Adjusting accessories for windows Window

In order to maximize the service life of plastic windows, it is necessary to pay special attention to the care of their accessories. In addition, it is recommended to carry out systematic adjustment of the mechanisms in the case of the presence of the slightest faults. High quality fittings give a guarantee of reliability, comfort and durability of your windows. For her just to care for it. It is recommended to include annual work on lubricating all running mechanisms with machine oil. As for the adjustment of the fittings, then we will talk about this in more detail in this article.
When you need adjustment
Adjusting window accessories follows in such cases:
- When opening or closing the window flap hurts the box or some parts of the fittings.
- There was a tangible draft.
- The handle began to be too tight or completely broke.
- When the window was open, the knob was jammed and because of this it is no longer closed.
Some possible breakdowns can be a consequence of poor manufacture or incorrect installation. And not all of these malfunctions can be eliminated only with the help of adjusting the accessories of plastic windows. The video presented below will tell you how to carry out similar works.
Each type of accessories is responsible for its plot. We will deal with some terms that will be found further:
- "Shut-off mechanisms" - elements that are fastened on the sash.
- "Relief" - special details that are attached to the frame.
To adjust the window accessories may be required:
- Set TorX-nozzles.
- Multiple keys of hexagons.
- Staple.
- Rubber hammer.
- Shovel for double-glazed windows.
- Passatia.
- Lining under windows of various thicknesses.
- Lubrication for window fittings.
- Soft tassel.
- Screwdriver.
Much of this list may not be useful at all, but still just in case you should have all the tools at hand.
Device mechanisms
Each PVC window fittings node has different adjustment mechanisms.
- Thus, the lower loop makes it possible to shift the lower part of the window sash in such directions - "up-down", "left-to-right". In addition, it allows you to adjust the window opening mode.
- Among the accessories of the window there is a detail called "scissors" - this is the upper part of the swivel-folding mechanism. Due to which you can shift the top of the window sash to the left and right, as well as adjust the clamp.
- The barg of the locking mechanism allows you to adjust the clamping of the entire sash. Sometimes the RAME is used for this purpose.
Fold proviste
One of the cases when the adjustment of the fittings of plastic windows is needed, is the sagging of the window sash. At the same time, the lower part of it hits the box or the response. Most often this happens from the handle side.
On heavy large sash, for example, on the balcony door, the so-called microlift should stand. This mechanism when closing the sash is brought into a special response. In addition, there is some lifting of the sash about a couple of millimeters. Due to this, the load on the remaining components of the window fittings are reduced.
If the sash kept, then to solve this problem you need to raise it up or remove the lower part towards the savings.
Window Lifting Technology:
- First remove the low cap of the bottom loop.
- Then we need a hex key. Insert it into the hole on top and until you stop the screw.
Further adjustment:
- To move the bottom of the window sash, you need to gradually rotate the screw located on the loop frame part. This, for example, concerns Roto window accessories.
- The top of the window sash can be moved by rotation of the screw, which is usually located in the scissors from the side of the upper loop. To access it, you need to fully open the sash.
- In order not to have no savings, it is not recommended to keep them open for a long time.
Window knob adjustment
- If the knob fixation is broken, then the decorative plate should be left under it, rotate at a right angle and tighten a pair of cogs.
- If the door handle began to turn the tight and hears the crunch in the mechanism, then a full inspection of accessories should be carried out. It may take her lubricant with machine oil. It also refers to adjusting plastic windows with Roto accessories.
- In some cases, the handle begins to turn further into the "ventilation" mode. In this case, the window sash hangs on scissors. In most cases, it is the incorrect operation of the blocker. This item is usually located on a shut-off mechanism in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle. If the sash is separated correctly, the blocker is placed at an angle to this mechanism. When it is working, it does not give to turn the handle where it should not be.
- To return the sash to the place, you should remove the plate with your finger to the sealing rubber, set the sash to the "Light Opening" mode. After that turn the handle to the desired direction.
