Foundation for the house of foam blocks Construction,Building materials

To date, there are all the conditions in order to build just such a structure that is the best way to surrounding the environment, as well as a number of other conditions. Of course, for the owners who have a limited financial budget, it is most important to save as much as possible in order to ultimately all construction work cost the most cheaply.
It is worth recognizing that even with the most modest estimates for construction will have to spend a lot of funds, so in any case you need to be ready for considerable costs. But at the same time it makes sense to draw attention to building materials that are significantly cheaper than classical options in construction. First of all, we are talking about foam blocks. This building material is based on foam concrete. This resource is produced based on cement, water, sand, as well as a foaming agent. Ultimately, it turns out a durable construction resource, which will definitely serve for many years.
It is also interesting that foam blocks have been on sale only a few dozen years ago, but in our construction they began to be applied relatively recently. Experts note that in the near future this material will be used increasingly, and, above all, it is due to the price issue.
It should be understood that foam blocks are suitable only for relatively small construction, and, above all, it concerns homes with 2-3 floors. Often on the basis of foam concrete, economic buildings are erected that will not be used for accommodation.
In this article, we will focus in detail on the question related to the choice of foundation for the house of foam blocks. Often, people who plan to carry out such construction work are not best oriented in such matters, therefore it makes sense to carry out enough surround analysis.
Features of foam block buildings
To begin with, I would like to talk a little about foam blocks. This building material has recently gained a considerable prevalence in the CIS. Of course, as we have said, all this is due to monetary savings, which can be found in the construction of a building based on foam blocks. Often, people who make a choice in favor of foam blocks, themselves create projects and carry out all the amount of work. The bottom line is that specialists who could give their assessment of a particular situation to such works. As already mentioned, in most cases the construction of small structures occurs, so it is unlikely to face some threats.
At the same time it is worth it to keep in mind that a rather serious situation occurs around the foundation of the house of foam blocks. It is from the foundation that the overall durability of the house depends, and it is worth paying attention to the first place.
The following presented the main advantages of houses created on the basis of foam blocks:
- Strength. Despite the fact that the material includes a foaming agent, it is characterized by high strength, so the issue of the durability of the structure does not cause any complaints. In addition, here I would also like to say about the water absorption of the material, so that the structure is characterized by high resistance to many external factors. However, it is also necessary to understand that too high humidity negatively affects the quality of thermal insulation, therefore it always makes sense to control the situation associated with moisture sources.
- Thermal conductivity. It is known that foam blocks have a low thermal conductivity, and it is definitely good news, since the material is practically independent of external conditions. You can equip high-quality insulation, thanks to which even the most severe frosts in the house will be attended by so necessary comfort. In terms of thermal conductivity, experts often compare foam blocks with wood, and there really has a share of truth.
- Frost resistance. The same pores that are available in foam blocks provide material with excellent frost resistance. This is especially important in those regions where the temperature in the winter is lowered to extreme values. Accordingly, foam blocks retain properties even at low temperatures than many other resources can not boast.
- Fire resistance. The next dignity of foam blocks is primarily associated with safety. Obvious is the fact that during the fire this building material will not become a source of ignition. Today, people who plan to conduct construction or repair activities are paying attention to this aspect, as security should always be in the foreground.
- Uniform structure. As you know, foam blocks have quite large dimensions, but this factor does not affect the overall condition of the material. The uniformity of foam blocks is really impressive, therefore this resource is the optimal option for construction.
Disadvantages of material:
- Low weight. Unfortunately, the small weight of the building material is not always a strong side. Indeed, this gives some advantage during transportation and during construction work, but the resource must differ in large weight, some monolithium.
- Fragility. Despite the sufficient level of strength, foam blocks, unfortunately, are fragile. This is not the best news due to the fact that the foam block can be accidentally damaged, and for some time the material will come into disrepair. Accordingly, when buying such construction resources, not only pay attention to the price, but also to control the condition of the material.
- Appearance. For most masters, foam blocks have not the most presentable look. Thus, we are talking about additional funds that will need to spend on finishing work. Ultimately, construction will no longer be cheap, as I would like. However, finishing works should be carried out using almost any building materials, so there should be no special surprises in this matter.
