Latex paints paints and varnishes

Latex word is familiar for a long time. We are accustomed to buying latex gloves, baby nipples and other useful products. But with the concept of latex paints, many are faced for the first time during the repairs.
Latex-based paints have gained popularity in the building materials market. Latex paints practically disapplied the use of oil paints and alkyd enamels in the decoration finish.
What are latex paints
In composition, latex paints are acrylic, polyvinyl acetate, butadienestyrene, acrylosylconic. In any case, the inscription will stand on the packing with the paint - latex. It will be erroneous to believe that latex paints are made on the basis of the juice of rubaged plants. Because latex is the general name of the emulsions of dispersed polymer particles in an aqueous solution. This is not a chemical solution, but an aqueous emulsion, or dispersion of polymers. For this reason, latex paints are also called water-based or water dispersive. Marking of paint depends on the polymers included in its composition. And from polymers, in turn, the properties of paint and the area of \u200b\u200bits application depend.
Acrylic latex paint received its name at the expense of an acrylic latex paint, which gives paint strength. Butadiene-styrene latex gives the paint elasticity. These components complement each other well.
Do not hurry before going to the store to write a cheat sheet on a piece of paper with the words of polyvinyl acetate, butadiene styrene, acrylic. All these words are written on a bank with small letters. The main thing - you need to know what you are going to paint.
How to choose latex paint
The main advantages of latex paints - they do not have a sharp smell and dry quickly.
The disadvantages include the inability to smoke the paint into bright saturated tones. Latex paints are initially produced white - they have a base A. Subsequently, they are tested by the manufacturer, independently, or in the store, but you can only get a pastel tone.
The main parameters that are taken into account when choosing paint
External or internal work
For coloring facades, paints are not suitable for working indoors. If you are going to paint the facade or loggia - choose the paint on which it will be written that the paint is designed for external or facade works. For external work, the paint Tikkurila Euro-7 is well suited.
Degree of gloss
Paints are matte - deep, half-one, matte and glossy - semi-units, glossy and supervantia. Machine paint hides small surface defects - scratches, small irregularities. Glossy paint visually increases the volume of the room and creates a feeling of purity, but it emphasizes all surface errors.
Many manufacturers denote the degree of gloss as - silk-glossy, or velvetist-matte, deeply matte.
Humidity of the room
For the bathroom and kitchen, choose paints with high moisture resistance.
Degree of load
Latex paint for the ceiling has low wear resistance. Usually on the package indicates - for walls and ceilings. Paints for the ceiling are distinguished by the degree of whiteness. It is better to take super-white paint. The ceiling is painted in two layers.
The ceiling in the kitchen, painted latex paint with time can yellow.
It is not recommended to paint a latex paint combined ceiling from a histookarton design and stretch ceiling. When installing the stretch ceiling in the room, a high temperature is created. Paint can crack.
When choosing a latex paint for the walls, preference is given to wear-resistant paints. The paint indicates the number of abrasion cycles. Paints for wet rooms have good wear resistance, but for the room it is better to take ordinary latex paint.
The latex paint eco-joker has proven itself well (Tikkurila Eko-Joker - Finland).
Paint has a silky matte color. Well wash. It has good shelterness. Suitable for coloring of concrete, brick, wooden surfaces. This paint can be glued with any wallpaper under painting - glassy and fiber-based wallpaper.
The price of latex paint depends on the manufacturer and its properties. Paints for wet rooms at the cost above paints for ceilings.
When choosing paint, also pay attention to its shelterness and consumption. Consumption is always indicated by the calculation for the smooth surface.
Leading manufacturers of latex paints
Tikkurila (Finland)
The Finnish paints of the firm of Tukkurila have proven well. Paints are produced in the containers of 0.9 liters, 2.7 liters and 9 liters. Painting consumption is indicated for various surfaces, almost the same for all the names of the paints. For previously painted surfaces - 1 l per 10-12 m², sharp covered - 1l by 8-10 m², concrete and twisted - 1 l by 5-7 m². Paints ticcuril have good shelterness.