Availability of drafts
- Sometimes there begins to pass through the plastic windows. In this case, you should first explore the sealing rubber on the frame and on the sash.
- If we notice scuffs, diameters, donings and other defects, it means that the seals are time to change.
- If there are rubber without visible defects, you need to increase the clamp of the frame to the frame.
Debugging cladding
- Adjusting wind fittings and balcony doors are similar. In both cases, first need to be checked to match the locking pins located on the sash, with the RAME RAM.
- At the bottom loop, the clamp is regulated by a screw, which is located in the sash housing. In different stamps of accessories, this screw is regulated by various tools. So, for this purpose, you may need a screwdriver, Torx key or hexagon.
- If the lower loop is missing for adjusting the clamp, you will have to devote the operation of the mechanisms using scissors, ages and hidden clamps. The specificity of this adjustment was described above.
- In the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper loop, the clash is regulated by a screw-eccentric, which is located on scissors. True, you first need to make it affordable. To do this, open the sash and finger to press the blocking mechanism to rubber, then turn the handle up. After that, the top of the window sash must be removed from the frame in such a way that the scissors become visible.
- In some windows, the blocker is a movable plate that is pressed against the frame. In this case, to unlock you need to squeeze this plate yourself.
- At the next stage of adjustment, insert the hexagon in the eccentric head and turn to the desired side. It is important to know that different accessories may have a different direction. This should be borne in mind, for example, when adjusting the window with the MACO accessory.
- With a clamp of the block booster, the window sash returns to its place. If it has sufficiently large dimensions, then the hidden clamps are often installed. Its adjustment is carried out using a hexagon in case of changing the winter-summer window. Also, by rotation, the pressure plate is put forward and moves, which, in turn, changes the strength of the clamp. Consider if the hidden mechanism is not regulated, and you found that it is faulty, it should be replaced.
- Then it is necessary to turn the Eccentrics of the TsAF to the maximum clamp position. Such an action is also done in different ways in the accessories of various brands. To do this, in some cases hexagon will need, and in others - Passati. There are also anger, on which the eccentric is made in the form of a ring. It usually should be pulled away from the sash with your finger, then rotate to the desired angle.
- There are also stamps of accessories, clamping in which they are debugged. In any case, to adjust the PVC windows accessories with their own hands should be practiced.
- When all the necessary screws are screwed, you should check the clamp. This can be done in this way:
- to tear off a simple newspaper a piece of a couple of palms and a width of approximately with the palm;
- this strip must be closed between the sash and the frame in the place where there is no direction;
- if after closing the window, the strip is easily pulled out, then the clamp should be added;
- similarly, it is recommended to check several points on each side.
In some cases, after an inclination, either the lifting of the tricks are starting to cling to the Relief. Sometimes they can, on the contrary, do not reach them. In both cases, the platforms should be shifted in the required side. Unscrew the self-tapping screw, which is fastened to the frame to the frame, and without removing it with the help of a light tapping passage to shift in the necessary direction. After that, it is necessary to spin the adjustable screws.
Glass adjustment
Before starting work, you need to make sure that the sash is closed.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Using the screw in the bottom loop, the sash is down as much as possible.
- Spatula to remove the strokes, holding the glass windows.
- The strokes should be marked with a marker, from which side they were removed (left or right).
- Then get the glass and put on something soft. It is advisable to arrange it away from the place where work will be carried out.
- After that, you need to open the window and in the corner of the handle side to place on the frame of the gasket with a thickness of 6-7 millimeters. It is necessary to raise the sash when it is closed. If after that the entire sash will rise, then another gasket will be required, which is placed in the scissors area. As a result, about 5 millimeters are formed in the rubber space.
- Now you need to insert the glass. Fix it. To do this, score all the strokes with a rubber hammer. Next, you can remove gaskets from the box and check the work of the sash.