Winter and Summer Water Supplies Baths - Methods of organization Baths, saunas and pools

No bath can do without water. For the use of the bath delivered not only pleasure, but also comfort, it is necessary to provide it with water. Moreover, the water must come with a good pressure, because if wearing water in buckets, then what a comfortable bath can we talk about. Water is needed both in the steam room and in the washer.
Water supply in the bath is divided into such two types: winter and summer. Consider both options for summer and winter water supply baths. Before starting to equip the water supply system, it is necessary to determine the water supply source. One of the simplest and cheap feed options is the construction of an ordinary well.
Summer water supply
If the owners plan to use a bath only in the warm season, then work on water supply the bath in the country is much easier. In addition, in addition to using water for the wage and shower, the summer water supply of the country area also serves for watering plants, for household needs and summer soul.
In order for the summer in the bath there is always water, the pipes can be paved on top of the household plot. This method will allow to preserve all the designs located on the site and not to break them. In particular, the country's country is saved, and the garden and all of its plants will be untouched.
For summer water, it is necessary to put a soft tube. But with the onset of cold weather they disassemble. If laying of a rigid pipe water supply (for example, metallic), then it is left for the winter under the condition of insulation.
The simplest design of the summer waterway consists of pipes and hose, rubber or silicone, which are connected with each other with adapters. Adapters are sold in specialized stores or can be made independently of metal residues or plastic pipes. For the construction of a summer water supply, you can apply special latches that have a device "ERS" in order to wear hose. Such a device allows you to securely combine the two elements of the water supply.
Council of the specialist: Better, if you purchase a hose, having thick walls that have reinforced threads. Such a water supply for the bath will be the most economical option, and the rubber hose will serve much longer.
As mentioned earlier, if the water to supply the bath will be used only in the warm season, then the pipes do not need to deepen into the ground. The only thing to do is to install the valve at the bottom point. In addition, the installation of the plumbing system must be installed under a slight bias so that you will connect the crane from below below. The second valve is installed at the water supply.
For the organization of summer water supply, the bath must be provided in advance to fully drain the water. For such purposes, two cranes and a special switch are installed. If water comes directly from the well, then it should be merged there and merge. If water is heated through the water heater, then it is simply necessary to merge. Such a forced measure will allow to preserve the water supply system Bani before the new season.
Water supply bath in winter
To create a water pipeline on the household plot, both for the bath and for other business needs, it is necessary to take care of the source of water supply. Many dackets are solved to drill a well on the summer site alone. But without the support of specialists, it is better not to start. For a well, a depth of about 40 meters is sufficient. From it in an hour you can roll out about one and a half cubic meters of water. For water supply the bath, as well as household needs on the household site this will be quite enough. Before starting to lay the water supply system, you need to complete the drilling work. This will take approximately one week. On this photo you can visually see two types of wells:
In order to enjoy your own well and get clean drinking water, you need to install filters. To ensure water pressure, you will need to install the pump. So that it worked smoothly, such parameters should be taken into account:
- Power. From this indicator will depend on water.
- Security.
- Increased life.
- Well size (its diameter).
- Water lifting height.
And in this photo you can see how to organize water intake for a bath of a well:
In order for water from the well to go to the destination, it is also necessary to use the pump. For the installation of winter water pipes, the pump is connected to an electrical cable. In this case, the cable and plumbing must be laid in one casing. For such a type of water, plastic pipes for sewage, a diameter of 20 and 25 mm are used. In them, water in the frost will not freeze.
Water supply scheme Baths can be clearly viewed on this photo:
The trench for water pipes dig a little deeper than the level of the ground, otherwise the water in the pipes will freeze. For standard water supply, it is enough to pull out a trench one meter depth. By the way, the pipes are preferably insulated.
Polyethylene pipes are connected using special equipment - electrical soldering iron, as well as special fittings. By the way, due to the fact that the electric soldering iron has a high price, it is not necessary to buy it. The device can be taken on time by paying the owner a symbolic fee.
In order to connect fittings, you do not need special tools. All that will be necessary for mounting the hot water water supply is so wrenches, pipe cutters, gas and adjustable keys, knife, roulette, paper and pencil.
In order to specifically not focus on the depths of the trench, and not spend a lot of time and effort, you can go in this way:
- Plastic tube, which should be placed on a depth of 60 centimeters, must be put in the trench, and on top to fall asleep with a thin layer of foam crumb or clay. The layer thickness should be about 30 centimeters. When choosing a insulation, it is necessary to give preference to materials that will not absorb moisture and maintain its original shape.
- For the insulation of the water supply, it is necessary to prepare heat-insulating material or corrugated casing. With this approach, the depth of the trench can be pulled out by 30 centimeters.
- The trench must enter the house at an angle of 90 degrees.
Hot water supply bath
For the receipt of hot water in a bath with sources can be:
- Centralized water supply.
- Gas column.
- Electric water heater.
- Stove-Kamenka.
For a bath, one of the optimal options is considered to be instruments for water heating. Water heaters are divided into:
- capacitive;
- flowing.
Comfortable for the baths will be flowing water heaters, but in order for them to work fully, it is necessary to provide a three-phase power supply system in the bath, and this requires high electricity costs.
Capacitive water heaters will save on electricity and get hot water. It will heat up for three to four hours, and then the water heater will maintain the optimum water temperature.
Advice: If an electric water heater is used for hot water in the bath, then you need to take care of reliable wiring in advance.
In the frost, after the operation of the bath, it is desirable to drain the water so that water in the pipes does not frozen. For baths, which are located separately from the water supply systems, or in places where it is impossible to bring water, the stoves or special tanks are used for water supply, both for hot and cold water.