Soft roof Construction

Today, more and more people in the construction of houses give preference to a soft roof. This is due to both inexpensive price and simplicity of installation. But, so that the roofing serve really for a long time, it is necessary to competently fulfill the crate. Given the peculiarities of the roofing material, this work should be performed in accordance with certain rules.
The conditions that must be observed during the construction of the crate
The lamp is a carrier design of bars and boards, which are placed perpendicular to rafal lags. It is a platform on which roofing is kept and plays an important role in strengthening the roof.
- So that the roof does not let the water, the roofing material should be pressed to the formwork. In this regard, the shapper under the soft roof should have a flat surface, and all of its parts need to be perfectly docked. From the material from which it is made directly depends on the durability of the roof.
- Most often, the gentle roof is manufactured from the edged board in the form of a flat surface having a small step between its components.
A semi-cut and uncircumcised board should not be applied for this purpose. Otherwise, this may entail serious consequences, up to re-overlapping the roof.
In the case of using various-caliber boards, the dog cannot turn out perfectly smooth, most likely its surface will be stepped. Even if it turns out on such a basis to lay the flexible tile, it still does not last long.
- The crate is mounted in two layers, while it forms a solid surface.
- In the arrangement of the roof, you need to try to bypass sharp corners and bends to avoid friction about them of a soft coating.
- With long-term storage, wood may be discovered, and its surface will cease to be even due to the formation of gutters and protrusions. In order to avoid moisture from entering the roof material, the boards under the installation are put up with gutters. In this case, the water, leaning under the flooring, can stroke down on them. Otherwise, it will fall into the joints and then under the roof.
- The distance between the shell boards is specified on the basis of parameters such as the angle of inclination of the roof and the presence of a strong wind at the location of the house. With strong wind, the width of the step should be as small as possible, and with a small one it can be increased. The permissible distance between the slats ranges from 50 to 100 mm.
- As a material for formworking the upper enclosing structure, a multilayer water-repellent phaneer can be applied, such as Fiberboard and OSP. These types of lumber are capable of holding fluid.
Specificity device crate under the soft roof
The furnace design must comply with the following standards:
- be strong, durable and reliable;
- be sustainable mechanical damage and weather-related disassembly;
- not to have bugs on its surface, not clogged to the end of nails, cracks, in the width of 0.6 cm;
- to be competent, according to all the rules mounted.
The roofroom must be made so that she can cope with the severity of the roof of the roof, launched on it of snow, as well as a person, and at the same time not to deform. Therefore, the main parameter when calculating the thickness of the board used is the shaft shaft under the soft roof.
The lamp should be securely fixed, have a fortress and a smooth surface. Permissible humidity before the start of work is a maximum of 20%.
In order for a solid coating in the installation process, the crate is mounted in two layers. To work, it is better to use the board approximately 14 cm in width.
Constructing the crate should not forget about the need for a sink. It can be done small, but it must be attended by all sides of the structure. Sve is necessary for the formation of a cornice, which will subsequently protect the house from the penetration of rainwater.
Process of mounting a solid roof crate
Building materials are used for the roof crate device as:
- plywood for roofing or OSB plate;
- roofing runs to impart roof stability and reliability;
- hydro and heat insulating film;
- wooden bars;
- edged board, better from coniferous wood;
- nails for fastening.
Installation steps:
- Construction begins with the preparation of the first layer of the crate. Bruce from wood is attached to the rafters from the bottom up. From the quality of this layer, which consists in the perfect smoothness of its surface, the state and service life of the roofing coating depends. It can not be bend nor subjected to friction.
- The ends of the boards emerging in the end must be made by rounded so that the material be curls smoothly. Those. At the initial stage, a framework is erected with high strength and reliability.
- Lower obrestena, fixing the first row of sheets of roofing material, is attached directly behind the cornice.
- Next, the second layer of plywood is laid, which will subsequently be mounted roofing material. It is processed in advance with a special water-repellent impregnation, most often it is bituminous mastic. But because This measure is not needed enough to add another layer of waterproofing for the insulatory.
- In order to enhance the thermal insulation quality of the roof between it and the base can be put a steamproof film. It is needed to prevent the appearance of condensate on the insulation layer due to the evaporation of warm air from the inside of the room.
- She fell horizontally a skate, first the band near the eaves, then the remaining lanes of the mustache to the roofing skate. A film is fixed between bars and rafters in order to provide a gap for air circulation.
- The first lap of the cruise design is attached in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eaves, and the second is 30-35 cm. From the first.
- The rest of the bars are attached at a distance of 37 cm. From each other. The last of them is attached directly to the skate.
- Mandatory condition is to install the bars of the crate under the roof strictly horizontally. Achieve the maximum correctness of the connection, guarantee the quality and durability of the fastening of the roof flooring, you can only strictly observe the distance from the lower bars.