Sitting bath: choice, photo, installation Plumbing

The arrangement of the bathroom is one of the most responsible processes when making your own home. It is here that you can cheer up in the morning while taking a soul or relax after a busy working day. Most of the space usually takes the most important element - this is a bath. Along with the usual, today such a kind of sitting bath is widely used. What it happens, how to choose the right thing to choose this subject of the interior and install it, you will learn in this article.
Advantages of sedentary bath
To understand what features a sedentary bath, look closely to view the photos of the proposed goods in online stores. The main one is in the presence of a ledge inside the bowl, which is designed for seating. Current manufacturers offer a wide species series of models, which allows you to choose the most interesting, organically inscribing in the design of the bathroom.
Among the main advantages that the sedentary bath will be installed as follows:
- compact sizes, which allows you to integrate it even in the room of a small area or rationally organize the entire space of the ordinary room;
- different configurations make it possible to enter a seitant bath even in a small niche in the room;
- significant simplification of water procedures for disabled people or people of old age by equipping special handrails or doors;
- comfortable bath adoption without tension and load on muscles for pregnant women;
- the ability to carry out therapeutic procedures - in a lying position, many of them are contraindicated.
Important! There is one disadvantage that is formed by the specifics of the sedentary bath itself - this is the lack of opportunity to be in such a bathroom in the lying position. For some members of a large family, it is this factor, and not the price of seating baths can become decisive when choosing a bowl.
Functional features of sedent baths
Under the functional features of the sedentary bath, it is often implied with an additional equipment with which you can achieve maximum comfort during water procedures and expand standard features. These include:
- installing the hydromassage system;
- installation of the aero mass installation;
- equipping with special luminaires for unconventional treatment in the direction of light and phototherapy;
- installing a modern media player or receiver for listening to music during water procedures.
Important! Depending on the number of additional details you have chosen, respectively, it will increase or decrease the cost of all the work on the design of the bathroom.
Shapes seating bath
All baths of this category can be detached or built-in - the choice is yours, depending on the style of the room and the type of furniture for the room.
The form distinguishes 3 main groups of bowls:
- rectangular;
- oval;
- corner.
Important! In addition, designer bowls can be triangular or asymmetrical. In a separate category, seating baths with a side door, which greatly make it easier to enter people with disabilities with disabilities.
You can estimate the advantages of such a variety now, viewing a video review of models of seating baths.
Sitting Bath - Dimensions
Depending on the shape, the dimensions of the bowl will change. The dimensional line is not so wide, but still allows you to make the optimal choice for any room:
- rectangular bowls have standardized parameters in 150 * 70, 120 * 70, 100 * 70 cm;
- the angular seating bath is performed with sizes 120 * 110 cm.
Sitting Bath - Materials
As well as ordinary baths, seats are made of 3 types of material:
- Sitting bath iron. The most familiar to consumers is a form of chashes. Such models are characterized by an excellent property for a very long time to retain heat. In addition, they are durable and durable - the minimum service life is indicated by manufacturers of at least 30 years.
Important! The disadvantages of such products include their heavyweight, which brings some difficulty in the installation process, as well as the limited variants of models. From cast iron, you can rarely meet the angular or unusual configuration of the bowl - predominantly these are standard rectangular modifications. Here, we note that the price of such baths is higher than on products from any other material. Cast iron is not only a durable, but also quite fragile material, so the installation of additional equipment can also be difficult in the absence of special professional skills.
- Sitting bath steel. Such plumbing items have light weight, differ in the available price boundary at high strength indicators.
Important! There are many disadvantages of such products - it is a short heat conservation and a large noise level when filling with water. If the surface is damaged, it is unlikely to stop the corrosion process and will soon be replaced by the bowl. To increase the characteristics of noise insulation and heat power, it will take additional use of the mounting foam during the installation process throughout the area, and these are additional costs.
- Sitting acrylic bath. This kind of today is the most popular. Beautiful heat grumbling characteristics in combination with light weight, wide design capabilities due to material plasticity, ease of processing when installing an additional configuration, simplicity of installation and repair - all this determines their demand.
Important! Additionally, it is worth noting a wide color palette of solutions when creating acrylic baths, which makes it possible to maximize the desired koler under the specific design of the bathroom.
How to choose a sequence bath?
To buy the right bath and eliminate the occurrence of any difficulties in the installation process, follow the following recommendations:
- Exactly define the place of installation of the bathroom.
- Make measurements of the parameters you need a bowl, considering also body features and age of all family members.
- If the room is small, think over the installation option of the corner seating bath.
