The device is crowded tape foundation Construction

As you know, the process of the construction of the foundation is an extremely responsible event that experts are often involved. Indeed, large loads act on the foundation, on which the overall integrity of the housing construction depends. It is important to emphasize the attention on the fact that one-story structures may well be located on foundations that are not distinguished too high reliability. The situation is the way that the floods may be addicted to the building, which significantly increases the overall load on the base of the building. Thus, it should be in advance to determine the specifics of structures and make some conclusions associated with the strength and reliability of the foundation.
The owners of the owners are energized, which, of course, have a considerable margin of safety. Despite this, it is better not to use such a foundation for too large buildings, especially if we are talking about multi-storey buildings.
It is worth considering the fact that recently a major prevalence received a columnar-ribbon foundation, which is characterized by a certain level of reliability even when used on problem soils. In addition, this foundation has a number of other features that it is worth paying attention to any scenaries.
In this material, we will consider in detail all the main features of the columnar basement, which will allow you to extract the maximum of the positive sides of this foundation. In addition, we analyze important details that may affect the operation of the construction.
Features of the columnar-belt foundation
As we have already mentioned at the very beginning, the tape-ribbon foundation has a lot of positive parties, thanks to which the owners are often choosing in favor of creating this basis. First of all, this concerns the creation of a foundation for small structures that initially do not have to create a major load on the base.
However, it is worth it to understand that any extension, or a wide variety of weighting options for the house, can negatively affect the basis, especially if we are talking about the tape type.
Therefore, it is more expedient to make a choice in favor of a columnar-ribbon foundation, which receives a lot of advantages over the standard options. At the same time it makes sense to remember that this foundation has its weaknesses that need to be remembered.
If you speak directly about the device of a columnar-ribbon foundation, it makes sense to say that the trench is first rummaged, which crept on sand, after which the layer of rubble occurs. Thus, there will be deepening directly under large pillars, and at the same time the rest of the concrete structure will be a practically complete analogue belt base. Attention should be paid to the fact that the options for execution of a bolt-belt foundation can be much, so there is also a certain specificity based on the load that the foundation can withstand or on the total base area.
As for the positive sides of this type of foundation, then they are often the following:
- Simplicity. As we mentioned earlier, it will be able to equip this foundation and a newcomer in construction business without problems. Experts focus on the fact that for a qualitative result it is most important to know the general technology, on the basis of which there should be no problems in the process of creating a basis at home. In any case, if any problems occur, you can safely resort to the help of professionals.
- Minimum workers. According to the same specialists, no more than 3 people need to create a full-fledged column-belt foundation. Of course, if work is performed alone or together, it is impossible to exclude major problems regarding technology disorders, etc. However, if more than 3 people are attracted to work, it will only positively affect the construction process.
- Low cost. Obviously, the owners who have a fairly limited budget, pay attention to the inexpensive options for creating the foundation of the house. And this option are pile foundations or tapes. A columnar-ribbon foundation is a combination of the above bases, due to which the cost of the foundation is slightly increasing, but still remains in a reasonable framework. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that today it is almost impossible to carry out the cheap construction of the foundation, given the high cost of building materials and services. Therefore, it is possible to choose options that allow at least a little to save the funds of the owners.
It should also be focused on the fact that many confuse a columnar-belt foundation and a columnar basis with painter. There are various technologies and other nuances.
Specifications of the construction of a columnar-ribbon reinforced concrete base
If you speak directly about the device and technology of such a foundation, then the following steps should be noted:
- First of all, the foundation needs to create a trench. It will be a slight recess - about 50 cm. And the bottom of the trench should be 20 cm filled with sand, and the crushed stone is located on top. It is also worth noting that if we have a punching ground, then the tape should be deeper than 20-30 cm. Judging by the recommendations of specialists, it is best to make a choice in favor of concrete brands 200m or 250m.
- Thus, after the fill of the concrete, we get a kind of monolithic tape, which will continue to serve as the basis for pillars located in a step of 2-3 meters from each other. However, it is important to remember that before the fill of concrete, it is necessary to equip waterproofing, which is located directly on the crushed. This will ensure reliable protection of the future foundation from the action of moisture capable of easily negatively affect unprotected concrete surfaces.
- As for the pillars of the foundation, they are located strictly perpendicular to the ground. Any deviations may be too serious error, taking into account the loads acting on the basis. Directly the pillars themselves are created on the basis of concrete or bricks. In places of pillars, it is necessary to use fittings for reinforcement of a common structure. In this case, we get a solid tough basis under the structure.
- Directly under each pillar creates a formwork based on boards or some more modern solutions. In this case, inside the associated fittings necessary for high-quality reinforcement.
- You should not forget that on top you need to install Ruralka, which will rely on the future house.
It is also worth noting that this design is somewhat more expensive than known analogues. However, it is simply an indispensable option if we have bunched soils that usually create serious problems for large construction. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the specifics of the site, after which it is possible to analyze possible construction options.
Main types of piles for a columnar basement
Turning to the analysis of the classic version of a columnar basement, it should be noted that various types of piles are used in different situations. Of course, the hosts wishing to spend the smallest amount of money for the entire construction process make a choice in favor of budget options, but this calculation should take the fact that much can depend on the specifics of the soil. For example, earlier in this material we considered the most acceptable option of the base for the bunched soil.