• Euro 2 It is recommended to use for coloring ceilings. Perfectly matte. Based on copolymer dispersion. You can paint the walls in rooms with a small crossway. The paint is environmentally friendly, well suited for staining of children's rooms.
• Euro 3 - for walls and ceilings in dry rooms. Perfectly matte. Based on copolymer dispersion. Well lies on wooden surfaces and tree fiber plates.
• Euro 7 - matte latex paint. Based on acrylic copolymer. For posted, spacked, brick walls, for painting wallpaper. Apply both new and earlier surfaces. Suitable for outdoor work.
• Euro 12 - wear-resistant paint. Half-shaped acrylic copolymer. It is used for staining walls that are often clean and have a large load - a corridor, a kitchen.
• Euro 20 half-one on an acrylic binder. Used for painting wet rooms. Well suited for painting heating radiators.
• Euro Siling - Paint for the ceiling.
• EURO FACAD AQUA - Water-dispersion acrylic facade paint modified with silicone. It is used for painting facades. Protects the surface from the appearance of mold and algae.
• Luya - acrylate paint. Contains an antitlamp component. Matte. For painting surfaces indoors.
• Harmony - acrylate paint. It has a matte shine, gives the surface velvety effect.
• Joker, Harmony - Interior acrylate paints that give the surface velvet effect. For internal work .
Caparol (Germany)
Color consumption Kaparol is 1 l at 6-7 m².
• Kaparol samtex 3 E.L.F - matte latex paint. Wear-resistant.
• Kaparol SAMTEX 7 E.L.F - silky matte paint. Well suited for corridors and cuisine. Easily applied roller.
• Kaparol SAMTEX 20 E.L.F - silky glossy latex paint.
Dulux (England)
Dulux paints have good shelterness, conserves in various colors.
• DULUX EASY - matte paint on a water-dispersion basis for all types of wallpaper.
• Dulux v Sheen velvety semi-masted paint for internal works. Withstands frequent washing. Consumption of 1 l per 14-16 m².
OLIMP® (Russia)
Among the domestic producers have proven themselves in paints of Olympus. The cost below overseas producers, but somewhat inferior in quality. Produced for outdoor and internal work.
Consumption 1l at 7-9 m².
- Alpha - paint for ceilings. According to reviews - paint is badly rolled, with time yellowes.
- Beta - matte latex paint for walls and ceilings.
- Gamma - washing matte acrylic paint for walls and ceilings. You can use for the kitchen and the corridor.
- Delta - washing silky glossy acrylic paint for walls and ceilings. Well suitable for coloring fliesline wallpaper, gloss paint emphasizes wallpaper structure.
- Elastic - matte latex washable paint on latex polymer. Protects the surface from the appearance of cracks. Has a high degree of white.
- Sigma - matte acrylic facade paint.
- All-season - matte acrylic facade paint for work at temperatures from - 20 ° C to + 35 ° C. The paint can be operated at negative temperatures. Resistant to atmospheric phenomena. Despite the fact that the packaging shows the temperatures at which it is allowed to work with the paint, you should not paint the facade at a temperature below 5 degrees.
Latex paint tips
- The painted surface before applying the paint is better not to primitive. This is especially true for ceilings. There is a chance of overload. The primer creates a solid film, and roll out the paint will be difficult. Roller slides over a smooth surface and great defects appear in the color. You can brand loose walls for their strengthening, but usually before the painting wall is sprinkled to achieve a smooth surface. After grinding the surface, remove the dust with a soft brush.
- To apply the first layer, dilute the paint with water in the ratio. For five parts of paint one part of the water. The paint will serve as a primer.
- Paint is applied with rollers of different sizes. In the corners, go through the brush and immediately roll the paint with a small roller so that the bands do not remain from the brush.
- Do not stain the surface with separate areas. Paint is applied with a roller with a telescopic. On the walls - from the floor to the ceiling, on the ceiling - from the wall to the wall.
- Do not use a foam roller - air bubbles appear from it, which are difficult to get rid of it.
- Roll up the paint quickly, not allowing the influx and leather.
- Observe the drying time of each layer before applying new.
Choice of acrylic latex paint Dali
Instructions for choosing paint and staining walls of paint ticcury.