How to put a tile on the floor yourself Tile,Floors

It is not a secret that the tile is already decades, thereby finishing material that remains extremely popular. Surely, the whole thing is that there are simply no worthy competitors from this material, and experts are confident that such a trend will continue for many years.
Ceramic tile has the same properties and features that are necessary for the bathroom, as well as for the kitchen and some other objects. It is safe to say that this material is also unique in terms of appearance. You can find hundreds of various textures and drawings applied to ceramics.
If you speak directly about finishing works, then often they "intimidate" owners, since at first glance the whole process is quite complex and responsible. Partially this information is true, however, it should also be understood that certain responsibility is available when conducting any finishing, construction or repair work. Practice shows that it is possible to finish the floor with tiles with your own hands. Obviously, assistants in this matter will not be superfluous, however, with limited opportunities, nothing should prevent a qualitative result. The most important thing is to study the overall technology of the tile laying process, as well as to know about a number of parts that are able to influence the final result of the work.
In this material, we will examine in detail each stage of laying tiles to the floor, as well as do not bypass the overall specificity of the process. Obviously, any finishing work has features, without studying which it is not the most acceptable result - extremely simple.
Features of ceramic tile
As we said, the ceramic tile is an indispensable finishing material, which has a number of positive sides. It has a tile and disadvantages, however, in most cases, they do not make up much influence, since the situation is such that there are no worthy analogues from ceramic tiles. Moreover, worthy of replacement for this material will not be for many years. Gradually, leading manufacturers of building materials offer new solutions, but at the same time, compared to ceramics, they have too negative sides. This is either too high price, or an unattractive appearance, or not corresponding to the properties.
In addition, if we talk about ceramic tiles, then you can not bypass the fact that it is truly universal material. They are separated by walls, floors, and sometimes other places. However, the most important thing in this matter is not to be mistaken with the choice of place. For example, if the owners decided to separate the walls of the wall in the main room of the house - in the hall - without any problems will not cost. The thing is that initially ceramic tile creates a kind of "cold" environment, and for the hall it is completely not suitable. At the same time, the bathroom is the perfect room for using tiles. And here it is not even about the overall setting, but about the appearance of the room. Such reasoning can be a tremendous amount, so it is worth carefully weighed the situation and make some conclusions.
Separately, I would like to talk about the decorative component of ceramic tiles. It is important to focus on the fact that worthy competitors in terms of appearance at the tile simply not. Today, the company does not simply produce a certain range of material, and entire units are created responsible for the individual tile production. Thus, each host can take advantage of the services of the manufacturer and get just such a tile that would best come for space. Most often everything happens as follows: the designer who hire the owners, begins to create its own style of space, and at the same time begins to pick up compositions or color solutions that would be better approached for existing conditions. Thus, the designer himself can create a drawing or color gamut, which will further be applied directly to the tile. It is worth understanding that such services are not suiced, as it is important here not only to create an image for tiles, but also to analyze, whether it will be well combined with all the rest of the space, and whether it will look good if we have a set of same type tiles. Thus, the task can significantly complicate, especially when it comes to a sufficiently large space that needs to be implemented by the original design project.
Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles
Before purchasing ceramic tiles, it is necessary to weigh all the strengths and weaknesses of this finishing resource. Practice shows that the troubles associated with the most faithful choice are often too sharp for the owners or tenants.
Let's start with the analysis of the positive sides of the ceramic tile:
- Strength and reliability. Surely everyone knows that the ceramic tile is distinguished by high strength, and, accordingly, reliability, which is especially clearly visible during active operation. Just to damage the tile is unlikely to succeed, but it is possible. We are talking about strong impacts, which at home are extremely rare. It should be borne in mind that not the whole tile is equally durable, especially if we are talking about regular or rare surface operation. Compared to plastic finishing materials, as well as with plasterboard and wallpaper, ceramics are almost invulnerable in terms of damage. Even in the oldest houses of the wall or surfaces that are lined with tiles, are stored in excellent condition. However, in this case, it is important to carry out the process of laying the material in accordance with technology, otherwise the final result will not be the best.
- Large assortment. As mentioned earlier, the assortment of tiles today is just a colossal. And we are talking about a truly unlimited choice, which depends solely on the monetary budget of people who decided to do repair. It is also worth saying that earlier, a couple of dozen years ago, the assortment of tiles is not so big as it is now, however, technology in terms of production tiles too far did not go. Now we are talking about the manufacture of a certain volume of this material can also be in handicraft. If you speak directly about the assortment, which is available in stores, then we can say about various forms, color solutions, as well as some other tile characteristics. Obviously, the most original products will be much more expensive than the classic types of tiles. The perfect option is, as already mentioned, an individual order that allows you to use the most suitable material for a particular interior.