Again, all the above deficiencies and advantages should be associated directly with the area on which construction work will be held. Obviously, the lack may suddenly be an advantage for certain owners, however, in most cases, everything is due to the way as described above.
Specificity of the foundation for the house of foam blocks
It should be borne in mind that the choice of foundation for the house of foam blocks is a comprehensive question that should be analyzed by considering several important aspects at once. Only after a complete analysis of the situation can be made in favor of this or that type of foundation. It may also happen that to create a house of foam blocks in a particular place is not recommended at all, as it can be about the safety of people, as well as emergency condition of the structure. It is not necessary to ignore such serious sides of the question in order to ultimately get a durable housing that will please reliability within decades.
Then we will discuss the following aspects:
- Choosing a soil. Soil often becomes a decisive factor associated with construction work. This is a particularly relevant question, if it comes to buildings in those places where no previous construction activities were carried out at all.
- External factors. As you know, wind loads can create serious problems for any construction. Moreover, often snowfall has a negative impact on the state of the structure. All these questions must be taken into account before the construction of construction work so that the structure is fully protected from such things.
- Load from the future structure. The load on the foundation is, most often, the decisive factor on which the choice of the type of foundation is depends, as well as its main parameters. It should also be understood that saving or negligent attitude to this issue can be equated to a rough mistake, since it is not only the foundation strength, but also the overall integrity of the design. If you make an error, then numerous residents of the house may also be at risk.
- Price issue and construction time. Often, it is not possible to build a specific type of foundation only if the process does not turn out to be too long, and the base itself is not more expensive than the rest of the construction work. Under such scenaries, it is worth looking for ways out of a deadlock situation, as it should definitely have the feasibility of construction, as well as a certain value for money.
Soil selection for foundation
Most often, specialists are involved in the analysis of soil, which in large cities sufficient quantities. By paying some money you can get complete information about the soil, which is further planned to be used for construction measures.
This issue is extremely important, since the soil often hides some "surprises" capable of creating serious threats even for the most perfect grounds. Speech can go about the following problems:
- Water saturation. Water at the foundation is an extremely negative phenomenon that can turn any construction structure into useless pieces of concrete. If the construction work has become aware of this problem, it should be understood that only 2 outputs from this situation: you can simply refuse a particular area for holding construction, or carry out major drainage works that take away a lot of strength and money. Again, it is impossible to give an assessment at once to all situations that can be involved with the owners of the territories, but the problem will in any case be acute.
- Relief. It often happens that the complex land relief creates certain problems, and most often we are talking about the difficulties related to building events. If there is a limited choice of tools, fixtures or equipment for construction, relief can be the largest problem for builders.
- Fruit. Another lack of many sites that differ in bulk soil. The situation is in such a way that there is no importance to the scale of construction here, since due to the bulk soil, the construction can turn the construction. Moreover, we can talk about various deformations and drawdown of building structures. Such "weak" soils create problems even experienced construction companies that create multi-storey houses. Often it is necessary to apply special tricks associated with the foundation and its interaction with soil.
As for the name of the soil directly, this is a fairly simple process, but a little tedious for workers who are engaged in such events alone. Often, at once at several points of the section, wells are drilled by a depth of up to 2 meters (one can and more, it depends on the specifics of the future structure). Every 20 cm groaned, you need to take soil samples, after which they are given to the laboratory. This approach allows you to accurately establish the specifics of the soil, as well as if necessary, to take all necessary measures in advance.
For example, it can be safely argued that if there is a non-empty soil with a depth of freezing up to 100 cm, and the groundwater level is at 2 m or deeper, you can safely make a choice in favor of a fine-breeding tape base. Do not forget that groundwater is created the largest threat. The higher the groundwater level, the more dangerous the situation for the founding of the future structures.
Often, the soil is divided into certain layers, which differ in different types of soil. Accordingly, the upper reservoir may be fully suitable for construction work, and the following layers are extremely hazardous grounds that are appropriate to avoid under any conditions.