- Prefer the light tones of the bath, which will visually expand the space and will not call the psychological discomfort over time.
- When buying, check the quality of the enamel - the absence of defects in the form of chips, cracks, sufficient layer thickness, surface smoothness.
- Check the quality of the outer walls - there should be no recesses in them, the surface can be slightly rough with an anti-corrosion coating.
- Note, whether the location of the holes is suitable for the supply of engineering communications distance between your systems.
Installation of sedentary bath: Rules
The entire process of installing a seating bath is not much different from the mounting of the ordinary bowl. This work is quite accessible for the independent exercise provided that the basic skills of plumbing repair and assembly and compliance phases.
Progress is as follows:
- Preparation.
- Drive and fixing the bowl.
- Connecting drain to sewage.
- Ground.
- Processing of gaps and joints of surfaces.
- Installation of the screen.
- Decorative finish.
Tools for work
In advance, prepare all the necessary tools, focusing on the following list, to avoid the process of slowing down due to lack of the necessary equipment:
- chisel;
- level;
- polyurethane foam;
- pencil;
- screwdriver;
- line or roulette;
- knife;
- hammer;
- bulgarian;
- saw;
- insulating tape;
- adjustable keys;
- corrugated drain pipes - 40 mm diameter for mounting the cast-iron bath, 50 mm section when installing acrylic or steel bowl;
- silicone sealant;
- drain fittings.
room preparation
On the quality of the room itself the speed and ease of the subsequent installation of a sit-bath depends largely. Therefore, be sure to do the following:
- Measure the parameters necessary to select the appropriate model.
Important! When installing the cup is not in an empty room, you consider ways of accurate it skid to prevent damage to already installed objects.
- Check how smooth horizontal floor.
- In identifying material defects - deviation of more than 2-4 mm, make a cement screed.
Important! If the floor is not flat, it will not be possible to achieve the desired stability of the bowl.
- Prepare water supply and sewage plums.
- Check out all pipelines on the absence of blockages inside - if any, eliminate.
- Check the integrity and suitability of all plumbing parts.
Important! When installing an acrylic bath, decorative wall and floor decoration is permissible after installation and in front of it, and the design of the surfaces when installing pig-iron baths only after its installation is completed.
Installation of acrylic bath
Installing an acrylic bath to perform much easier and faster, as it is fully equipped with all the necessary parts by the manufacturer. In order to competently do this work, stick to the following sequence:
- Check out the coincidence of the floor from the floor to the drain hole with the height of the bowl itself.
- Mark on the wall of the frame of fastening the frame.
- Collect the frame on the scheme proposed by the manufacturer.
- Set so that the support accounted for at least 3 sides.
- Enter the bowl so that the drain hole is located on the desired side.
- Screw to a cup of legs-support.
- Install the bowl on the frame.
- Check the clarity of the horizontal over the sides and seats.
Important! Do not remove the protective film from the inner surface to the completion of all finishing works and cleaning from the building garbage.
Installation of pig-iron bath
When installing a cast-iron bath, not only adherence to all rules for connecting to the water supply and sewage. Here you will need a skill approach and when it is driving into the room, as it has already been noted that cast iron products are very heavy.
Important! To quickly cope with the task, ask someone from familiar assistance in advance.
- Prepare supports for the bowl if we decided to install it not for special legs.
Important! The most popular option is to install a bath on bricks. To do this, select the desired number of items to form 2 blocks of the desired height. Connect bricks using cement mortar. Be sure to check the clarity of the horizontal to eliminate the skew after installation.
- Expand the bowl so that when driving, the drain hole is in the side you need.
- Take the tags horizontally and drive carefully in the bathroom.
- Put it on one side.
- Screw the legs sequentially, neatly, without dragging the bolts.
- Install the bowl.
- Adjust it, if necessary, its position by level by adjusting the supports.
- Check the stability of the bowl.
- For greater reliability of fixing it in one place, cerant legs or use special rubber linings.
- Make an assembly of engineering systems in the exact sequence according to the scheme.
- Install the ground from the wire with a cross section of 4 mm.
Important! Do the same procedure when installing the steel bath. Avoid laying the line on the surface on which water can fall.
- Get all the joints on the sides of the bath with silicone sealant.
- Make technical pause until complete drying.
- Install the screen so that access to the sewer plum and pipelines is preserved.
After you have installed a seating bath in the room, proceed to the decorative finish of all surfaces. Do not forget to follow the accuracy, so as not to damage the surface of the bowl. Regardless of the selected material for cladding and other furniture items, be sure to ensure yourself free access to pipelines in order to quickly eliminate the problem when any of the systems fails.