.
The mixture for filling the floor includes:
- cement as the binder component
- fractional sand,
- mineral additives
- polymer fillers.
High quality characteristics are distinguished by cement mixtures, which does not have additives, but to provide self-arguing texture, you will need to add a large amount of water. This moment can lead to a decrease in the coating strength. Solve the problem allows the presence in mixtures of polymer additives. To obtain a high quality result, it will be necessary only to comply with the performance of work technologies. Considering the cement bulk gender in the photo, it is only possible to surprise the perfect look at its surface.
As for the choice of the mixture, from which the cement bulk field will be manufactured, the price here sometimes plays a decisive role. When choosing between expensive bulk floors on an organic basis and on cement, preference is often given to the latter - the cost of such a product is much lower.
Mount the cement bulk sex with your own hands - Preparatory work
The process can be divided into several stages. Preparatory - consists in cleaning the surface of the floor and walls from dust. Next, beton a line on which the floor level will be, the polystyrene foam adhesive tape, having a spongy structure, is glued. The width of the damper tape corresponds to the thickness of the bulk coating. If it turns out that when sticking the tape was admitted inaccuracies, then the tape part of the tape are hiding under the plinth.
Primer - it is applied to a clean surface by any way, with a roller, brushes, a pulverizer. Mandatory processing of all cracks, roughness.
To get drying the primer, it will take about half an hour, to enhance the effect, the procedure is repeated 1 or 2 times before obtaining a wet gloss. Special attention is paid to loose, old grounds. For new concrete surfaces, you can apply primer in one layer. If, when applying primer, its darkening and foaming is observed, then it should be calculated for a longer period of drying, caused by a higher level of humidity in the room. For complete drying, the primer will be needed from 6 to 24 hours.
After this time, you can be taken for the installation of beacons, this procedure is especially important for premises with a large area, in which case the uniform application of the cement composition may be difficult. Installation of beacons shares the area to segments and allows you to fill the mixture in stages. Cement mortar is prepared before installing beacons, it will make it possible to immediately start work.
The height of beacons must correspond to the planned bulk floor thickness. With an even surface of the floor, self-tapping screws are used as beacons, they are screwed into the floor at a distance of about 1 m in a checker order. If there are substantial differences on the floor, from 3 cm and more, then metal corners can be used as beacons, they are fixed to the floor using a plaster or cement mortar. The correctness of their installation is checked with the help of a construction level, strictly observe the horizontal line - be sure to.
If the room has a very large area, then resort to another method of setting beacons - on large areas, the leveling layer of high thickness is usually required. In this case, the beacons can serve the same self-tapping screws, screwed into the base, on the walls at the height of the hats of self-tapping screws make tags. Horizontality is checked using a level, then between the tags stretch the fine wire. Next, they make a fill of the floor.
How to prepare an alignment mixture
It is possible to start making a mixture for filling the floor only by making sure to complete the solution under the beacons. Carefully learn the instructions on the package with the mixture. The amount of water is poured into the prepared container, the amount of water is neatly poured into it the contents of the package. It is not recommended to add any foreign substances to the solution.
To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is better to use a drill with a nozzle or a building mixer. After achieving a mass of homogeneous consistency, it is left for a few minutes, then they are well stirred again. Installing on a drill or mixer is not recommended a greater speed - a better mixture is obtained at small turns.
Floor Floor
The fill process lasts half an hour - this time, during which the solution is suitable for work. For this reason, it is better to perform work with assistants. The prepared solution is poured onto the surface of the floor and smash with rollers.
To avoid a rush, sometimes prepare a solution of portions, for example - the first portion of the solution is prepared, one of the working levels it, the second - prepares the following, immediately at the end of the alignment first poured the second part of the mixture and also smash too.
The surface thus obtained is smooth and smooth, it will not have seams. The large room is separated into several parts and gradually pour them. This is done cement bulk sex, you can consider this process in more detail.
After completing the fill, it is rolled by a special roller with needles on the surface - this will provide a better fit of the solution to the base, as well as remove air bubbles with a solution.
You can walk on the non-dry floor in ships with spikes or in shoes with metal linings. It takes about 6 hours to dry out the mixture, usually on the package with the mixture indicate the exact time of drying.
Cement bulk floor, the manufacturing technology of which is quite simple, can be made with their own hands. The main amount of work will be preparatory work. But, despite the time spent and attached efforts, the results of the work will surely be delighted by the perfectly aligned surface of the floor.
Cement-acrylic bulk floors
Initially, this type of bulk sex was designed for installation at the facilities of the food industry. The polyacrylate copolymer included in its composition provides high strength, protected from moisture and chemical reagents.
Cement-acrylic floors inside buildings and outside, given the possibility of their operation at high and minus temperatures.