- Security. Modern materials that are in great demand among owners of private houses and apartments have numerous flaws, and specialists are primarily advised to pay attention to the issue of security. For example, plastic products can easily give in to ignition, as well as become a means that will only increase the scale of the fire. With ceramic tiles, no such problems can be. It is about the fact that the tile itself has the same properties that create the most unfavorable conditions for fire. The use of tiles in the kitchen is the right choice, since the available sources of fire will not have any influence on a specific environment. In addition, the tile has no harmful substances capable of harmful to the human body, since the material consists of fully natural components.
- Care of the material. Cleaning the surface of the tile is extremely simple, and for this you just need to have a wet cloth. This is a definitely positive side, since a number of other resources have a need for sufficiently volumetric caring, which takes away not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money. It is also about that today tile coatings are much simplified by various public institutions that need to be performed regularly.
- Moisture resistance. Thanks to this dignity in most people, tiles are covered with surfaces in the bathroom. It is worth paying attention to the fact that with high-quality laying the tile not only does not let moisture, but also remains in the initial state for long years. Many manufacturers of ceramic tiles note that their tile can live for about 50 years without any particular problems, and the appearance of the material will not deteriorate at all. Check out this information for obvious reasons - it is extremely difficult, however, it is confident that this information is often extremely close to truth.
In fact, the benefits of ceramic tiles are even greater than indicated. In most cases, the positive aspects of the material appear already during the use of the coating. If there was a pre-equipped system of "warm floor", the floor will delight the owners with comfortable movement without shoes. This is especially important in those rooms where it is planned to achieve the most optimal heat insulation.
At the same time, it is not necessary to bypass the fact that the modern tile may have an original texture that can become a truly unique solution for a particular room. Modern technologies allow no extra fundament to create a unique atmosphere in terms of comfort and design.
Disadvantages of ceramic tiles:
- The complexity of laying technology. For many people, laying tiles is a truly complex process that requires a person to quickly make decisions and cope with the difficulties that have arisen. It is worth recognizing that in certain situations it really is so, especially when the material has an original form, and the surface itself is also characterized by some features (irregularities, other flaws). In such a situation, without the help of a specialist, it is unlikely to do without the help, but in certain cases it is possible to limit the low consultation. As for the classical solutions associated with laying tiles on the surface, everything is limited to fairly simple solutions. Indeed, volume technology, but it is practically elementary. Thus, it is important to carefully examine each step of the process and boldly begin work. It is recommended to carry out surfaces of the surfaces along with helpers or partners so that in the case of which someone managed to determine the assumed error at the early stage of work.
- Practically lack of thermal insulation. Surely, many know that in rooms where the walls are decorated with tiles, often cool even in a hot summer period. The situation is in such a way that the tile almost does not hold warm, so all rooms in the house are finished with tiles - real madness. Despite this, the tile is in the best way heat, and that is why ceramic material often becomes the basis for a warm floor. The obvious minus of the low thermal insulation properties of ceramic tiles is the impossibility of barefoot walking on the floor. Often, even in the summer, moving around ceramics is a real test, especially if the room or apartment is on the north side.
The disadvantages can also be attributed to the high cost of ceramic products. We have already mentioned earlier that many modern types of products are actually expensive, but gradually the material becomes cheaper. For example, the very classic product options are now available to most owners, so there should be no too sharp problems with the acquisition.
The process of preparing the floor surface to facing
As already mentioned, in this case, first need to be installed, is it suitable for a specific place for facing. In most cases, the tile is placed on the floor and walls in the bathroom, as well as in the kitchen. In other situations, the tile is extremely rare, but a large effect can be directly specific spaces. The rest of the preparation for facing consists of the following steps:
- To begin with, it is advisable to get rid of the old tile if it is present. In the event that facing on top of the old material cannot be excluded for quick problems that will significantly impede the operation of space. The removal of the old tile occurs with the help of a perforator, a jackhammer, or, armed with a screwdriver with a hammer (if the number of tools is limited). Moreover, under the old tile, you can detect a screed and waterproofing. It is also worth getting rid of them, since over time these layers lose their initial properties. In the event that cracks or other flaws are detected on the base surface, they need to be sealed using tile glue. In the event that this is not done, the future waterproofing will lose its effectiveness.
- In the same stage, it makes sense to consider the possibility of thermal insulation of the surface. This is especially important if there is a rather difficult situation associated with heating and temperature modes. Thus, it is recommended to carry out polystyrene laying, which demonstrate the highest efficiency in most conditions.
- The most important process to be held before laying the tile is to equalize the surface. In the event that facing on top of the deformed surface will be carried out, the problems will not be avoided. It is about to ensure an ideally horizontal surface, you need to create a new cement-based screed. At the same time, the screed itself should not be too thick, especially if we have a small room. It is also important to keep in mind that creating a screed is a long enough process, so it is necessary to ensure that the process goes to the scheduled time frame.
