How to choose mansard windows Window

The installation of mansard windows is one of the popular ways to design modern commercial buildings, residential buildings and country houses. This technique helps to rationally use the space area, giving the room a unique appearance and originality. But that the equipped room directly under the roof was really comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to properly approach the glazing process. How to choose mansard windows, you will learn from this article.
Criteria for choosing attic windows
In order for the purchase process did not take much time and did not require significant irrational financial expenses, familiarize yourself with the criteria for the selection of structures and determine their requirements for each parameter.
Hold your attention to the following details:
- number of windows;
- window parameters (length and width);
- design style;
- profile quality;
- type of glass package;
- number of additional accessories;
- manufacturer.
Important! Depending on the technical characteristics complex, naturally, the functionality and the price of attic windows will be different. Therefore, it is very important to correctly relate all the conditions in both directions. For example, a great solution will be the purchase of attic windows to the faughter for the arrangement of any building.
How much do you choose windows?
The first thing to do is to determine the features of the placement of windows and their number. Some tips will help you with this:
- The area is decorated. There is a major rule: the area of \u200b\u200bthe glazing of the attic should be at least 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe illuminated room. For example, 5 m2 are glazed at 50 m2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The most acceptable proportion is 1: 8.
Important! For each room should have at least one mansard window. For children, studios, cabinet or living room, lesside light more by 15-20%.
- Location of mansard windows. This factor depends on your fantasy, but experts recommend to have several separate windows at a certain distance from each other, giving more light than one large.
Important! To ensure a sufficient level of lighting, give preference to long windows in the case of a small roof slope. Another recommendation: In the case of glazing area more than 1 m2, set 2 windows, and if the area is over 2 m2 - then 3 windows.
- If your designer idea assumes the placement of windows only on the one hand, then install them above the middle floor line. If on both sides of the attic, then insert them from above and in the middle for optimal dispersion of light.
Important! In addition to ordinary designs, consider another option to install small deaf attic windows, possibly a non-standard triangular or round form. In this case, it is successfully achieved to achieve the most appropriate lighting and at the same time reduce the cost of heating the roof in the cold season. Plus, it is impossible not to add the originality of the view of the house from the facade.
How to choose window size?
The next step in the process of solving the problem, which attic windows to choose is to determine suitable length parameters and widths based on the room data. The main rules are as follows:
- Good viewing angle. That is, in the sitting position or standing, the view from the attic window should cover, both the Earth and the sky. Based on this, the less the inclination of the roof, the greater the height (length) of the window.
Important! Standard rules suggest the following principle of the structure of the structure: the lower edge at an altitude of at least 90 cm from the floor, indenting the top panel from the floor within 180-220 cm.
- Selection of windows in width. This indicator is directly related to the rafted step. The recommended width of the window box should be less than 4-6 cm than that distance.
Important! If this indicator differs from the recommended, perform the cutting line, but in such a way that their carrying capacity is not lost.
- Convenient opening. In this regard, the place of installation of the handle plays an important role. The optimal accommodation option is from above, at a distance from the floor is 1.8-2m to the top point of the structure. Models of windows with opening handle are installed at a distance of 1.1-1,4m from the floor to the bottom of the window.
What to choose a profile material?
Requirements for materials from which the attic window is manufactured is quite high due to the increased level of humidity in such premises. Leading manufacturers engaged in the manufacture of mansard windows offer structures made of two types of material:
- Plastic. This until recently the novelty today is used everywhere when glazing. Plastic mansard windows are beneficially distinguished by excellent technical characteristics, including resistance to humidity, ultraviolet and cold. In addition, they do not bring inconvenience in the process of surface care, as they wash them very easily with any means. Provides popularity and a very long period of operation - many brands are provided with a guarantee up to 50 years, which indicates their incredible strength.
Important! Install plastic windows rationally in the event that the glazing is carried out in the room of the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen.
- Wood. Mansard windows are most often made of pine and covered with several layers of varnish. Such structures are more familiar to use and allow the most organically to combine the interior design and exterior. In addition to their attractiveness, they contribute a unique feeling of comfort and provide an excellent level of heat power. Additionally, we note that modern wooden windows, due to the quality pretreatment of raw materials, are not deformed and not rotated, and accordingly, the period of their use is also quite long.
Important! An excellent solution will be the installation of wooden windows in rooms intended for recreation, such as bedrooms, children's, living room or even a cabinet. Natural healing properties of wood will contribute to regular natural recovery.
What to choose a glass?
