How to make paving slabs with your own hands Tile

In modern conditions, the paving slabs is the perfect option for the arrangement of roads. Of course, this material has some drawbacks, but it is worth understanding that the positive sidewalks of the paving slabs have much more.
It should be noted in advance that the paving slabs are significantly cheaper than the asphalt canvas, and this means a colossal savings of cash. As a material for the sidewalk - the tile is also a more practical option. Of course, already millions of people around the world appreciated the pavement tiles, but in this case we will try to consider everything on all the features of this material for use in a variety of purposes. Perhaps it will be the arrangement of the country area or the road near the house. It is obvious that the pavement tile can be carried out without any problems in handicraft conditions, especially since the result will be quite good.
The sidewalk itself was used for a very long time, but in recent years she received special attention from the builders. Again, the whole thing in practicality, thanks to which you can enjoy a pedestrian zone for small money and in the shortest possible time.
In this article, we will try to understand the main advantages of paving slabs, as well as consider the production process of this product in handicraft conditions. Looking a little in advance, it should be noted that some people have earned a lot of money, while investing minimum funds.
Main features of paving slabs
As already mentioned, the paving slabs are used not only for the arrangement of pedestrian parts of the streets, but also for decorating parks, courtyards, as well as many other objects. In many cases, this product is a practically perfect option for creating original design solutions. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the pavement tile is also quite cheap, so any work that will be made on the basis of tiles will not be very expensive. This is especially important in those uncommon cases when it comes to the need to arrange huge streets or wide roads.
It is also interesting that the sidewall tile may look completely different. Thus, this coating can be equipped with the historical streets of the oldest cities, roads around new buildings, amusement parks and even areas with municipalities. As for the original design solutions, you can talk about it very much. The fact is that with the help of unique additives and special technologies, you can achieve truly amazing results: the tile may have an original form, an unusual color, as well as not completely familiar properties.
It is impossible not to note the information that the pavement tile is almost perfectly combined with the natural medium. The fact is that many other covers that are also used on the streets of the city are gradually starting to deform under the growth of trees roots and some plants. In such conditions, the canvas becomes unsuitable for use, for some time the problem area will increase. Ultimately, a huge part of the road will be destroyed by the roots of trees. Such a situation certainly should not arise with the paving slabs. The fact is that the technology of creating such a coating implies the formation of a full-fledged vapor-permeable layer. Moreover, moisture through the layer of emergency coating is fluently, with large volumes of water do not harm the tile. A similar advantage is advantageous on the background of shortcomings of many classic coatings, including asphalt and large concrete slabs.
Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs
To determine the purchase or production of paving slabs, you should carefully study all the positive and negative sides of this product. Obviously, the disadvantages of this coating are much less than the advantages. Accordingly, that is why in modern conditions, the paving slabs received such distribution.
The advantages of paving slabs:
- Cheapness. It has already been said that in many situations, the paving slabs successfully replaces asphalt and other types of coatings. This is true, and first of all it costs the price question. The paving slabs are quite cheap, so it can be equipped with huge streets and parks. Moreover, the result that we get after all works will be very attractive, especially if you compare it with neutral asphalt, which can not be an original element of the landscape. On the saved money, which remained after the purchase of tiles, you can buy some more of these products in case the created canvase will be repaired.
- Frost resistance. Under the action of low temperatures, the paving slabs absolutely does not lose its main properties. Accordingly, during the winter period, it is unlikely to damage the tile. This cannot boast other covers that do not take out the cold. The bottom line is that in the winter the asphalt and other canvas are very easy to damage or deform. Of course, the paving slabs as a road surface for cars is extremely rare, but this advantage is no less important for pedestrian roads.
- Simple laying technology. Again, take to compare asphalt. To create such a canvase, it is necessary to quite a few special equipment, as well as professionals who perfectly know the technology of road arrangement. With paving slabs, everything is much easier. In this case, you do not need to have great experience in order to spend the whole amount of work. Many people know about it and there are huge territories without any problems, whether it is a summer cottage or a road near him.
- Low abrasability. This advantage suggests that the pavement tiles will last for a very long time. For a long period of operation, the tile is hardly erased at least per millimeter. Of course, you can meet almost completely worn out tiles, but this is only if there were serious errors in technology during production. Often the tile has a high density, thanks to which the coating will always look like new, even after several years of active use.