Load from foam blocks
As we mentioned, ultimately the construction may have an impressive weight, which for the foundation will create not the best atmosphere. Earlier, we said that foam blocks are slightly weighing, but the owners can create a multi-storey structure, as well as a modest foundation on dimensions.
Accordingly, if it is planned to create a one-storey house of foam blocks, it is often quite fair base. The strength of the foundation is enough for the stock. Ribbon foundations are fairly easily withstanding and three-storey buildings from foam blocks.
The monolithic bases are best suited for any conditions, especially those in which the construction has several floors, and some kind of heavy equipment will be used inside. However, it is worth understanding that the monolithic foundation will cost more than the remaining grounds, therefore it makes sense to make a choice in favor of the most suitable for specific design conditions. Often the hosts improve their home, create an extension and other things that can somewhat change the initial conditions. The project for creating a foundation is to include this factor.
Monetary question, duration of work
To begin, I would like to focus on the fact that the hosts often create houses based on foam blocks due to the high speed of construction work. If the timing is pressed, foam blocks are the best option. In such cases, it becomes logical information that the other activities related to construction should pass quickly and without any problems. Most of all, with such construction work time, it goes to the creation of a basic structure, as well as on the foundation. Accordingly, it is often necessary to create the most simple foundation, but it is quite reliable that no problems have arisen during operation. Practice shows that the most time goes to the creation of a ribbon blunt foundation, or on a monolithic base. It is worth understanding that it is often possible when creating ribbon foundations requires arming formwork for formwork and many other building elements. Ultimately, the creation of a ribbonly blunt foundation takes at least a few weeks, since before the continuation of construction activities it is necessary to wait until concrete gets the required level of strength.
The price question is also sharp, as for the second half of the owners who have made a choice in favor of foam blocks, monetary savings are most important. Thus, it is worth paying attention to that monolithic foundations are the most expensive, as we are talking about a solid concrete structure, which is treated with a huge amount of concrete. In addition, the most overwhelmed belt bases are also difficult to call budgetary building options. Surely the cheapest choice is a bar base, but often costs depend on which area in the structure, and what loads need to withstand. This question is also volumetric, as it all depends on the set of aspects.
The main features of choosing a foundation for a house of foam blocks
Now it's time to stay in more detail on each type of foundation to analyze all those details that take place when operating a house of foam blocks.
- Ribbon base. As we have already spoken, the ribbon foundation is best suited for buildclock buildings. Moreover, it is often possible to make a choice and in favor of a swallowed foundation, and finely breed. The first option is best suited for clay soils, as well as for other bunched soils. The depth of embedding such a base should be no less than the depth of the freezing. This is an extremely important aspect that is worth paying attention to any building events. The ribbon width must be 10 cm more than the width of the walls. The base must have a height of about 40 cm. The upper part of the base must be rejected by the belt consisting of two layers of metal. As we have already spoken, there are a lot of money on such a foundation, but in cases where there is a need for a basement - this is an indispensable design. If we are talking about durable bunched soils, it is worth paying attention to a meticulous foundation, which is located at a depth of at least 60 cm.
- Monolithic foundation. In the event that it is planned to build a small building, the foundation consisting of solid slabs is the best option. After high-quality waterproofing, this foundation does not threaten anything. Accordingly, the house of foam blocks will be fully safe. By itself, the technology of creating a monolithic foundation includes several unique steps, therefore it is worth being attentive and, if necessary, to consult with specialists.
- Basic base. As we have already spoken, in some situations a column foundation is the best option, both in terms of savings and in terms of reliability. It is also worth understanding that today at home created on the basis of foam blocks often have small dimensions, therefore the creation of a monolithic or tape base is not quite profitable in terms of finance. In this case, pillars are used, which are between themselves at a distance of 2 m. It is extremely important to note the need for posts in the corners of walls, as well as other objects that are particularly important. The depth of the location of the supports should be approximately 15-20 cm lower than the ground freezing level. Created frame, which will subsequently flooded with concrete, first filled with reinforcement, which will ensure high structure strength. Practice shows that this type of foundation for the construction of a house of foam blocks is rarely used, since often this solution is suitable exclusively for small buildings.