Backlight for kitchen furniture do it yourself Lighting,Useful advice

The kitchen room is one of the most important in the whole house. Here the female half of the family spends most of his free time, relatives, close people or friends behind a cup of coffee can be held here. Therefore, it is very important to create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort in the room, as well as provide good additional lighting, in case the main thing is not enough. If it is necessary, it is quite possible to mount the LED backlight of the kitchen with their own hands.
- Why the backlight of the working area in the kitchen should be high quality
- What lamps can be used to illuminate the kitchen
- What are the types of LED tape
- Materials that will be needed for the manufacture of diode kitchen illumination
- Stages of mounting kitchen backlight
- What difficulties may occur when using LED tape
Why the backlight of the working area in the kitchen should be high quality
Kitchen work, both in the dim, and when too bright light lead to fatigue and increase irritability, therefore the correct lighting of the zone, where basic manipulations occur during cooking process, should be uniform and moderate. When choosing and installing the kitchen, pay attention to it.
It is better if the light enters the kitchen table not from one source, but from several, then it will be scattered, and at the same time filling sharp shadows.
Lighting is divided into several species, depending on the light source and its location:
- Natural. This is the light that falls into the room through the windows and the doors of the balconies, comes from the moon, the sun, street lamps. The brightness of natural light depends on the time of day, from the source of lighting, from the presence or absence of blinds on the windows, from the features of the glasses, etc.
- General. In most cases, this is one source of artificial light, located in the middle of the ceiling. Although it provides overall lighting of the kitchen, but it is not enough to carry out any work of his light, especially if a person is between him and the table. In this case, the lamp shines in the back and the shadow falls on the worktop from his figure.
- Point lighting with a specific direction. It provides several sources installed directly above the table top. Often the lighting lamps for the kitchen are mounted in kitchen furniture.
What lamps can be used to illuminate the kitchen
The backlight for kitchen furniture should not only perform certain functions, but also decorate the room. Therefore, the lamps used as a backlight for kitchen furniture can be different. For example:
- sources of light mounted on the visor above the cabinets. Usually they serve halogen lamps. This lighting option plays an exceptionally decorative role, because It is good to highlight the worktop to him interfere with cabinets located above it;
- overhead light sources. Lamps that are fixed on the lower plane of kitchen cabinets;
- lamps-clothespins, providing lighting that can be adjusted and sent. They are pretty comfortable, but not always fit to the setting, and their plaffones are clogged with dust and fat splashes;
- lED Strip Light. This type of illumination is most preferable due to its effectiveness, not difficult installation and care. Most often attached such backlight for the kitchen under the cabinets, but the location is possible in other places. If desired, it is quite realistic to make such a backlight of the kitchen with your own hands.
Photos of various options for additional backlight can be seen on our website site.
What are the types of LED tape
LED ribbons have several varieties that are applied depending on how purpose will be used. Some signs of distinction of tapes:
- tapes differ in color. They can be multi-colored or white, and there are ribbons that combine many different colors like the Christmas garland;
- tapes are with protection against humidity. In order to achieve such an effect, it concludes silicone shell.
With the help of the tape you can create various decorative special effects. There is such a profile by which glass shelves are fixed on the wall. It is designed in such a way that you can insert the LED ribbon inside. When it turns on it turns out the effect of glowing glass. Acting similarly, you can make an apron for a kitchen with backlit, provided that it is made of glass.
Materials that will be needed for the manufacture of diode kitchen illumination
One of the most important advantages of the LED backlight made independently is its small cost. For the manufacture you will need pretty simple and not expensive materials:
- lED tape or LED modules;
- power unit;
- connecting cord area of \u200b\u200bthe cross section of which is 0.6 mm 2.;
- a wire having a plug on the end to turn on the backlight into the outlet.
Special fastener is not needed. All items can be fixed with double-sided tape. No more costs will be required.
Stages of mounting kitchen backlight
- before making the backlight in the kitchen, you need to measure kitchen cabinets. Their length will correspond to the length of the LED tape. It is very important to cut it right. It must be done exclusively in permissible places that are marked on ribbons;
- when using a trimming of the tape on which there is no plug, it must be bought and soldering, by observing the polarity;
- next, it is necessary to rinse and degrease the lower planes of the cabinets, in order for the tape with its sticky side attached to them as reliably as possible;
- in case the surface is very dirty or during operation, smoothness has lost smoothness. It is better to first fix the profile of aluminum on it, and it is already glued to the ribbon;
- profile, before that, it should also be rinsed and degreased. Blind the LED tape or modules, you need to make efforts, because if we slightly press them to the surface of the Cablysta Customci can accelerate over time;
- the backlight power supply should be installed in some inconspicuous place that is not thrown into the eye at the entrance, for example, in the far corner of the kitchen wall. But at the same time, this place should give free access to the block, if it fails;
- lEDs connect to the power supply, and in turn to the outlet. Connecting the tape with the block, should not forget about the observance of polarity;
- during work, in no case cannot disrupt the safety technique. Before starting work, you need to turn off the voltage, and at the end all the locations of the joints of the wires are wrapped with a tape.
What difficulties may occur when using LED tape
The tape is a simple and universal material. From the part it seems that it does not have difficulty in installing and using, but if you delve into the problem, the many pitfalls pop up:
- typically, the LED tape is fixed on double-sided adhesion, the practice shows that over time it is most likely to leave. Any other scotch is not enough for a long time;
- cheap ribbon is very weak. There is no dear problem, but there is another - it is very hot. It turns out that when buying a more expensive model, it is necessary to provide some kind of cooling system;
- how to protect backlight from high humidity, exposure to steam and getting splashes? The use of silicone tape is not desirable, because She, without removable details, quickly comes in disrepair.
As mentioned above, LEDs can be fixed on a special profile. It is best to choose anodized models that are not afraid of moisture, the effects of steam and other kitchen trouble.
To ensure uniform lighting of the kitchen, the LEDs must have sufficient power.
So that when you turn on the backlight on the tabletop did not appear spots, you can go in two ways:
- use high power LEDs connected to a small current (though, this option for pocket is not everyone);
- purchase a large number of low-power LEDs.
True, before installing low-power light bulbs, it is necessary to tinker to see what the distance between them is optimal to ensure holistic lighting.
Another nuance should be taken into account when creating backlighting for the kitchen. LED the tape can provide one of the three existing types of lighting:
- Warm. He gained popularity, because with the help of it you can create an intimate (but not working) atmosphere. The fact is that when this light is turned on, the countertop is lightly illuminated, and all that is at all sinking in the darkness.
- Neutral. This option is more suitable for work than the first.
- Cold. This type is not suitable for everyone. Many he annoys because of its sharpness.
Modern kitchen can have any kind and design, be furnished with furniture made of any material, from wood to plastic. It can combine any colors in itself, have blinds on the windows or curtains. But the most beautiful and original is considered to be a kitchen with backlit.
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i say!
"In case the surface is very dirty or during operation, smoothness has lost smoothness, it is better to first fix the profile of aluminum on it, and already glued the tape on it."
Always aluminum profile.
1. It will evenly remove heat from LEDs and their service life will increase
2. With the proper installation of the special profile (such already do), the LEDs will not shine to your eyes.