- Aesthetics. Despite the fact that on sale, most often, you can find classic options for paving slabs, often in the assortment there is quite original products. Based on the tile with a unique form you can diversify the landscape, and not only within the country area, but also in the park area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Based on the paving slabs, you can implement almost any idea based on the original design. In this regard, there are really tremendous freedom of choice.
Disadvantages of paving slabs:
- Follow technology. It has already been said that each can be equipped with sidewalks, but it is necessary to first examine the technology that consists of a variety of important points. Any violation of technology can seriously affect the duration of the tile operation. For example, it is impossible to exclude the displacement of the material or the deformation of the layers.
- Use in winter. During cold weather, it is especially serious to treat the condition of the coating. Despite the frost resistance of the paving slabs, the ice on this surface especially tangle. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure that the ice or layer of snow is not formed on the tile.
Production of paving slabs
Let us consider in detail the process of producing paving slabs. As already mentioned, this does not need to have a huge industrial workshop, just just with the mind to approach certain stages.
To begin with, it is worth saying that most often the pavement tile is based on vibropressing. This is the most efficient and inexpensive way to issue this product. We will look at it.
- First you need to prepare a cement solution. To do this, you need to have a large container that you should fill in cement, water (given all the relations specified from the cement producer) and add plasticizers. Next, take a building mixer and mix thoroughly.
- Gradually, sand and crushed stone should be added to the solution. It is advisable to choose a crushed stone fraction, as it will have a positive effect on the strength of future products.
- If necessary, the dye is added. You can find tens of various options that will turn the usual concrete material in a really attractive design product. The mixture is smelted for 5-10 minutes, after which it should become homogeneous.
- After that, we will need forms that we will fill in all the above ingredients to create a full tile. It is better to have several forms at its disposal so that the production process of production is quickly and without delay. Forms need to be lubricated with special compositions that will prevent the adhesion of cement.
- Now approach the final part of the process. In this case, we need a vibrational installation that will allow you to compact the concrete mix. Of course, it should be borne in mind that this does not need to have some expensive technique. It is quite suitable vibrotol, which is easily created in handicraft conditions. This unit is a metal table on the springs, which is attached to the vibromotor. Accordingly, the forms on the surface of the table are vibrated, and the concrete is compacted. Porosity is rapidly reduced, and the strength of the tile itself - grows. If there is a need to create a color tile, you just need to pour half the shape (can be less) of the colored solution, and the rest of the container is filled with ordinary concrete. Thus, it will not be necessary to spend too much money for dyes.
Drying, platform and tile shutter speed
The process of production of paving slabs is still not all, with which we have to face. It should be borne in mind that further, after we removed the shapes from the vibrationtol, you should dry.
The drying process takes a lot of time. In the summer, it is possible to spend 12-20 hours on this procedure, and during the other seasons, it is better not to regret the couple of days. The thing is that the mixture can grab quickly either slowly, but it is not worth checking it, as you can simply damage the products. If there is no place to hurry, it is better to wait 2-3 days, and further continue all the necessary procedures. It should also be seriously related to the cement brand, on which the grasp period depends.
Next comes a turn of the platform. The process itself is quite simple, but it can have some difficulties. Just to extract the finished tile from the form will not work. To do this, you need to have a large container that is filled with water. However, the water level should be slightly lower than the height of the form. Next, simply immerse the forms in warm water, we leave it for 5 minutes. After that, you can safely take the shape and extract the tile from it. It should be borne in mind that until this point in products, it is necessary to relate particularly carefully, since any shake and skews can lead a tile into unsuitable condition.
As it is known, cement and concrete are sufficiently arrogant construction resources, therefore it follows to each product of the production process. At the very end, you need to know that it is impossible to use the tile immediately after the platform, as it either breaks down, or immediately starts to lose its product appearance and the main characteristics. The thing is that for some time the tile must be searched. The process of excerpting products can continue within a few weeks. You can safely lay the tiles under a canopy on the street. Of course, you need to ensure that water does not fall into the products. Increased humidity on the street can also adversely affect the tile state.