- Experts note that it is possible to lay a tile on a plywood surface. However, it is worth noting that the floor should be completely immobilized, otherwise there will be no problems in further operation.
- Almost the last stage of surface preparation for facing is the complete cleaning of the room. Inside there should be no grams of dust, as any details can significantly affect the success of finishing works. If possible, of course, it is necessary to get rid of all the items and things at all in a specific room at all so that nothing bothers. In the end, you need to prepare all the materials and tools necessary for work.
Waterproofing surface
As we have already spoken in the past section, waterproofing is an extremely important component of many surfaces, especially when it comes to carrying out work within the bathroom. Practice shows that protection against moisture and water regularly becomes a kind of savior for many owners.
Before starting to lay the waterproofing material, it is necessary to cover the surface of the primer. This will ensure the excellent enclosure of waterproofing with the floor surface.
- Refractory waterproofing. In order to cover the surface with coating waterproofing, it is necessary to dissolve a dry mix in water so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, the mixture is applied to the surface using a special roller. It is worth noting that in the fields of the joints it makes sense to use the waterproofing ribbon, since the coating can manifest itself from the best side. Waterproofing just in case is applied slightly above the plinth level. It is worth noting that when cladding the walls, it is also advisable to use waterproofing. It is important to note that in order to obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to apply a material in several layers. This will allow you to get a better and durable result.
- Painting waterproofing. Many owners make a choice in favor of this option of waterproofing, as it is characterized by simplicity and general practicality. It is important to focus on the fact that it is often involved in an insulating emulsion produced by a company (often we are talking about authoritative manufacturers). Material application is performed using a roller. Manufacturers noted that the service life of such waterproofing is limited to 5 years. Next, the efficiency of the coating can go to a minimum.
Paul alignment
It makes sense in more detail to tell about the alignment of the surface that will succumb to facing.
Quality screed, as we have said, will ensure that the ceramic surface is different attractive appearance and durability.
To do this, you must purchase a leveling compound in DIY stores. Pouring takes place on the basis of the formed cement screed, and begins with all the further end of the room, the process moves to the door space, with each square centimeter of exposed surface leveling.
As we already mentioned, it is necessary to plan in advance the process, as the floor will be dry for about 2 days. Again, during this process it is necessary to monitor the state of the surface, that everywhere was one horizontal level. After drying, the surface becomes rough, and this has a positive effect on the adhesion between the surface and tiles.
The process of laying tile
- It first floor primer. Often in DIY stores have a large assortment of generic formulations. Experts note that this is not something optional, but improves the durability of the primer coating.
- Immediately prior to laying the tiles need to be expanded on the surface, to understand how it will lie on the floor. It should also be understood that without cutting tile units manage is unlikely to succeed.
- Laying material begins with the separation of the room. We also require a special tile adhesive. This structure, which should be diluted in the tank in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
- The mixture is applied to the floor by means of a toothed spatula. Immediately after application of the tiles is necessary to press tightly against the floor, and then it is advisable to knock over the surface of the rubber mallet to improve grip.
- Experts note that glue consumption about the same in most conditions. Most often it is about 8 kg per 1 square meter of surface.
- In the process of laying the tiles must be laid between the units of the special tic material. They create so-called joints, and fixed, necessary to further fill the sealant. All the crosses should have a fixed size, and after installation, when a little tile "foundations", they can be safely removed, then the arm sealant.
- Immediately after laying all the entire tiles, you can start the floor cladding with cropped parts of the material. It is important to pay attention to the fact that cutting can be made using special tools, including a glass cutter is often used. You can use the well-known Bulgarian, but then it will not work out without dust and other troubles. It is important to do everything so that each trimmed tile corresponds to that area in which the surface figure will be stacked (if it is). The dimensions of the cropped tiles should be taken into account with the seams that we have already said are created using plastic crosses.
- After laying the tile should remain untouchable for three days. It is important to note that, adhering to this rule, the surface will be really reliable and durable. After that, you need to use the sealing composition. Often, similar products are sold in small cylinders. Filling the seams with a sealant should be carried out carefully so that these places are the same throughout the surface area. Interestingly, without various flaws that concern the use of the sealant will not cost. Therefore, after this process, you need to take a wet sponge and remove the material. Most often, the sealant is a transparent material that is practically not visible during flaws.
- Already after all the above events were performed, it is necessary to clean the surface, and for this, again, it is best to take a sponge that is an excellent cleaning material.
At the end I would like to say a few words that the labor-intensity of work depends largely on exactly how the tile on the surface will be located. For example, if we are talking about laying ceramic material diagonally, it is impossible to exclude that some errors will be allowed during the process. This is primarily concerning newcomers who do not have enough experience to know about all the intricacies of work. It is also worth understanding that the ideal situations associated with laying tile practically does not exist. Therefore, in the process of facing the floor will have to cut the material, as well as take not the simplest solutions. A lot of problems arises in the process of surface preparation for finishing work.