How to build a brick fence Construction,Plot.

The fence is the fence of the prediction or country area. He gives the owner at home a sense of security from outsiders and unnecessary views, serves as a way of separating its territory. And on the summer ground, such a fence, besides, protects the courtyard from neighboring livestock - animals love to enjoy in someone else's garden. And, of course, the fence is an integral element of the overall design of the site.
Preparatory stage:
To date, the construction market offers a wide selection of materials for the construction of these fences. Fence can be:
- brick
- concrete
- metal made of professional flooring
- mesh from the chain grid,
- wooden.
All these designs can be built with your own hands. Let us dwell on the construction of a brick fence. Such fences are very popular among private landowners. The brick fence is reliable, durable, fireproof. He is not afraid of strong wind and other whims of nature. In addition, it does not need to care and constantly updating. The necessary building materials include:
- brick
- reinforcement bar
- concrete solution for the foundation and laying of bricks. Divorce solution from sand, rubble and cement. But you can use the ready-made dry glue for brick masonry based on concrete - it will simplify construction and save time
From the working inventory you will need:
- roulette
- shovel
- kapron cord or twine
- household concrete mixer or building mixer
- kelm, trowel, spatula
- capacity for breeding solution
- gloves
Where to begin
Before embarking on construction, it is necessary:
- make a competent calculation of the future fence,
- create a visual plan scheme in which to indicate the size and draw the appearance of the planned building,
- mark places planned at the gate and gate and, necessarily, reference pillars.
The average height of the brick fence should not exceed two meters. The number of bricks depends on the length of the fence and width of the laying. Most often, these fences are built in Polkirpich. If the laying of the material is made in one brick, then the fence can be increased to 2.5 meters.
Mandatory elements of brick fence are support columns. They are set at a distance of 2.5 meters from each other. For mounting use a different brick:
- red
- facade
- silicate.
The use of foam concrete, ceramzitoblocks, etc. Not recommended. First, the fence will not become stronger, secondly, the costs of laying and the subsequent finish of the facades will increase significantly.
Approximately 1 square meters. m. Masonry in one brick will need 100 pieces of bricks, and two - 200 pieces. Calculations made - proceed to construction.
Stages of construction
Almost any terrestrial construction begins with the foundation. For a brick fence, a ribbon foundation is basically poured.
- With the help of a cord, roulette and wooden stakes marked the area poured by the foundation. On the ground there are places for the gate, the gate and the support poles.
- Along the tensioned cord rotates the trench of an approximately 0.3 -0.5 cm wide. It is aligned and falling asleep with a thin layer of rubble. In places where reference pillars are planned, the pit is digging deeper than two times
- On the perimeter, formwork from boards to control a clear vertical infusion of concrete
- With the help of a wire, a metal lattice of reinforcement rods and is placed in a trench.
- Metal pipe is about 2-2.5 meters with a diameter of 50-80 mm in the region of the support columns are strictly vertically and is attached to the reinforcement
- Concrete mortar poured
The foundation is ready for about a week, the formwork disassembled. Before you start laying bricks, a solution is prepared - according to the instructions for water, concrete glue for brickwork is divorced. The laying of the brick begins with the facing of support pipes.
If it is planned to work with cement, then the solution is prevented by one to two (1 part of cement, 2 parts of the sand) and divorced with water to the condition of thick sour cream.
- Material stacked in a brick thickness around the pipe
- When applying a solution for each subsequent row of bricks, newcomers are recommended to use smooth metal tubes with a length of about 0.5 m. Before applying concrete mass, they are located around the perimeter of the previous row of bricks
- The cylma around the pipe with a smooth layer approximately 1-1.5 cm is superimposed. Without leaving the laid metal tubes
- Brick stying is made according to the following scheme: the first brick is laid horizontally. In the circle of the jack of jack to it, the following is placed. In the same way two other parties are stacked.
- With the help of the level, the strict vertical and horizontal of the laid row is measured. Metal tubes are pulled out
- Subsequent rows of material are located in the opposite direction to the previous one. So that the bricks of one row overlap the masonry seam of another
- And so all the support poles are laid out until the tops of the mounted pipes
Then there is a laying of the walls of the fence.
- It starts from the support pillar. If the masonry in one brick then, one row of bricks is laid with a wide side of the front side of the front side of the front side of each other.
- It is poured with a solution and overlaps with bricks in two rows. They are located perpendicular to the first row also with a wide side down.
- And by alternating each brick series, the walls are erected to the height of the poles. For decorative effect, the wall laying can be made by 2-3 rows below than the support column. This method is called chain dressing
- The method is also used when the first row of the bricks of the second row are stacked not in parallel, but with a shear to the half clip.
Laying 1.5 brick thickness is carried out similarly, the drawing of the location of the material changes
- A long edge laid clouded bricks is watching the front part. On the same surface, the second row was laid on the first next, resting in the first smallest face.
- The second row, on the contrary. On the front side, bricks are mounted with a smaller face forward, and the inner row is laid in length
At the end, a protective cap is installed on the tops of the support columns. They can be made of concrete, metal or soft tiled. These elements serve to protect the inside of the pillars from destruction.
Today, a brick fear can be given a different decorative pattern. This effect is achieved by a combination of bricks of various structures, color shades, inserting a diamond row to the masonry. Saving facade of fence by carved ceramic tiles or wild stone. But fences with forging elements are particularly popular. They give a brick fear variety and ease. Modern forging allows you to make an element of any vegetable curls and geometric ornaments. Forging is most often mounted on the top of the walls around the perimeter or separate inserts in the form of parts in the fence, gate or wicket. Up to the perimeter of the wall, the holes are drilled with a diameter of 12-14 mm. Concrete is laid in them and the finished forging is inserted. Forged elements in the walls of the fence, or the gate are mounted between the seams during brick masonry.
Useful tips in the construction of a brick fence with their own hands
- Before starting to build the walls, the foundation of waterproofing should be protected. Handle it with appropriate impregnation, or before masonry put a layer of rubberoid
- Before masonry bricks, it is recommended to soak in water until small bubbles come out of them. It will increase the grip clip with glue
- In the construction of the wall it is important to observe a strict vertical. Therefore, you can build a wooden frame and clearly stick to its level.
- If on top of the fence it is planned to decorate the visor from the professional flooring, you should first collect wooden rafters and mow them into the walls of the fence at a distance of 30-50 cm, depending on the width of the skate.
- Fence with a visor from the ceramocrapy is easier. From cement make a single or two-screw fill along the upper edge, to which the tile is linked.
- As a decorative design, the most optimal plaster under painting. It is economical and durable way to enjoy the fence. It is impossible to use any attached structures, as it reduces the strength of the structure.
And, by the way, the fence of a thickness of one brick is withstands the blow of a passenger car by tangent, laying on one and a half - a straight punch of loaded gazelles, and three bricks are an invincible fortress.