All current manufacturers of high-quality attic windows as a basic option offer models of single-chamber windows with tempered glass, filled with argon. In addition, solutions are also available with increased characteristics of strength or energy saving, reflecting the coatings on the glass canvas.
Important! As a rule, all modified models are more expensive, therefore, when buying mansard windows, determine their requirements as accurately in order not to overpay for unnecessary functions.
Among the popular series of non-standard structures are allocated as follows:
- windows with good thermal conductivity due to the use of another gas aggregate;
- designs with an increased safety rate due to the presence of an internal glass package resistant to any mechanical effect;
- products with a wider profile, which is well affected by heat-saving functions;
- anti-vandal windows with durable outer glass of greater thickness.
What opening system to give preference?
In order to do not have problems and discomfort during the operation of the attic, necessarily think and optimal for you how to open the window. A competent approach to choosing this parameter will be provided in the future the possibility of free ventilating room at a convenient time.
To date, 3 options are available:
- Windows, the opening of which is carried out relative to the central axial line. This is a standard style of structures, which is popular due to an acceptable level of comfort and low cost. The only drawback may only be highlighted for themselves, since when opening, the canvas turns out inside the room at an angle.
- Constructions, the opening system of which is made relative to the top edge. The optimal solution for any person. All the cloth when opening turns out to be outside the building, that is, the risk of injury when hitting the head is completely excluded. In addition, it is precisely such windows that are often used as an emergency exit.
- Windows, the axis of the opening of which is raised. These designs are also very functional and ensure the most convenient operation. The installation site of the rotary hinge is determined based on the preferences of the customer. When opening the web as well as in the models of the previous type, it turns out outside the house. It is these windows that will be the best solution for those who have a high height.
What to choose accessories?
In addition to the main elements of the window design, no less attention to the choice of additional configuration. They contribute to the achievement of maximum convenience during the operation of the room. Accessories include:
- Roll-type curtains. Such curtains allow themselves to independently adjust the degree of room lighting, as well as bring originality in the interior.
- Marquiset. This element is ideal for rooms in the attic located on the sunny side of the house. The heat-absorbing grid is attached from the facade side to the window and provides good protection of the room from overheating.
- Blinds. The functional purpose is combined: they are simultaneously protected from excessive flow of sunlight inside and allow you to gently adjust the lighting level. Mounting them is performed from the inside.
- Mosquito net. Such a device will become indispensable in the summer when around the abundance of insects, knocked penetrating the inside of the house. It is put on the slopes into the guide profiles from the inside and is reliably fixed by the appropriate fittings.
- Electromechanisms. This category includes rain sensors, d / in blinds and curtains and other devices that allow maximum automate the process of adjusting the position of windows and accessories, while reducing time costs.
What manufacturer is better?
Of course, even a wide range of windows will not respond to a high level of practicality and functionality, if the elements are originally poor quality. Therefore, make a choice of a suitable design from the proposals of well-proven manufacturers:
- Velux (Velux). This manufacturer is the largest global leader in the manufacture of mansard windows. Carefully verified design parameters, high-quality materials for the workpiece of all parts are beneficially distinguished by the mansard windows VELUX. When choosing a model of this brand, you do not have to regret your decision.
- Fakro. Products of this brand differs in high levels of environmental friendliness in combination with unique technical specifications. This Polish manufacturer has been attracted to consumers of different countries for a long time and has a steadily 2nd place in popularity in the global market. Mansard windows faughter - optimal combination of quality and price.
- Roto (Roto). The models of this brand are an excellent example of famous German quality. The use of modern technologies and materials allows engineers of this company to create upscale windows with an attractive original design. Convenience and security are just some of the many advantages of all Roto series.
Regardless of which type of window design you have chosen, a prerequisite for its compliance with all alleged parameters - competently made installation. To eliminate the poor performance of the work and the occurrence of problems or breakdowns during operation, be sure to personally check the quality at all stages if the installation has been established to the specialists. Pay attention to the following points:
- The clarity of the lines and the flatness of the location of the window frame.
- The density of the fitting of the hydraulic and vapor barrier film.
- The care of the seams of seams by construction tape in those places where it is required.
- The correctness of the installation of sings is the density of their adjustment, which is precisely selected by the bevel.
- The quality of the decomposition of slopes, in particular, the observance of the vertical and horizontal relative to the window.
- The presence of a gap between the windowsill and the wall at the bottom of the window for circulation of warm air.
Important! View video instructions for installing attic windows to clearly imagine what high-quality installation is.