As for the options of piles, then they are as follows:
- brick;
- concrete;
- reinforced concrete;
- wooden;
- metal;
- based on concrete blocks;
- based on boob stone.
Directly in the form of piles are usually square and round, but often there are quite unusual options in the form of polygonal and full piles.
Device of a classic columnar-ribbon foundation
First of all, starting to work, it is necessary to calculate the quantity and size of your own. This will allow not only to determine the overall specificity of creating a foundation, but also with the loads that can withstand the base. Immediately after that, there is a layout of the layout of the piles. Most often, official standards are used for this, allowing to provide the highest level of reliability of the foundation.
- First of all, as it usually happens when creating a ribbon foundation, a trench is rotated. Its depth depends on the overall scope of work, as well as from many other factors. It should be borne in mind that the tape should not be too deep or shallow.
- Next are the pits for piles. It should be paid to the fact that the width of the pums should be directly larger than the diameter of the piles, so that the formwork can be installed with spaces. As for the depth of the holes, this value should be approximately 30 cm. Again, much may depend on what kind of construction we have.
- Next comes the moment when you need to create a formwork for piles. Experts recommend to limit the use of boards or plywoods (it is desirable to use moisture-proof material). In addition, metal or asbestos-cement pipes are often used, which allow you to create reliable piles, while applying for a minimum of effort. In the last two cases, the formwork will be a non-removable design, so you need to remember the additional costs of the construction process.
- It is also worth remembering that in the case of pile, much depends directly from the conditions in which work is carried out. If we create a foundation for a small private house or another building, perhaps the whole process can be carried out with a limited number of workers. If the scale is large, then do without special equipment will not work. We are talking about machines conducting piles with great strength. Obviously, these are large financial spending, however, such a solution allows you to be confident in the high quality of the future foundation.
- Now the responsible part of the construction work is occurring, which is in reinforcement. We are talking about the reinforcement frame, which should be uniform in its design. Most often, vertical elements of the reinforcement frame are installed for the beginning, after which the horizontal elements of the reinforcement are binding. Connect the units of fittings with the help of a regular wire. It is extremely important to ensure that the reinforcement is dense, since when pouring concrete, if we have flaws in the frame connections, a displacement may occur, which will entail major problems. Immediately before the fill it makes sense to carry out a small test, which lies in a certain shift of the reinforcing design. If, under a large load, reinforcement feels comfortable, you can safely switch to the next step. Interestingly, in some cases, the owners may not twist the reinforcing elements with wire, but to shoot the reinforcement directly into the formwork. It will be even more reliable than using the wire.
- Now it's time to fill the concrete. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that today it is possible to refer to the relevant firms, which, with the help of special equipment, in the shortest possible time will pour the concrete mixture. It will be quick, efficiently and with a certain guarantee. Manually spend the fill will not be so fast, especially if we are talking about the large area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation. For such a case, you will need to use at least two workers. It should pay attention to the fact that with such a scenario, concrete is flooded by peculiar layers, which provide the greatest reliability of the foundation during operation.
- Right during the fill, an incredibly important issue associated with the creation of a qualitative foundation is a qualitative sealing of the mixture. The essence of the question is that with the pouring of concrete, emptiness is often formed, or small interlayers from the air. They need to be eliminated by any ways, since such problems have extremely negatively affect the general condition of the basis of the house, especially if there is a major load on the foundation. If you speak directly about the compaction of the concrete mix, then often we are talking about the use of vibration equipment, which is immersed in concrete. It is worth noting the fact that the specificity of the seal depends largely on the characteristics of the equipment, as well as on the volume of concrete.
- Now the time comes to equip Ruralka, it is best to make a choice in favor of a monolithic structure. At the same time, small reinforced concrete elements are often used. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to install the reinforcement framework before painting, which is associated with the pile rods.
Care of columnar-belt foundation after the construction
It is worth noting the fact that today it is quite simple to create a high-quality foundation, given those volumes of construction resources that are offered in the market. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the specifics of concrete care during the period when it will only gain its strength. This stage is extremely important, since many factors can negatively affect the general condition of the foundation. Thus, the most important thing is wetting the foundation of the house with water in too hot weather. Often in situations where moisturizing a concrete structure, which only dials strength is not carried out, large cracks occur. Obviously, gradually these flaws will only be exacerbated, so you need to act as quickly as possible.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in the process of creating a foundation it is necessary to provide an air gap between the frame and the surface of the soil. The thing is that this is the most distance will be compensated in the winter by deformation of the soil. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that even such a minor aspect can significantly affect the situation associated with the integrity of the foundation.
In the event that the foundation suddenly comes in disrepair, it should be replaced as soon as possible. We are talking about a number of events, including the rise of the house on special jacks, after which there is a complete dismantling of the foundation, and then everything is carried out about the same way as in the case of the full construction of the foundation. At the end there is home to the new or updated foundation. This event is extremely serious, as it is understood by the rapid and qualitative conduct of all works, given those errors that were previously allowed.
Price issue
At the end I would like to say a few words about how much money is spent on such construction events. And first of all, it must be said that the cost of construction will be limited only by the cost of materials necessary for the construction of the foundation. Prices for basic construction resources constantly fluctuate, but it is safe to say that in a situation where private companies are engaged in construction, the result will be as minimal 2 times more expensive. For small construction, there is absolutely no need for a small construction.